Sheila J. Wood, PhD teaches us how our minds and souls affect our physical well-being. Using her understanding of both science and spirituality, she has developed unique and impactful energy healing modalities. She brings awareness of ancestral and soul lineage energies that are affecting our current health.

The Akashic Records have long been considered a cosmic archive of every soul’s journey, containing the energetic imprints of every thought, emotion, and experience throughout time. Once accessible only to celestial beings, these records became available to humanity during the 20th century, offering profound insights into past lives, present challenges, and future possibilities.

When were we given access to the Akashic records?
It was around 1900 that the Theosophists began writing about the Akashic Records, and coincidentally, at about the same time, mystics and the most devout also spoke of them. Before that, however, only celestial beings had access to the Records. It was only in the twentieth century, with the advent of the Age of Enlightenment, that people like you and I became aware of their existence and could share the information contained within them.
Edgar Cayce, the most documented facilitator of our time, explains the Akashic Records
The twentieth-century mystic, healer, and medium Edgar Cayce is referred to as the most documented Akashic reader of all time. His talents allowed him to access and describe information from the Akashic Records, which he firmly believed was available to everyone.
Here is how Edgar Cayce describes the Records:
The Akashic Records, or “The Book of Life,” can be equated to the universe’s supercomputer system. It is this system that acts as the central storehouse of all information for every individual who has ever lived upon the earth. More than just a reservoir of events, the Akashic Records contain every deed, word, feeling, thought, and intent that has ever occurred at any time in the history of the world.
Much more than simply a memory storehouse, however, these Akashic Records are interactive in that they have a tremendous influence upon our everyday lives, our relationships, our feelings and belief systems, and the potential realities we draw toward us. The Akashic Records contain the entire history of every soul since the dawn of Creation. These records connect each one of us to one another.¹
Edgar Cayce’s mastery at reading the Akashic Records
Edgar Cayce was a master at reading the Akashic Records. He helped thousands of people for over forty years using his remarkable intuitive ability. He gave readings using the Akashic Records as his primary resource, and his special abilities allowed him to retrieve information to help people discover everything from their purpose in life to the root cause of a long-standing problem.
To describe how this worked, Cayce explained that it was not only possible for individuals to attune to the Akashic Records but that it was something that occurred frequently. Although the Records were not physical in nature, an individual in attunement could “hear,” “read,” and “experience” the information nonetheless.
To illustrate what an individual might perceive while viewing their soul’s journey, Cayce expressed that the Akashic Records of the mental world might be compared to a movie theater in the physical world. This movie could be replayed to understand what had occurred in an individual's experience during any period, at any time, or in any place in history. Also within this data was a record of lessons learned, opportunities lost, faults acquired, and experiences gained.
Additionally, although an individual’s actions might be misinterpreted or misconstrued in the physical world, the Akashic Records maintained an objective record of a person’s “real life” because they reported his or her true intent.
How were the Akashic Records written?
In 1934, Cayce tried to define these Records further. Not only did he discuss what the Akashic Records were, but he also explained how they were written and clarified how an individual could gain access to the information. Any type of endeavor, whether action, thought, desire, or deed, creates a vibration. This vibration produces a mark upon the skein of space and time (cosmic consciousness) and is somehow permanently identified with the individual producing the vibration. Although unseen, it is an etheric energy that is as evident to a sensitive person as the printed word is to a sighted person:
"When there is the thought or the activity of the body in any particular environ, this very activity makes for the impressions upon the soul. As to the records made by such an activity, these are written upon what is known as time or space, much in the form or manner as are the messages that are of a familiar nature to the body in its present activity. As the instruments of recording are used, so does the activity of ENERGY expended leave its imprint upon the etheric wave that records between time and space that DESIRED to be put, as to that impelling or producing. Just as the figures or characters make for communications between individuals, so does the soul upon the pages or records of time and space." – Edgar Cayce¹
A comparative analogy of the Akashic Records to information in the technological age
Comparatively speaking, it is like having a computer system that keeps track of every event, thought, image, or desire that has ever transpired on Earth. Imagine that, in addition to written data and words, this system contains countless videotapes and pictures, providing the viewer with an eyewitness account of all that has transpired within any historical time frame. Finally, imagine that this enormous database not only keeps track of the information itself but also maintains the perspectives and emotions of every individual involved.
As incredible as it may sound, this description gives an accurate representation of the Akashic Records.
Retrieving information about past lives can help us identify the energies that may be creating obstacles in our current lives. This is where the process of clearing or integrating energy becomes crucial. Often, it’s the emotions tied to specific events that matter most rather than the events themselves. Energetic clearings don’t remove what is recorded in the Akashic Records; instead, they help release the emotions associated with those events that may arise. You can choose to clear these emotions if they are causing issues, or you can integrate the energy into your current life if it is seen as beneficial.
How should facilitators approach healing sessions when in the Records?
To access and work with the Akashic Records, certain skills are required. These include the ability to enter deep meditation, the capability to release unwanted energy as an energy healer, and the skill to receive messages as a medium.
One challenge in interpreting the Records for another person is that the facilitator may unintentionally filter the information through their own experiences and biases. As Cayce explains, the Akashic database can be influenced by the reader’s mental background unless they approach the reading with complete selflessness and a genuine desire to help.
To mitigate this bias, it is essential to begin with a scripted prayer that emphasizes selflessness before conducting the reading. This practice helps minimize the reader’s personal beliefs, experiences, and motives, allowing for a clearer and more objective reading for the subject.
How do life experiences influence the Akashic Records?
Every experience in an individual’s life can leave either a positive or negative imprint on the Akashic Records. Each event has the potential to be either constructive or destructive, depending on how the individual responds to that experience. Different choices can create vastly different impressions on the Records. Additionally, addressing and clearing past emotions related to choices made in previous lifetimes can significantly impact how we navigate our current lives.
How do the Akashic Records address personal issues?
To further explain the purpose of the Akashic Records, we must look at what they do. The Records are so complete, so accurate, and so individualized that questions can be asked to inform across lifetimes. Simply put, the Records keep track of and assist with each soul’s personal growth and transformation.
In the Akasha, or fourth level of the Astral Plane, however you choose to describe that higher dimension, every thought, idea, and action from the past, present, and future is stored. The Akashic Records are a record of what will happen, is happening, or has happened. Because they exist in a higher dimension, the rules of time do not apply, so information from two thousand years ago is as accessible as what happened to you yesterday, and what happened to you yesterday is as available as what could happen to you in ten years.
From a soul perspective, what are we doing here, and why is it important?
The soul’s journey can be explained by saying that we are not physical bodies with souls but spiritual beings who happen to be having a physical existence. If this is true and we are fundamentally spiritual beings, then we might ask, “So, just what are we doing here?”
The answer proposed by the Cayce information is that we are essentially gathering experiences. The soul gains firsthand knowledge not only about its own identity but also about how choices result in certain experiences. In time, soul experiences and acquired knowledge will lead to wisdom. Inevitably, wisdom will lead to compassion, and eventually, love will be the end result. At this point, the soul will know its individual identity as well as its true relationship with God. The soul will have come to understand that its primary essence and God's are one and the same, and that is love.
Frequently asked questions
1. What are the Akashic Records?
The Akashic Records are a cosmic library of soul journeys across incarnations and through time. The information resides in the ethos and is similar to the information that mediums access. On the earthly plane, the Records were not available to ordinary people until the twentieth century. An excellent source of information gathered from the Records, and the use of that information to help people, may be reviewed in the written works of Edgar Cayce.
2. How are the Akashic Records useful in energy transformation?
Improvements in spiritual growth and physical health have been observed. Individuals can choose to clear away or integrate soul energy from past lifetimes. If this energy is perceived as harmful, it can be released; if it is seen as beneficial, it can be incorporated at a higher frequency. By accessing the full journey of your soul, you can remove obstacles or retrieve enhanced energy.
For example, if someone struggles with financial issues, insights may arise from past experiences that contribute to their current fears about managing money.
3. What is the process of going to the Records?
A meditative state at the level of alpha (8-12 Hz) or theta (4-8 Hz) facilitates immersion into the Records. This is a scripted (guided) meditation designed to achieve the correct vibrational frequency for receiving information. It is appropriate for all, although those who meditate regularly may be more accustomed to this level.
Prior to opening the Records, the facilitator also performs a personal scripted prayer that asks for the removal of his or her ego from the reading so that clear messages can come through for the highest good of the person being read. Once in a meditative state, a scripted prayer opens the Records and solicits the help of the Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones.
4. What preparation helps facilitate the effective flow of information, and is a facilitator or any training necessary for this process?
The first visit, and subsequent visits, to the Records requires the presence of someone who can guide the process, clear unwanted energy, and has mediumship capabilities. A facilitator possessing these qualities will certainly enhance the ability to communicate needs, exchange information at the soul level, and receive answers to the questions posed.
It has been my experience that appropriate guidance and assistance from a medium are needed. In this sense, and because learning skills are involved, it can become a process and a journey rather than a destination.
5. What sort of information may be obtained from the Records?
Once in the Records, questions may be asked about what happened to your soul in another lifetime that is influencing your soul’s journey in this lifetime. Often, the need to go into the Records is prompted by feelings of being held back without a clear cause.
6. How does our soul from its incarnate journeys overlap and potentially block or interfere with our energy in this incarnation?
Soul energy from other lifetimes inhabits your soul and remains within it from incarnation to incarnation. This energy is inherently present at birth as the Earth journey begins. The soul energy continues its path of growth, development, experiences, and lessons that are chosen and planned for in this lifetime.
At times, especially if the energy had a traumatic origin and is not contributing to forward progression in this lifetime, it needs to be released to allow for a smoother journey.
7. Does the removal of energy around an event in your soul’s life journeys remove the event as it is written in the Records?
No, the event remains part of the Akashic Record. However, the emotion surrounding the event is released.
8. Can we use energetic transmissions carried on the DNA and inherited from our ancestors to our advantage?
We inherit energetic emotions in our DNA memory just as we inherit disabilities.Although we cannot change the biological codes inherent in our DNA that carry disabilities, we can change the emotion around inherited trauma and, perhaps, the regulation of specific genes.
9. What is the difference between energy obtained during a soul’s journey through its incarnations and that of ancestral DNA energy?
Soul energy is not necessarily inherited from a biological lineage. A person’s soul energy carries energy obtained from many incarnations, composed of different genealogies, and this collection of soul energy has chosen your body as a vessel to inhabit during this incarnation. Examples of the transfer of soul energy from one person to another may include personality traits, likes, or dislikes acquired following an organ transplant.
In contrast, information transmitted through DNA memory from ancestors includes experiential talents passed down through generations, such as a family lineage of doctors or lawyers. It may also include genetically transmitted biological conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis.
10. What may a person experience once their soul records are opened?
A person who is intuitive may see, hear, and converse with energy as it enters the prepared cylinder of light. Others who do not receive any information directly can greatly benefit from the presence of a medium, who can convey information and relay questions.
11. What control does a person have over the experience of going to the Records?
A person can choose the information they want to explore regarding their current journey. They can focus on specific issues in their life and work on releasing trapped emotions or psychic trauma related to situations they couldn’t control in previous lives. By asking questions such as who, what, when, why, or how, they can gain a clearer understanding of how this energy is currently impacting them.
12. What is the role of the Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones once the Records are opened?
The Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones serve as librarians and caregivers. They provide access to information that benefits you and reveal what your soul is ready to hear at this point in your present incarnation. Although information, in the form of energy, exists in the cosmic consciousness from all incarnations, past, present, and future, not all of it is relevant to your current timeline. This filter is often seen as an advantage compared to the unfiltered nature of information received during past-life regression or astral plane experiences.
13. What should a person expect to feel after a session?
After any type of session in which energy is moved, a period of processing or realignment occurs. This may take days or even a week, depending on how much energy is released. Symptoms may manifest as emotions, fatigue, or simply feeling out of place. It is important to drink water and move the body by taking walks during this time. It is also essential to allow this process to unfold naturally before having another session.
14. Why is it important to close out the Records when the session is complete?
Once the session is complete, the energy surrounding the Records needs to be closed to both the facilitator and the receiver. Otherwise, each may become overwhelmed with unwanted information that has no purpose or direction.
15. How are issues such as lifelong struggles with self-esteem handled in the Records?
Often, as with other forms of healing, energy peels off in layers in a stepwise fashion. In my experience, such issues are best handled by segmenting years of life into pods of ten to twelve years and working from the most recent to birth. The reason for this is that emotions buried in the subconscious need to be released in order, starting with the top layers.
Treasured information within an Akashic read
An Akashic reading can reveal insights about your soul’s journey across what we think of as past, present, or future lives, even though time does not exist in that realm. This process may involve exploring future possibilities based on choices made throughout a soul's journey. While we can consider potential outcomes, it is important to remember that we are always in control of our own destiny; our myriad choices shape our future.
From a metaphysical perspective, the future can be seen as the unmanifested past. The Akashic Records can guide us toward the most likely outcomes based on our current path, but they cannot predict exact futures, as future details are constantly evolving. This means we can choose to change our direction at any time, creating new possibilities.
By accessing the Records, you connect with knowledge that may not yet be in your conscious awareness. The great thing about the Records is that they serve as a valuable resource whenever you seek answers. You can obtain information on any topic, provided your questions are focused and open-ended.
Who are the Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones (MTLOs) in an Akashic read?
The beings that translate the Akashic Records into a language we can understand are called our Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones (MTLOs, for short). The MTLOs are essentially a spiritual team. They manage our questions and return with answers we can comprehend.
It is essential to avoid yes-or-no questions. The Masters do not like yes-or-no questions because they are not fortune tellers, and there is rarely a simple “yes” or “no” answer to most human problems. Your MTLOs want to empower you to make decisions for yourself. They want you to learn lessons on your own, but they are here to guide you safely on your journey.
The best questions to ask the MTLOs begin with: What? Why? How? It is helpful to have questions lined up before opening the Records, as having specific questions helps ground you during your session and keeps you on track.
Why is having an experienced guide when reading the Akashic records important?
When accessing the Records, an experienced guide, such as an intuitive or medium, can facilitate the exchange of information. It is not necessary to become certified to open the Records, but being a medium can be tremendously beneficial. I find that I can assist with receiving and expressing information, especially if the messages are elusive to the person being served. It is also necessary for me to meditate and clear unwanted energy before a session.
The process of opening the records involves entering a deep meditative state. A specific scripted prayer allows connection with the Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones, removes ego, and ensures selfless assistance. You may hear voices, see images, or feel a deep sense of knowing. At other times, you might need to sit for a while before anything comes through. Everyone is different, and all people have unique intuitive gifts that allow information to flow. If not, that is where my mediumship gifts may assist you.
When the session is complete, a specific scripted prayer is used to close the Records properly. It is important to always close out the session correctly.
Some examples of Akashic healings
This presentation outlines the principles of Akashic manifestation. From a practical perspective, the information obtained from the Akashic Records offers detailed insights, providing clarity on specific issues. This process is more in-depth than a typical mediumship reading, as it delves into past-life energies that can now be brought into conscious awareness. This allows for the release of targeted energies as requested by the individual, making it potentially more effective than a general clearing.
These readings can be deeply personal, and the range, intensity, and nature of the information received can vary widely. The examples I share here are genuine, and many other enlightening and unique experiences occur within this realm. My intention in sharing this information is to illustrate the possibilities of what can be achieved rather than to disclose details about any individual.
1. Trouble contacting a loved one who has passed
A loved one had passed, but the mother was having trouble contacting him or receiving messages from him. Upon inquiring in the Records and after entraining the energy of the loved one who had passed, I found that he resided not on the other side but in the earthly realm. His energy was floating, swirling, with no anchor, and he was miserable. This meant that his energy had not transitioned to the other side upon his passing.
This made sense because until a spirit's transition to the other side is complete, effective communication with them is difficult. Additionally, once transitioned, the soul can begin working toward its next choice in the journey, so completing the transition places the soul's journey back on track. His soul energy was encouraged to move forward and complete the process of transitioning.
Approximately nine months after this reading, I had the opportunity to read for this mother again, and her son came through. Heavy with emotion and joy, he suggested a place in her home where they could gather and communicate. He had successfully transitioned and was now in full communication with her.
2. Explaining the source of a troubled interaction
To preface this reading, I must explain that past-life experiences can be varied and often bizarre. They may not resemble what we experience in this lifetime, and sometimes, the shock value can be high. This was indeed the case in this situation.
At one point in my career, I was working on a project and met a scientist from the West Coast who was working on one arm of the same scientific project. The first time we met, there was polarity, and we were on vastly different sides of the fence regarding the postulated evidence. The longer we talked, the more intense the polarity became. The likelihood of ever meeting in the middle diminished.
The energy around it was so strong that I contacted my energy healer. We went to the Records, and this is what came up: In a past life, I was married to this man, pregnant with another man’s baby, and my husband shot and killed us both. Seeing this as totally unnecessary energy, we immediately cleared the energy around the marriage and the event.
At my next meeting with the scientist, about two months later, the interaction went exceedingly well. We exchanged ideas from a different perspective and moved onto a trajectory that advanced the project.
Such energy can present itself in this lifetime and stand in the way of moving forward on our path. Each person’s journey is different and affected in different ways. We all have stumbling blocks that we struggle to understand without a deeper awareness of our soul’s journey.
Take a moment to assess what patterns in your life need to be addressed.
Read more from Sheila Jeanette Wood
Sheila Jeanette Wood, Intuitive Healing Coach
Sheila J Wood, PhD, is a multifaceted author and Intuitive Healing Coach. Her work as an Energy Healer, Spiritual Medium, and Akashic Records Reader focuses on helping individuals reconcile emotional issues related to ancestral and past life experiences that may impact their current lives. While she can address a wide range of concerns, she has developed modules to target specific aspects of personal development such as self-esteem and phobias. Through her intuitive gifts, Sheila helps to guide others in making empowered choices during their earthly journey. Her approach combines spiritual insight with practical healing methods, making her a valuable resource for those seeking deeper self-understanding.
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Gerber, Richard, MD. (2001 – Third Edition) Vibrational Medicine.
Nelson, Bradley. (2019) The Emotion Code
Howe, Linda. (2010) How to Read the Akashic Records.
Schwartz, Robert. (2012). Your Soul’s Gift: The Healing Power of the Life You Planned Before You Were Born
Wolynn, Mark. (2016) It Didn’t Start with You.
McTaggart, Lynne. (2008) The Field: The Quest for The Secret Force of the Universe