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The 7 Step Process Of Developing A Healthy Mind

Written by: Dr. Erika Montgomery, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


People are conscientious about the quality of foods they put into their bodies because "You are what you eat." So why aren't people as conscientious about the quality of thoughts they allow into their minds? Because "You are what you think."

As a Psychologist, I often find that people believe whatever their mind tells them, even when their thoughts are not supporting their mental health. People often entertain thoughts that criticize them, lie to them, discourage them, talk them out of a good opportunity, and sometimes have them believe their life has no meaning.

Our thoughts are so powerful that they become our beliefs, they create our feelings and direct our actions. I believe all of us sometimes fall prey to the critical narrative that plays over in our heads, especially during times when we make bad choices or make mistakes that end up disappointing or hurting ourselves or others. The majority of people believe that just because they have a thought, it must be true. Wrong!

The thoughts we think are merely suggestions; they are not truths. A lot of people never question the validity of their thoughts. Many people don't even realize they have a choice in the thoughts they pay attention to or consider. Our thoughts can originate from within our mind as well as outside of our conscious awareness. I like to describe thoughts like the air we breathe. Even when we can't see it or realize that we are breathing the air, it exists. Thoughts and ideas exist even when we are not aware of them. But once they come into our conscious awareness, now we have the choice to be selective about the thoughts we allow into our mental space. Said another way, we are choosing the thoughts we want to focus our attention and energy on. And the thoughts that we habitually entertain become what we believe.

Much of what we believe about ourselves, our world, and our relationships with others didn't even come from us. As babies, we have an innate lovableness, we exude confidence, and we explore the world around us without fear. Our human programming begins at this time because we are fed messages from those who raise us, teach us, surround us, entertain us, and care for us. And this messaging becomes our beliefs. Unfortunately, many of us have not been fed healthy messages about ourselves, how we should feel about ourselves, what we should think about the world, and how we should interact with people. Especially in our societal programming, most of us learn to believe that we are not good enough, not worthy, or somehow not deserving of good experiences or wealth. And this is how the lie begins.

Mental health is about understanding where your thoughts and beliefs about yourself come from and choosing thoughts that support a healthy mind. So now that you understand the power of choosing thoughts that support your mental health, I want to walk you through this 7 Step Process of Developing a Healthy Mind.

  1. As soon as a suggestive thought or idea comes into your awareness, ask yourself, "Does this thought serve me in a healthy way?"

  2. If you decide that it does not support your highest good, then call it out as a lie! Stop entertaining the lie immediately and send the thought back to where it came from; as if swatting a fly away.

  3. Take a deep breath by filling your belly with air and slowly blow it out.

  4. Now ask yourself, "What thought or opposing idea would serve me in a healthier way?"

  5. Or you can ask yourself, "What do I need to tell myself to feel better about this situation or provide a more neutral perspective?" The more perspectives you can realize in a situation, the better thoughts you have to choose from.

  6. Now focus on how your body feels when you tell yourself better words or choose thoughts that support your mental health.

  7. Talking to yourself in a way that stirs up lighter emotions instead of heavier emotions is key to developing a healthy mind.

Just like food, our thoughts can be healthy and unhealthy. Our habitual thoughts can contribute to our mental well-being or can contribute to our self-destruction. The good thing is that we have a choice. Some folks call it free will. Yes, we have free will to choose thoughts that support our highest good. Are you getting the message? Remember, "You are what you think." So choose healthy thoughts!

Sending you Love,

Dr. Erika Montgomery

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and visit my website for more info!


Dr. Erika Montgomery, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Dr. Erika Montgomery is a Clinical Psychologist and Life Coach with 25 years of experience providing mental health treatment. Dr. Montgomery owns an online CBD dispensary with Wakanna, a Female Black-Owned CBD Company, and advocates for the daily use of CBD for mental and physical health. Dr. Montgomery is a Mental Health consultant with the Social Security Administration for the past 11 years. Dr. Montgomery hosts a weekly podcast called, "Master Your Mind with Dr. Erika," on the Law of Attraction Radio Network. Dr. Montgomery believes every human is worthy of unconditional love and has the power within to change. My motto: "Mental Health Is Human Health."

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