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The Alchemy Of Life And Consciousness – Exclusive Interview With Mary Jacobs

Mary Jacobs is an Avesa Quantum Healer, Minister of Self-Ascension and Intuitive Life Coach. During her personal journey of restoring her physical, emotional and mental health, Mary was intuitively guided to study and immerse herself into a variety of mystical teachings, practices and alternative healing modalities. Throughout the years, Mary has had the honor of traveling internationally, volunteering and leading groups of people from around the world to lift their consciousness and find their authenticity. She now shares her dedication to expanding consciousness through the skills and wisdom she’s attained, via her writings, podcast and 1-1 sessions.

Mary Jacobs, Avesa Quantum Healer, Mentor & Teacher

Introduce yourself! Please tell us about you and your life, so we can get to know you better.

Hello! I’m Mary Jacobs, and there is so much to share! I’ve been married for 17 years and am a mother to 3 amazing souls. They, along with my extended family, each enrich my life remarkably. I’m also vegan and love food! So being creative in the kitchen and learning new recipes with my family are some of my favorite pastimes. Writing, speaking, and reading have been significant in my life since childhood. These natural gifts and the wisdom gained throughout the years align with my purpose for this moment. I’m often in awe as I continue to connect the dots.

I also love to travel and explore new cultures, foods, and traditions. Traveling to Mexico, Central, and South America brought some of my greatest self-healing and spiritual breakthroughs. In 2013, while in Guatemala on sacred Mayan ceremonial land, I consciously reconnected with my Soul family and life purpose. That Divine appointment set the stage for me to be here today.

Since 2013, I have walked through my share of self-doubt, guilt, pain, etcetera. I can share that every “dark night of the soul” brought me closer to the truth of who I am. In each courageous moment where I chose to face my fears, I had to forgive and love myself through the pain of releasing that which was familiar but toxic to my growth. It was a reclaiming of my power. Although these were challenging times, everything in my world shifted! My body, relationships, mindset, and habits quickly changed as I committed to living my authentic truth. I am still transforming today, and that’s the blessing of limitless expansion. There’s always more to learn! You’ll probably hear more about some of these transformative experiences later in my articles!

What is your business name, and how do you help your clients?

I created The TAO Of Oneness through the recognition that everything and everyone are interconnected. People, Nature, the Universe, etc., are all interwoven together. As an Intuitive Life Coach, Avesa™ Quantum Healer, and Ordained Minister of Self-Ascension™, I assist my clients with strengthening their inner light and Divine Union, so their Eternal Soul guides this life experience. This process requires relaxing the ego and body through self-love and deep trust in the Divine.

This work begins as I guide them to honestly gaze within compassionately while accepting accountability and responsibility for letting go. Together we acknowledge how every experience brought them to the current moment. Then forgiveness, unconditional love, and healing are brought to the aspects of self that are usually challenging to acknowledge. A process of release and integration is then ready to begin, and I use different energy techniques of Avesa Quantum Healing™ to promote this process and ease the body and mind. From there, I assist with setting new life-enhancing ways of thinking, living, and being aligned with their individual goals. However, everyone always chooses how far they are prepared to go at any given time. These sessions may be in person or via distance.

I am expanding my service to humanity through articles and podcasts. I intend to use these additional platforms to support those ready to claim their Ascended Nature and thrive. From the space of higher consciousness, “miracles” often occur, and through this lift, we also begin making healthier choices. My contribution to this world is a beautiful dance of co-creation with the Divine, and I’m excited to witness the unfoldment!

What kind of audience do you target your business towards?

My target audience knows there’s more to life than what we see. They are ready to expand their paradigm and explore that we are each an aspect of the Divine and co-creators of our lives. They understand that we are eternal souls having a human experience and are intrigued by spiritual and philosophical teachings that uplift consciousness.

As stated before, I recently started a podcast, The Tao Of Oneness Show, where I go deeper into some topics. This year I’ve chosen to expand my reach to co-create with a larger audience outside of the healing room, which now also includes writing articles for Brainz Magazine. We are all teachers in our own right, with the wisdom gained through life. I feel that my audience also relates to this. I hope to inspire my audience to take responsibility for their lives, lift their consciousness, and share the love while assisting others along their path. Through passionate action, I am thrilled to connect with more people!

Who inspires you to be the best that you can be?

The inspiration to be my best originated with my children. The journey of becoming the highest version of myself through self-love and healing self-care initiated as I became aware of how deeply my life decisions affect them. I aim to constantly BE the change I speak of and show them some of the possibilities available, not just talk about it! You could say they were my first target audience, and they had a front-row seat to my transformation. I am also greatly inspired by everyone who finds value in my work. They inspire me to continue shining my light by walking authentically, and I hope to encourage them to do the same! As my journey has progressed, I have witnessed numerous light-workers, healers, teachers, and mentors who inspire me to be my best. I am honored to contribute to the tremendous work of those who have trailblazed the path before me.

What is your work inspired by?

‘Mother Nature’ inspires my work with its profound beauty and complex simplicity. The alchemy of life and consciousness itself inspires me. Nature shows us our potential and also assists us in remembering our truth. ‘She’ also shows us when we’re out of balance. I see Nature as a reflection of us, and it inspires me to constantly remember that we are fully human and Divine, the two as One. We are intricately intertwined and One with the natural world, each other, and the Universe. Consider that there is a grander synergy beyond this recognition.

I am still on my journey and have much more to learn! Yet, I am grateful to blaze my light as others have done before me and are doing now! As we continue to support one another, may all find the eternal truths that reside within. I want to end with a few questions for all of us to contemplate, and there is no right or wrong answer.

If what we focus on expands, what has your attention? What if, by healing ourselves, we heal our world? Are you ready to take the steps toward living your best life? What does your best life look like, and how does it feel?

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, and visit my website for more info!

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