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The 3 Unique Healing Tools Of Becoming A Righteous Business Entrepreneur

Travis K. McCray is a genuine definition of an ambitious leader by exemplifying a compassionate heart person for others. He began his life in Southwest Georgia in a small rural community called Days Crossroads Community.

Executive Contributor Travis Kendrick McCray

In this article, I will be describing the rising and downward pitfalls of survival as a righteous business entrepreneur. The majority of the time, in business affairs and life affairs, you must learn to trust certain individuals with your life totally. Life is absolutely filled with possibilities of good and bad. As I have explained previously, growing up in Southwest Georgia can truly become very challenging due to several traps involving either a setback or set up for greater days ahead. I had to simply persevere through many stressful situations with family members, false friends, and strangers with the ugly spirit called “Hater Vibes.” While transforming into a rising Business Mogul, it has become super common to have haters in your midst. Count it all joy when you have been selected as a living testimony from The Most High due to these challenging situations.


photo collage shows a person with an external fixation device on their leg, a close-up of the same individual, a smiling healthcare worker

“No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord” – Isaiah 54:17 KJV


How to utilize through restoring, renewing, and rebuilding with your daily healing tools

Gossip! Rumors! Hurt! Betrayal! Negative Vibes! These are the core words that I have experienced while living in my hometown, a rural area called Days Crossroads Community. Throughout my lifetime, these negative comments have made me know that I am certainly on a “Godly” path of righteousness in order to pursue what my Heavenly Father has for me. During previous biblical times, my Lord and Savior also experienced these exact treatments as He walked upon this Earth. He had a Judas in His friend circle, but it only promoted Him to save the world from total destruction. Sometimes, the devil is not in our friend circles. Most individuals have continually adapted or experienced their own family members preying on their downfall because they are miserable with their own life affairs. This occurs extremely often in several families all over the world, especially in the African American community.

When people hear things, they speculate, and they run with their own ideas instead of knowing the full truth. There are two sides to a story: what is true and what is false. Speculations are the waves of gossip, plus if you want to become a spectator, the term “they say” becomes a very popular term rather than unpopular due to unwarranted opinions of others. Do you believe that there are no accidents in life? Everything happens for an apparent reason. Everyone we meet will have a specific role in our lives, be it huge or small. Some will hurt, betray, and make us cry in order for us to become much stronger and wiser. Each person will teach us lessons not to change us but to help us realize our mistakes and grow into a much better person. Some would simply inspire and love us to make us happier. Amazingly, the three unique healing tools that I have implemented into my daily lifestyle as a righteous business entrepreneur are called forgiveness, grace, and unconditional love.


Mercy! Confession! Repentance! Salvation! These are the ultimate words that are primary in my mindset when I think about the word forgiveness. According to my unique knowledge, forgiveness means changing your feelings toward anyone who has wronged you and overcoming the impact of the offense, mistakes, or even flaws. It is highly human to react with negative emotions or have the desire to seek vengeance once someone has wronged you in any undesirable way. Over the years, I have truly learned to forgive by replacing my negative emotions with positive emotions in order to proceed forward with my life or even with business affairs. Sometimes it is not easy to do due to your mental state of mind or specifically what has been done.

On June 22nd of this year, I joined both of my cousins for a ride on an ATV four-wheeler, but I was thrown off by my cousin which was on the back with me. The issue at hand began once he reached from the back of the ATV to the power switch of the driver section to increase the speed rapidly while I yelled “slow down.” Meanwhile, he proceed to reach for the brakes which led to me flying about three or four feet into the air and I landed in the street. As I attempted to get up and walk I realized that both of my ankles were fractured due to his evil plot to take my life. Afterwards, he even left me for dead on the ground in distress as he ran away in total panic and apprehension. I will never forget how my uncle, his son, and the crowd laughed at my downfall; however, thankfully, I was able to make a phone call to my mother (Retha B. Wallace), who came to my rescue. My other cousin who was driving the ATV also came to my rescue as he called the EMT. This particular incident led me into the ER in three locations. The first location was called Barbour Medical Center in Eufaula, Alabama which had limited resources. The next location I was transferred to was called Southeast Medical Center in Dothan, Alabama, to get secondary medical attention. The third location is called UAB Medicine Hospital in Birmingham, Alabama which had remarkable traumatic resources that helped my medical recovery thrive for better days ahead. Additionally, I asked God to please grant me each day the power to forgive anyone who has wronged me just as He forgave me.

“Forgive as the Lord forgave you.” – Colossians 3:13 KJV


Civility! Courtesy! Manners! Politeness! Respect! These are just a few chosen words that come to my mind when I think about grace. As a child of God and a magnificent business entrepreneur, I have learned the meaning of grace. Grace means to me to have courteous goodwill, to do honor or to give credit to (someone or something) by their existence. It could be freely given plus highly favored by the word of God which exemplifies love. I was given grace by the Most High due to my shortcomings. It was initially my choice to get on the ATV four-wheeler; however, knowing that it was not my normal characteristic to follow the unwise. Throughout my lifetime, I have certainly made multiple foolish choices, and the grace of God has truly saved me. I am a key witness to some miraculous levels that grace has been exceptionally instrumental recently. For example, as I was a patient at UAB Medicine Hospital, I had the pleasure of having several highly-trained professionals that dealt with trauma matters. This particular trauma center showed me an abundance of grace by diligently representing their wisdom, knowledge, and understanding by treating both of my fractured ankles. I was granted the ultimate opportunity to gain medical education through my unfortunate situation of being hurt by so-called family members.

“But my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” – Philippian 4:19 KJV

Unconditional love

Savior of Salvation! Affectionate! Compassionate! Genuine! Definite! These particular words are frontal when I mention unconditional love. According to my knowledge, unconditional love means love without any limitations or conditions. My relationship with “The Most High Son” has most definitely helped me know what this really means. In biblical terms, Saint John 13:34-35 states “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” My experience at UAB Medicine Hospital has certainly shown me some incredible unconditional love from their wonderful doctors, nurses, and staff members. For instance, I would like to give a special shout to Dr. Tammy, RN Mrs. Naomi of East Africa, RN Ms. Kymia, RN Mrs. Valerie, RN Ms. Erieal, LPN Mrs. Kendra, PCT Ms. Jessica, PCT Ms. Lauren, PCT Ms. Molly, and PCT Ms. Peyton. They and several unknown special individuals have truly showed me how to deal with my traumatic situation through unconditional love. I was a patient from June 23rd to July 11th. It has tremendously impacted me in multiple ways that I highly recommend anyone to go to UAB Medicine Hospital for any traumatic event such as broken bones, cancer, or any other catastrophic injuries you may be faced with.

“Unconditional love is the foundation for forgiveness and reconciliation, creating opportunities for growth and healing.” – Desmond Tutu


In conclusion, the three unique healing tools I have implemented are called forgiveness, grace, and unconditional love which could become essential once applied correctly to individuals who seek to embellish into a righteous business entrepreneur. My traumatic situation has made me exercise several healing tools which have helped me establish a stronger relationship with The Most High, myself, and others. Each day is indeed an inspirational journey as I continue to heal and grow. Often times I reflect on my previous lifestyle and I seek to move forward in the future because I am humbly waiting for my days to begin to walk again. Miraculously, I am currently healing faster than my orthopedic doctors and nurses anticipated. My testimony is going to exemplify resilience, tenacity, courage, and faith to someone who may need this due to “Hater Vibes” from so-called family members and friends who may be sent from the devil to attempt to destroy them. Always keep in mind that “what comes around comes back around, and we can only reap what we have sown.” Also, at times when God allows these situations to happen it is only a test of our “Faith” to keep pressing forward to the mark of the ultimate prize ahead.

Follow me on LinkedIn, and you can visit me @ Google name Travis K. McCray for more info!


Travis Kendrick McCray, Business and Financial Consultant

Travis K. McCray is a genuine definition of an ambitious leader by exemplifying a compassionate heart person for others. He began his life in Southwest Georgia in a small rural community called Days Crossroads Community. In his early childhood, he totally realized that he was surrounded by poverty and the lack of opportunities which truly encouraged him to always strive for excellence. After the completion of high school, he attended Independence University to gain double degrees in Business Management and Accounting as a Summa Cum Laude Honor Graduate. Now he is the CEO of Days Cross Road Cooperative, LLC which provides services such as Business and Financial Consulting.

In the summer of 2022, he was nominated and won The Marquis Who’s Who of America Publishing Company Certification.



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