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The 8 Steps To Properly Manifest Your Wishes And Desires

Bianca aka Mystical Queen Goddess is a leader in healing and transformation. Having struggled with feeling blocked with low self-esteem, generalized anxiety, trauma, emotional wounds, sabotaging patterns and limiting beliefs.

Executive Contributor Bianca Piculeata

In this article, I will talk about how manifesting your desires truly works and what are the 8 steps to manifest your desires! 

A woman on a praying position on a seashore.

Manifesting is a question of aligned frequency. The frequency at which your desired manifestation vibrates has to match your own frequency. If there is misalignment, you will block your manifestation. You have to reach that exact frequency to be able to manifest it in your 3D reality.

How do you manifest the right way?

The 1st step is to ask yourself

What do I wish to manifest? Set up your intention the following way: dear universe, please help me manifest... that or something better! Thank you.

The 2nd step

To watch your reaction after you have asked the universe to send you your manifestation. The ideal is to not feel any resistance towards your manifestation which means there is no alignment work needed, only actions to be taken in some situations.

There are two possible reactions that you will have: either you are at peace and you feel confident that the universe will provide and you have confidence in yourself that you will take the necessary steps; or

You will notice fears, doubts, self-doubt, negativity and/or lack of trust coming up. This is where you will need to put in the work to align your frequency because all this negativity coming up for you means there is misalignment.

The 3rd step

To work on the limitations that have come up for you. Take a journal out and start writing down everything that comes up for you: any fears, limitations, doubts, self-doubts, or lack of trust in the universe. 

A very important mention here is to feel the emotions that are coming up for you. Stay with your emotions because behind emotions you will find limiting beliefs. If you try to ignore or bypass your emotions, you will stay blocked by limitations. Most of you find it very uncomfortable to stay connected to your emotions. Emotions don't last! They flow like a river! 

You don’t need to be scared of your emotions, they are temporary. Also, you don’t need to be ashamed of having emotions, you are an emotional human being, like all of us! 

So journal, journal and journal some more and feel your emotions and journal again until you have nothing more to say! If you stop because you don't feel comfortable feeling what is coming up for you to feel, you have not done the proper work to find your limiting beliefs! 

The next step is to go back to your text and highlight all the limiting beliefs that are coming up. Make a table with two columns and put your negative beliefs into the left column and your positive beliefs into the right column. Create a new positive belief for each negative belief you have uncovered through journaling.

If you haven’t worked properly on your alignment which we will discuss in the next step, the universe will send you people and situations in order to align you with your manifestation. This means you will go through unpleasant situations that will have the purpose of removing the blockages and raising your frequency. 

The 4th step

To transform all these limiting beliefs into positive beliefs. Let’s say, through your journaling, you have found the following limiting belief: “I am not enough”. Create a new positive belief that could sound as simple as: “I am more than enough” and reprogram your subconscious mind. Also, if the new positive belief seems too far-fetched to you, create a bridge belief: one that seems more plausible to you and you feel more confident, you can go back and create a more empowering belief! 

There are a few ways to reprogram your subconscious mind: either at the end of your meditations if you meditate, when you are deeply relaxed, by doing theta waves meditations on YouTube (make sure there are no ads on them), or as soon as you wake up or just before falling asleep. At these prime times of the day, your brain waves are slower and your brain can be more easily programmed. Repeat the new beliefs in your mind each day for at least 30 days. Your brain needs to be in theta or alpha waves in order to be reprogrammed and the things I have mentioned above would be perfect for that.

The 5th step

To take intuition-inspired steps. What is your intuition guiding you to do? Accomplish that exact step and follow the crumbs that lead you to your desire! For certain manifestations, you don’t need to take any action and sometimes you do! Follow that inner guidance! If no action is needed, the manifestation will come to you instantly because you have done the job of re-alignment with the frequency of your manifestation!

The 6th step

To navigate the journey of uncertainty. What do you do when you see no signs of your manifestation? Let’s say you want to manifest a love partner & you have taken all the steps inspired by your intuition and worked on your limitations…but there is no sign of a love partner in sight…or the ones you attract seem to be a copy of your exes…

Ask yourself the following: am I vibrating at the frequency of love? Am I loving myself in order to manifest a loving partner? If you vibrate at the frequency of lack of self-love because you refuse to love yourself, you will attract the right partner to help trigger you by making you feel unloved and push you to heal…so that you raise your frequency to the frequency of self-love! 

If it’s a question of wanting more money…ask yourself the following: Do I have the frequency that allows money to come in? Do I still block it? Am I taking inspired action to attract more money or do I sabotage and procrastinate? Note here: if you have a lot of limiting beliefs around money, the ideas that come to you will be very limited! So work on your mindset 1st! Also, ask yourself: do I have limiting beliefs around money that block my financial abundance? Do I need a specific course or a coach to teach and guide me toward manifesting more money? If that’s your intuition guiding you, take that specific action! 

Another block is you not asking for help. This is an imbalance of feminine and masculine energy. You don’t need to do everything by yourself. Ask for help if you’ve tried alone and it didn’t work out. Some people have talents that you don’t possess and they would be perfect in complementing your weaknesses. You are meant to collaborate with other people, not do everything on your own! 

The 7th step

Trusting divine timing. Divine timing means that there are situations or people that you’re not aware of, that make the sum of your manifestation. If a situation needs to be resolved in order for you to receive your manifestation, you will have to be patient and wait. The universe is in charge and will take care of it! Continue working on yourself, continue trusting the universe, and continue taking action. If you haven’t worked properly on your blockages, the universe will send more difficult situations to unblock you and help you align! Don't forget that you are connected to all that is, meaning that when you send out your intention into the universe, other people who can help you will be aware of your intention at a spiritual level...a bit like telepathy! 

The 8th and final step

To learn to install new good habits. Some of your manifestations will require you to implement better habits in your life. You can’t manifest weight loss if you keep your current habits. This means that you will need to learn how to implement and how to be consistent with your new habits. More on that in this article: 10 Tips To Stop Self-Sabotage, Overwhelm, And Falling Out Of Good Habits (

For the spiritual woman that is ready for a powerful, fast and all-around transformation, you can book a soul-match-free 30-minute discovery call with me to see if we are a match made in heaven! You are worthy of living in abundance at all levels, start by clicking on this link.

Bianca Piculeata aka Mystical Queen Goddess

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and visit my website for more info!

Read more from Bianca Piculeata


Bianca Piculeata, Healing and Transformation Leader

Bianca aka Mystical Queen Goddess is a leader in healing and transformation. Having struggled with feeling blocked with low self-esteem, generalized anxiety, trauma, emotional wounds, sabotaging patterns and limiting beliefs, Bianca created her own transformational method called Transformation 360 because she felt other methods were not powerful, simple or fast enough for her. She has since dedicated her life to helping wounded spiritual women to heal, transform and reach a higher frequency that will bring them abundance at all levels. Her mission: to bring justice to every spiritual woman so that she too, can experience happiness and abundance at all levels!

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