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The Art Of Listening To Your Body

As a Life Mastery Certified Coach®, Susan integrates spirituality with practicality, guiding women to discover their unique Soul Goal™ and chart a personal path to success and happiness. Unlock your inner wisdom, align your heart with your mind, and uncover actionable steps that resonate with your authentic self.

Executive Contributor Susan F Moody

Listen to your body. That sounds easier said than done! How often do we keep pushing ourselves to keep going and not heed the signals our body is giving us? We are too tired. Nope, no time for sleep. We have no energy. Can’t stop now. My back hurts. Gotta push through the pain. We feel we have to complete whatever it is we are doing. No matter the cost to our body. And not just our physical body but also our emotional demands.


A woman with long hair holding a sea shell up to her face

Yep, label me guilty! So, the real question is, how do we hear what our body is saying through the noise of life? The first thing we need to do is stop! For example, when we were in grade school, we were taught that when we come to a street before crossing, we need to stop, look, and listen.


The need to stop

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, taking a moment to stop seems like a luxury we cannot afford. Deadlines, responsibilities, and commitments pile up, creating a constant stream of tasks that demand our attention. However, just as a car needs to stop for fuel, our bodies need a pause to recharge and communicate their needs.


Stopping doesn't necessarily mean a full halt to your daily activities but rather a moment of mindfulness. It's about pausing mentally and giving your body the attention it deserves. This can be as simple as taking a few deep breaths, closing your eyes for a moment, or even just sitting still and observing how you feel.


Look inward

Once we've managed to hit the pause button, the next step is to look inward. Our bodies are constantly sending signals, but in the chaos of our lives, we tend to overlook them. The signs may be subtle, like a lingering fatigue or a persistent ache. It's crucial to pay attention to these signals and decipher what our bodies are trying to tell us.


Ask yourself: Are you feeling mentally drained? Is there a lingering discomfort in your body? Are you emotionally overwhelmed? By acknowledging these signals, you start to develop a deeper understanding of your physical and emotional state.


Listen actively

Listening to your body is not a passive act; it requires active engagement. Much like tuning in to a radio station, actively listening to your body involves filtering out the noise and focusing on the essential signals. This may require a conscious effort to silence the external pressures and distractions that surround us.


During this active listening, take note of what your body is trying to communicate. Are you in need of rest? Does your body crave movement or exercise? Are your emotions signaling the need for a mental health break? By interpreting these messages, you empower yourself to respond appropriately and make choices that prioritize your well-being.

Prioritize self-care

Now that you've stopped looking inward and actively listened, the next crucial step is to prioritize self-care. This involves honoring the signals your body has given you and taking intentional actions to address its needs.


Self-care looks different for everyone. It might involve getting adequate sleep, incorporating regular exercise into your routine, or setting aside time for activities that bring you joy and relaxation. The key is to make self-care a non-negotiable part of your daily or weekly routine, recognizing that it is an investment in your overall health and resilience.

Overcoming guilt and embracing balance

One common obstacle to actively listening to our bodies is the guilt associated with prioritizing ourselves. Society often glorifies the idea of pushing through challenges, but it's essential to recognize that self-care is not selfish. In fact, it enables us to be more present, productive, and compassionate in all areas of our lives.


Embracing balance means understanding that taking care of yourself is not a luxury; it's a necessity. It's about finding equilibrium between work, personal life, and self-care, recognizing that neglecting your well-being can have long-term consequences on your physical and mental health.


The wise woman says

In a world that constantly demands our attention and energy, the art of listening to our bodies is a skill worth cultivating. It requires us to pause amidst the chaos, look inward with intention, actively listen to the signals, and prioritize self-care without guilt.


By incorporating these practices into our lives, we not only enhance our well-being but also create a foundation for sustained success and happiness. So, the next time your body whispers, "Stop, look, and listen," honor that call. Your body is your most valuable asset; it's time to give it the attention and care it deserves.

The image contains a quote framed in maroon and white, stating: "The Wise Woman says... Listen to your body and do what it's asking of you,"

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Susan F. Moody Intuitive Business, Life, and Success Coach

Susan F. Moody, Wise Woman, is dedicated to empowering women to tap into their own inner wisdom and discover the power of intentional living. Along her personal journey, Susan became a wisdom seeker looking for ways to connect with the divine for inspiration and guidance. She started working with the I Ching, angel cards, wisdom cards, runes and pendulum work over 20 years ago and now offers these spiritual insight tools as an option to her clients. She has also developed a tangible technique, the Soul Goal™ finder, to help clients answer the contemplative question “Why am I here?”


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