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Thanksgiving – An Everyday Concept

Written by: Madeleine P. Wober, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


It’s so interesting being a Scot in America during the holidays. I didn’t grow up with the holiday of Thanksgiving, but I give thanks every day for the life I have been blessed to create for myself, and for the wonderful people who continue to cross my path. I often feel like I am gliding through the movie of my life.

The life I am continuously creating, which expands year after year, or in the case of 2021, month after month, has been increasingly apparent, and something I don’t take for granted. Even during the uncomfortable days, it’s great to remember the big vision, the WHY we do the things we do and accept the projects and challenges we accept.

I have been on an incredible journey since the beginning of 2021. This was a conscious choice, to be more visible than ever before and continuously share my offerings on social media. What a gift to have this vehicle to be able to connect and share with so many humans worldwide. Something huge to be thankful for. I made the promise and commitment to myself that I would say YES to any exciting projects this year, particularly the ones that would take me out of my comfort zone. This YES to life resulted in the following: numerous TV appearances and podcast interviews, co-authoring 5 books, becoming an international no.1 bestselling author, writing articles for various magazines including this one, designing my new version of my Living Magically Retreat in Italy for 5 weeks this summer (May-July 2022), and yes even creating a television show.

I love the quote: “whatever you think about, you bring about”. Knowing this is incredibly empowering. If we continue to take small steps every single day, and never give up, then surely we will reach our goals.

It sounds like a lot, perhaps even tiring, but because I’m loving each part of the journey, each piece of the jigsaw has felt like the next obvious step and has kept me grounded. I hope this will encourage you to say yes to the things you dream about for your life, and see what shows up, especially if it makes you feel sick to your stomach. This is a sure sign it is something that was designed especially for you to grow!

Life is to be loved and lived, and when we push ourselves just a little bit every day, our dreams start to become a reality.

I decided to send everyone I deeply miss and care about, a voice message of thanks today, my thanksgiving ritual. It felt so wonderful to contribute and connect in this way. The reciprocity of the returned messages felt like the warmest hug. I’m so grateful for the possibility of connection with those I love that life so far away.

My final great challenge of 2021 has been all about technology and using social media to the max, so when I start to feel like it’s too much, I remind myself why this technology is something to be embraced! It keeps us all so well connected. In my mind, I am still longing for the days of actual photographs that I took with my camera and waited a few days for the spool to be developed. How exciting it was to collect them in the pouch and flip through them deciding which ones I’d frame. Yes, technology is something to be thankful for and yet I still cherish my physical books and photographs.

My final challenge of the year is creating my own online course. Yes, the internet is flooded with these, so I know it’s possible for me too, even easy for some, but on the numerous nights when I’m sitting staring at the screen, not knowing what to do next in my new editing software programs, I know I’m capable, and this accomplishment will be the wonderful icing on the cake of what has been a phenomenal year! There’s something powerful about facing your greatest fears and continuing on anyway, feeling incredibly proud at what you just created.

I’m so thankful for this life and the incredible people I know and feel close to, who help me by holding me accountable along the way.

I urge you to let those you love and care about know how deeply you love them. I read a wonderful quote this morning “The biggest communication problem is we don’t listen to understand, we listen to reply” (Stephen Covey). I thought about this, and my greatest value of connection and I wondered where I can do better at this and with whom.

I hope that you continuously look at the things you are achieving in your life no matter the size, and feel thankful for all the dazzling opportunities. You just never know what blessings are waiting for you around the corner, but be assured, they are there waiting for you, even if you can’t see them yet, all you need to do is keep showing up, doing the things you love and staying authentic to your truth and the things that light you up. Oh and don’t worry if you are doing things you don’t love right now, because this is a huge gift too. Showing you exactly what changes you want to make to live a more fulfilling life. Polar opposites are the greatest teacher and literally, show us the way.

If you are unfulfilled in any area of your life right now, use the discontented pieces to create a gratitude mantra for the opposite of what you have. For example, if you are feeling disconnected in your relationship, say “I am so thankful for the wonderful connection I have in my relationship. Acknowledge all the pieces that feel broken and use these to carve out the vision for your ideal relationship/job/health/finances etc by stating what you desire.

I’m so thankful for you this Thanksgiving! I’m so grateful for you every day. Without you, I’d have less people to share with and feel a lower sense of connection.

Sharing our passions enthusiastically is why we are here in the world. I feel driven, excited, and useful when I’m sharing mine. Whether it be a 1-2-1 Angel/ Oracle card reading, a Living Magically Retreat in Italy, or my online course ‘Guardian Angel At Your Service’ launching this January 2022.

‘Thank you’ is one of the most powerful prayers we can recite. So, give thanks, and as Susan Jeffers wrote about “Feel the fear and do it anyway”. Believe in your dreams and take even one small step every single day to manifest them into form. Imagine where you will be one year from now if you continue on your beautiful, wonderous, exciting path through life, taking risks, embracing your discomfort and growing edge. You might just start to feel like you are gliding through the movie of your life!

For more information on Maddie Sparkles offerings, email:

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Also Click the links below for your FREE MP3 download to Nurture, Empower and Enlighten your Authentic Self

And, for your FREE Top 10 Maddie Sparkles Abundance Affirmations

La Belle Sabbioneta Living Magically Retreats: May 29th – 2nd July 2022

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Madeleine P. Wober, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Madeleine P Wober (aka Maddie Sparkles, America’s Scottish Sparkle) delivers Sage Wisdom with Childlike Enthusiasm connecting people to their Internal Light (& Guardian Angels). After three decades of medical setbacks including severe anxiety, depression, panic attacks, and suicidal thoughts in her 20’s, Ovarian Cancer in her 30’s and diagnosed with MS in her 40’s, she helps others to release their fears and step into their power so they can live a truly magical life by seeing the silver linings around every seeming obstacle and feeling divinely guided. Maddie Sparkles, an Intuitive Healer (working with the angels & spirit guides ), Voice Actor, Inspirational Poet & Transformational Empowerment Coach, illuminates the path of living magically. She runs Living Magically Retreats globally, has a vibrant, Facebook community and offers Angel & Oracle card readings for healing in any area of your life. She has been featured on ABC10 YCL, NBC BLOOM TV, FOX 24, Ticker News Australia, The Red Corner Show South Africa, Authority Magazine, Thrive Global, The Red Blazer Book, Various Podcasts & Radio.

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