Written by: Kristi Peck, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

The dryland needs a mother.
Your mind probably instantly conjures up an image or scenario of what a mother is, does, and how she might even tend to the life around her. The brain’s capacity for viral connection by matching what is known or experienced with what is being said or happening is the superpower of a regulated system of interdependency. So, it would make sense that you would think initially of that image.
The dryland is your inner life. And the mother is your conscious awareness.

Your inner life, that of your heart, your longing desires, your rejected emotions, your sense of well-being and well-living, requires an awareness of a universal force that signifies a much deeper meaning to existence. Your inner life requires nourishment and nurturing in the way a mother cares for her young.
We have been really thoughtful about creating possibilities around caring for the self as if it is a to-do list to check off. The list for caring is often limited to massage, vacation, beauty, exercise, girl’s night out, date night, salt baths, saunas, etc. The list that we choose from is derived from the activity of choice that lives outside of our inner desire for more purpose, more connection, and more value.
Taking a mirror to the activities we often choose and asking the deeper question, “Is this bringing me closer to the unresolved inner conflict that lives in the depths of my soul?”
More often than not, our choices are temporary fixes to how we view our brokenness or separation. The Eastern Wisdom of The Upanishads claims the view of origin as not being broken, but rather being whole. In this case, why would a massage or a vacation offer a fix of nothing that needs fixing?
Our inner life, true intimacy with who we are, comes as a byproduct of nurturing the mother and child within.
The dryland is a symbolic image signaling we have chosen inefficient and inadequate tendencies to tend to our inner life. We have become passive in our acquisition of an inner longing to belong to a bigger vision and have traded this passivity for the truth that we long to be held and caressed for everything we are, everything we are not, and all the potential that lies dormant in the midst of navigating a wild existence.
What do you need to thrive?
Nothing on the outside is real and can help you answer truthfully this question. The real truth is coming to terms that mothering your inner child is tending to the dryland.
You’ve always had the answer is an apocalypse of our soul. You know, as you get still enough to listen, that which you are seeking, so seek within. Mothering is an act of redemption and reconciliation for that which has not been given.
You mother the dryland of your inner life-
by offering powerful language that only you can hear
by stilling your body to hear the drumming beat of its infinite intelligence
by welling up only which is nourishing
by creating a fortress of solitude to originate a feeling of aliveness in a natural world
If what I am saying seems confusing or feels a bit out of reach, those are signals that your inner life is starving for affection. Attend to that which is calling you. By tending to an inner life, your outer experiences will align. Chasing and forcing will give way to a presence of finding.
The dryland needs a mother.
Are you ready and willing to tend to your inner life?

Kristi Peck, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Kristi Peck helps individuals develop agency of the true self in all relationships, through every life transition, and by partnering with their dreams. As an intuitive Jungian life coach who specializes in relationships and dreamwork, Kristi believes we are whole, worthy of divine bliss, freedom, and peace, and have unique value to share with others.
For over 30 years, she has helped people remember who they are beyond old conditions and outdated influences. Kristi loves sharing stories that captivate and inspire people to take adventurous leaps of faith within a framework of understanding who they are. Her own vulnerability offers audiences a safe haven to be seen and heard while courageously choosing new ways of living life and showing up in all relationships. Kristi lives by example that the most impressive gift we can offer to another in any relationship is the agency of our true self.
Kristi is the author of Coming Home – A Love Story, and a podcast host of Living the Liminal: Finding Joy in the Pauses of Life. She has a wealth of transformational life experiences and her warmth and vulnerability have been described as a “soft-toughness”. Kristi is fierce in her compassion to learn, opens her heart to courageous choice-making, and deeply understands the human dynamic. Her passion for living life consciously is a game-changer.