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The 5K Of Life

Barbara Powell Love is currently the Office Manager for a small medical practice. She earned a Bachelor of Science Degree concentrating in Business Development.

Executive Contributor Barbara Powell Love

Life is often compared to a race, and just like a 5K, it’s filled with exhilarating highs and challenging lows. In "The 5K of Life," Barbara Powell Love shares her personal journey of running a 5K and how it became a powerful metaphor for the struggles and triumphs we face in life.

 a view of several runners in motion.

"Run when you can, walk if you have to, crawl if you must; just never give up." – Dean Karnazes

I’ve never been a fast runner, but I liked participating in the race. Years ago, when I signed up for my first 5K race, it wasn’t about coming in first—it was about crossing the finish line. As I stood at the starting line that day, I realized that the race ahead wasn’t just about running; it was a metaphor for life itself.

Life, like a 5K, is filled with moments where you feel like you’re soaring, and other times when you’re gasping for breath, unsure if you’ll make it to the next mile. But through the sweat, the strain, and the sidetracks, there’s beauty in the journey and wisdom in staying focused.

The dream at the starting line

Standing there in my twenties, I couldn’t help but think of my own dreams. I had big aspirations. I wanted to have a prestigious salon and maybe one day, a salon spa. I imagined a future filled with success, fulfillment, and happiness. I had a clear vision of where I wanted to go and who I wanted to become. But, as it often goes, life doesn't unfold in a straight line. I finally fulfilled that dream in my thirties.

The starter’s gun of life went off, and I was full of energy. I run with purpose, fueled by my dreams. For a while, everything felt possible. But then, reality sat in. Life got in the way and my dream was delayed, I did not give up.

The first mile: The highs and lows

The first mile in a race is full of adrenaline. You feel strong, like you can conquer anything. In life, this is the stage where you’re excited about new beginnings–a fresh job, a relationship, or a goal you’ve set your eyes on. But soon, as the race progresses, you encounter your first hill, and suddenly, everything feels harder.

In life, these “hills” might look like unexpected setbacks–financial struggles, broken relationships, or career detours. They slow you down, and suddenly, your path to success seems so much steeper than you anticipated. The dreams that felt so tangible now seem just out of reach.

As I approached my first hill in the 5K, I felt my legs burn and my breath grow shallow. The voice in my head told me to stop, to take it easy, that maybe I wasn’t cut out for this. But there’s something about pushing through that struggle, about not giving up just because things get hard. Life will test you, just as the race will test your endurance.

Running out of breath: The temptation to quit

Around the halfway point of the race, fatigue sets in. The rhythm I had at the beginning starts to falter. My breathing becomes labored, and I start questioning whether I can finish. It’s easy to lose focus here.

In life, this is the moment when we’re tempted to quit. We start doubting ourselves and wonder if the goal we set out to achieve is even worth the effort. The distractions creep in—self-doubt, fear, and comparison. You see others speeding past you and wonder why you’re struggling while they seem to be breezing by.

But then I remembered something my 10th grade teacher once told me: "The hardest part of the race isn’t the finish–it’s staying in it when everything tells you to stop."

Hydration: Refueling and recharging

At mile two, I saw the water station. Grabbing a cup, I took a sip, feeling the cool water gives me a second wind. That hydration station reminded me of the importance of taking care of myself—not just physically, but mentally and emotionally. In life, we need moments to pause, reflect, and recharge. Whether it's through prayer, meditation, or spending time with loved ones, these moments of refueling are essential to keep going.

Sometimes, in the rush to achieve our dreams, we forget to take care of ourselves. We push so hard that we burn out. But just like in the race, if you don’t stop to hydrate, you’ll never make it to the finish line. Those moments of refueling aren’t a sign of weakness; they’re what will help you cross the finish line.

The final stretch: Focusing on the goal

As I neared the end of the 5K, my body ached. The excitement from the start had long worn off, and now it was sheer willpower pushing me forward. But the finish line was in sight, and that vision of crossing it pulled me through. I focused on the goal, not the pain in my legs or the sweat dripping down my face.

In life, too, there comes a point when you have to dig deep and focus on the goal. It’s easy to get distracted by the struggles, to let the bumps in the road make you forget why you started in the first place. But this is when your vision matters most.

I thought about my dreams again–the ones that had seemed sidetracked along the way. There were times I doubted whether I’d ever achieve them. I faced setbacks that felt like mile-high hills. But each time I pushed forward, I got closer. I had to learn that detours weren’t dead ends; they were part of the journey. They taught me resilience, patience, and the importance of staying focused on the goal, even when the road was tough.

Crossing the finish line: Accomplishing your goals

Finally, I crossed the finish line. It wasn’t a record-breaking time, but that didn’t matter. What mattered was that I finished. I pushed through the challenges, ignored the temptation to quit, and stayed focused on the goal.

In life, crossing the finish line doesn’t always look the way we thought it would. Sometimes we accomplish our goals in ways we didn’t expect, or at a pace that feels slower than we imagined. But the key is that we keep running, even when it’s hard, even when we’re tired, even when life throws unexpected detours our way.

Looking back, I realize that the race wasn’t just about the finish—it was about the journey. The ups and downs, the breathless moments, the times of rehydration—they all played a role in shaping me. And in the end, every hill, every setback, every sidetrack was worth it.

So, wherever you are in your race, whether you’re sprinting through or struggling to catch your breath, keep going. Focus on your goal, remember why you started, and trust that with perseverance, you’ll cross the finish line stronger than when you began.

Devotionals Running life’s race: Staying focused through the ups and downs

“Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.” — Hebrews 12:1-2 (NIV)

Life often feels like a race. Not just any race, but a 5Ka journey full of ups and downs, where we experience moments of smooth, steady strides, as well as times when every step feels like a struggle. Years ago, when I lived in Michigan, I ran a 5K race, and what began as a simple challenge turned into a powerful lesson about life’s journey.

When I first signed up for the race, I imagined crossing the finish line with ease, smiling and celebrating the victory. I pictured myself moving swiftly, running effortlessly toward the goal. Isn’t that how we often start in life? Full of dreams, excitement, and the hope that everything will go smoothly. We envision a straight path to success, unmarked by obstacles, where we achieve our goals with ease.

As the race began, reality quickly set in. The first mile was comfortable; my pace was steady, and my breathing was controlled. Everything seemed to be going as planned. But just as life happens, the road eventually grew more challenging. The terrain changed, and soon, I faced a steep hill. My legs burned, my lungs ached, and each step became harder to take. I wanted to stop, to give up, to catch my breath.

In life, we start strong with our eyes fixed on our dreams, but before long, we encounter hillschallenges we didn’t expect. It might be a financial setback, the loss of a job, strained relationships, bad marriages, the death of a loved one, or even moments of doubt that make us question whether we’re on the right path. When those hills appear, it’s easy to lose focus, to become discouraged, and wonder if we’ll ever make it to the finish line.

But here’s the truth: Life’s race is not about how quickly we run or how few challenges we face. It’s about endurance and persistence, continuing even when the path is difficult. Hebrews 12:1-2 encourages us to “run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus.” Just as I had to keep moving through the hills in my race, we are called to keep pressing forward in life, even when it feels overwhelming. Our strength comes not from ourselves, but from fixing our eyes on Jesus, who gives us the endurance to keep going.

In the middle of the race, I was exhausted. My legs were heavy, and my breath was short. But I knew I couldn’t stop. Along the course, there were hydration stations where I could grab a cup of water, refresh myself, and regain the energy I needed to continue. Those moments were like little reminders of God’s provision. In life, we need those moments of “hydration”times when we pause to refresh ourselves in God’s presence, through prayer, Scripture, or the encouragement of others.

Just as I needed water to finish the race, we need God’s living water to sustain us through life’s trials. Jesus said in John 7:38, “Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.” When we find ourselves weary and out of breath, we can come to Him for refreshment. He fills us with His Spirit, giving us the strength to continue, no matter how tough the road ahead may seem.

As I pressed on through the race, something changed. I realized that the race wasn’t about running faster or avoiding pain. It was about finishing. The same is true in life. We often dream of reaching our goals quickly, but the truth is that real growth happens in the struggle. The challenges we face are opportunities for God to strengthen our faith, to build our character, and to draw us closer to Him.

There were times in my life when I felt sidetracked. I had big dreams of a wonderful future, but along the way, I encountered obstacles I didn’t foreseesetbacks, disappointments, and moments where I questioned if I was even on the right path. I stumbled, ran out of breath, and wondered if I should give up. But in those moments, I remembered Hebrews 12:2, which reminds us to fix our eyes on Jesus. When we do, we realize that no matter how difficult the journey, God is walking with us. He is the one who gives us the strength to keep running our race.

Looking back, I realize that the moments when I felt the most discouraged were the same moments that taught me to trust God more deeply. Every hill, every moment of doubt, every time I felt like stoppingthose were the times God was shaping me, preparing me for the finish line. The same is true for you. The race you’re running right now may be filled with hills, but each one is an opportunity to lean on God and trust in His plan.

As I approached the final stretch of the 5K, I was exhausted, but I could see the finish line in the distance. Suddenly, a new burst of energy surged through me. I realized I was going to make it. It wasn’t the easy race I had imagined, but it was my race, and I was finishing it.

Life’s race is the same. There may be moments when you feel like giving up, when the hills seem too steep and the obstacles too great. But remember, the race is not about how quickly you reach your goalsit’s about the endurance to keep going, trusting that God is with you every step of the way.

So, whether you’re in the middle of a hill, out of breath, or questioning if you’ll ever reach your dreams, keep your eyes on Jesus. He is the author and finisher of your faith. He will guide you, strengthen you, and bring you to the finish line in His perfect timing. Keep running your race with faith, knowing that God’s plan is far greater than any challenge you face.

And when you cross that finish line, you’ll realize that every stepboth the easy ones and the hard oneswas part of God’s purpose to lead you into the future He’s prepared for you. Stay focused, stay hydrated in His presence, and keep running with endurance. You’ll get there.

Follow me on Facebook, and visit my website for more info!


Barbara Powell Love, Blogger

Barbara Powell Love is currently the Office Manager for a small medical practice. She earned a Bachelor of Science Degree concentrating in Business Development. Barbara is also the owner of Beebe Love's Beauty, a blogging website to promote beauty, motivate, inform, provide mental stimulation, educate, inspire and encourage other women over 50 to embrace their inner beauty and pursue their dreams. Her blog focuses on personal development, leadership, and lifestyle. She encourages women to become Seasoned Beauties instead of becoming Senior Citizens.



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