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The 5-Step Approach To Finding Your Focus And Starting To Get Things Done

Written by: Tsahai Gomwalk Jacobsen, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


So, another day has passed by, and you have been a “busy bee” with little or no focus. You have put out small fires here, there, and everywhere, yet you have not accomplished the important, high-value tasks you want (and need!) to get done (yet again!). Your focus ‒ and productivity ‒ are both at all-time lows, even if your busyness is not! You are struggling to concentrate and waiting for motivation to miraculously show up as you procrastinate by doing “busy work” aka “putting out small fires”. End result ‒ you are feeling panicked, overwhelmed, and discouraged.

Calm Your Mind

Calm your mind. Pause for a moment and take a deep breath.

You made the right choice in choosing to read this article. You realised that finding your focus would make a difference to your situation, and you were absolutely right. It will. Finding your focus is the most important way to start getting tasks done and subsequently increase your productivity.

This article will give you a structured and methodical approach to enable you to find your focus and start getting tasks done by implementing the 5-step approach.

An Introduction to the 5-Step Approach

The approach centres your attention on ONE chosen task and guides you through the additional steps needed to gain clarity, take charge, create the right environment to concentrate, and start doing. Fixing your attention on completing ONE task at a time is essential to finding and maintaining focus, and this 5-step approach will assist you with that through the use of the five letters in the word: F-O-C-U-S.

Before we explore the 5 steps, first let us take a look at the word ‘focus’. What does it mean? The dictionary definition of the word ‘focus’ is: the main or central point of something, especially of attention or interest. In effect, focus is essentially making something the centre of your attention or interest. Therefore, by centering your attention ‒ and interest ‒ on what you would like to achieve, you will increase your focus … and efficiency… and productivity.

The 5-Step Approach

Step 1


Figure out, specifically, what you want to achieve. This means getting clear on ONE outcome you want to achieve and defining it as your GOAL. (If this goal is big, divide it into smaller, more manageable tasks to make it less overwhelming and daunting. Then choose ONE task from this broken-down list of smaller tasks and make this one task your goal to complete.)

Step 2


Organise your mind and thoughts with intention. The way your mind is organised is directly linked to what you do and what you accomplish. So, get clarity around how you will tackle the chosen task which you figured out above. Jot down some notes. Everything that comes to mind about how you will tackle this task – note it down! Writing your thoughts down helps to focus your mind on what you need to accomplish, through the action of committing your thoughts to paper.

Step 3


Centre your attention on the task at hand. Calmly. Read through the notes you made in Step 2 and think deeply about what you have just read. Keep what you have read 'front of mind'. Keeping the task 'front of mind' opens your mind up to receive the motivation you require to accomplish it. Remember, your goal is to complete this task. Believe in your ability to get it done. Think of how capable you are and believe in your capability. Think of how you will FEEL when you successfully complete this task. Think success!

Step 4


Understand your distractions, then eliminate them. In today’s world, most of us are constantly ‘switched on’ with notifications from mobile phones, emails, and an assortment of devices all pinging to get our attention. When we are disrupted and must stop midway through a task, it can take up to 15 minutes to get back on track and focused again. Distraction really is the enemy of getting tasks done! With one eye on your gadgets, you are unable to give your full attention to what is in front of you.

You know best the things that cause you to become distracted and divert your attention, so make a conscious effort to remove those distractions from your environment. Eliminating your distractions enables you to find a deeper sense of peace and calm as you prepare to focus and tackle the task in front of you.

  • Do those social media notifications distract you? Then put your phone on silent.

  • Are you tempted to browse the internet? Then close any open tabs on your browser which are unrelated to the task at hand.

  • Do you get distracted by wanting something to drink or a snack? Then keep a glass of water and some nourishing snacks close at hand.

In essence, do what you know you need to do to eliminate your distractions!

Step 5


Starting is often the hardest part when we are faced with getting things done.

Now you have implemented steps 1- 4, just go ahead and…start!

Finding Your F-O-C-U-S and Getting Things Done

Using this 5-step, F-O-C-U-S approach, you will be surprised at how much you can accomplish when you have:

Figured out ONE clear goal (task)

Organised your thoughts

Centred your attention

Understood and eliminated your distractions


Be aware that your attention and ability to stay focused can become exhausted. So, giving yourself a little break to recharge after a sustained period of focused concentration is a good idea. You can take a walk, have a coffee/tea break, or do a less demanding task, but remember not to break for too long so as not to lose your momentum!

Simply by using this 5-step approach to get focused consistently, you will have made a huge step towards increasing your productivity and getting things done. So now it remains to say, enjoy putting the 5-step approach into action!

Would you like to skyrocket your productivity further now that you have found your focus, and that is in the bag?

Click on the following link to learn more: Yes, I Want to Increase My Productivity

You can also follow me on LinkedIn: Tsahai Gomwalk Jacobsen | LinkedIn

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Tsahai Gomwalk Jacobsen, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Tsahai Gomwalk Jacobsen is an experienced Management Consultant with a long history of solving various organisations’ challenges using systems and technology. Accustomed to working in fast-paced organisations in which delivery of results is non-negotiable, Tsahai has gained valuable insights into simple strategies for fuelling productivity, and getting things done, in order to achieve a desired result. With these insights, she has developed a unique system for increasing productivity consisting of five essential learning blocks. These learning blocks stack together and complement each other to deliver a stunning transformational journey towards greater focus, efficiency, and noticeably increased productivity.

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