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The 80/20 Rule and Flexible Dieting – A Beginner Guide To Sustainable Fat Loss And Muscle Building

Kaylee, an experienced strength and nutrition coach, specializes in transforming physiques. As the founder of Moves You Training, she empowers clients with personalized coaching that delivers transformative results, and educates in health & nutrition to build confidence, maintain progress and achieve sustainable and long-term transformations.

Executive Contributor Kaylee Jollota

"Do you eat cheat meals?" is one of the most common questions I get as a Nationally Qualifying Bikini Bodybuilder, Nutritionist, and Online Coach.

Woman choosing between Donut and Apple

My answer? Not really.


When I'm cutting for a show, I’m more strict and avoid highly processed foods. You can read more about why I limit these during fat loss phases here.

During the maintenance and building phases, I eat what I want in moderation. I enjoy pizza, ice cream, and desserts with family and friends, but I don’t view these as "cheat meals." Over the years, my taste buds have changed, and I genuinely prefer whole, natural foods like fruits over processed carbs like chips or crackers.

Once or twice a week, I might indulge in a decadent meal, but I’ve noticed I often feel bloated, tired, and less energized afterward. These moments remind me why I enjoy eating salads, veggies, and fruits—they keep me feeling strong, healthy, and lean!

This approach I use is also known as the "80/20 Rule." This 80/20 rule is a concept that promotes a balanced approach to dieting and training. This rule is particularly useful for beginners who want to lose fat, build muscle, and develop healthy eating habits without feeling deprived.


What is the 80/20 rule?

The 80/20 Rule is simple: 80% of the time, focus on sticking to a healthy, balanced diet of whole, low-processed foods. This means prioritizing lean proteins, vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and healthy fats, while staying within your calorie goals. The remaining 20% allows you to enjoy the foods you love, like a slice of pizza or a burger, without feeling guilty.

Photo of foods, the 80/20 rule

Why does this work?

  • Sustainability. Extreme diets and rigid meal plans often lead to frustration and burnout. By allowing yourself some flexibility, you’re more likely to stick with your plan in the long run. This approach helps you develop healthier habits while still enjoying the occasional treat.

  • Enjoyment. Life is too short to completely cut out your favorite foods. The 80/20 Rule makes it easier to balance some comfort with fitness goals, helping you stay motivated and less stressed about your diet.

  • Reduced guilt. Having space for occasional treats helps prevent feelings of guilt or failure, and makes the journey more enjoyable and reduces the chances of losing motivation.


How to implement the 80/20 rule in dieting

  • Plan your week: Ensure that 80% of your meals are nutrient-dense, focusing on lean proteins, fruits, vegetables, high-fiber foods and low processed carbohydrates and whole grains.

  • Schedule treats: Decide in advance when and what your 20% treats will be. This might be a planned meal out at a restaurant or a small nightly indulgence. Planning helps you enjoy your treats without overdoing it and losing your progress.

  • Listen to your body: If you find that treating yourself occasionally leads to overindulgence or disrupts your progress, it’s okay to adjust your approach. The goal is to find what works best for you and supports your long-term success.


How do I get started with the 80/20 rule?

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to fitness and nutrition. The 80/20 Rule is a flexible guideline that helps you find a balance that works for you. Fitness should enhance your life, not consume it. If you need help getting started with the 80/20 rule, book a free call for nutrition coaching.


Coach Kaylee is a nutritionist & online coach. She can review your diet with you and help you identify areas where you can make more nutritious food choices so you can achieve your fitness and health goals.


As an online coach, Kaylee works with her clients to help develop simple, healthy eating habits through small changes over time.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!

Read more from Kaylee Jollota


Kaylee Jollota, Fitness & Nutrition Online Coach

Kaylee is a leader in the field of nutrition and strength training and their effects on body composition. In 2015, she discovered the transformative power of nutrition, losing 35 pounds and unlocking newfound confidence and passion. She has since dedicated her career to guiding clients to achieve similar life-changing results. Her approach combines personalized nutrition strategies with well rounded fitness programs, empowering clients to build strong bodies, minds and lifestyles. Her mission, to lead clients to find what moves them to a healthier, more confident you.



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