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Ten Secrets To Following Your Intuition!

Written by: Aimmee Odom, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


People ask me all the time how do I follow my intuition? My friend, the answer is so simple: it will blow the socks off your feet.

We first need to understand that we all yearn for it. We desire to follow our intuition cause it builds that relationship with ourselves. It connects us to our higher wisdom and higher knowing and ignites our authentic selves. This is our true north.

We yearn for it cause it’s our soul calling us to listen. It beckons us to listen to the subtle energy whispering our truth of knowledge.

Each and every one of us has this ability to connect to one’s true self. All you have to do is be open. Open to the unconditional love of your higher essence. Embrace your wisdom within and believe you are guided.

Are you ready to begin the most beautiful, extraordinary relationship of all time? Where you are always loved, supported, nourished, and never alone. Then welcome, my friend, to coming home to yourself.

Following our intuition is one of our gifts to unlock in our lifetime. Why wait later? Do yourself a favor and begin the journey of the most precious relationship in your life.

Here are ten secrets to following your intuition:

1. Sit in silence. In the world we live in, the daily hustle is real. To hear, feel, or sense our intuition, we must get away and slow down to experience the subtle energy of what our inner wisdom has to say.

2. Drop into your heart. We can feel vs. think when we get out of our heads, which are always on. The best practice for dropping into one’s heart is to think of a loved one or animal you adore.

3. Check in with your body. Our bodies are a magnificent tool to see if we are in alignment with something. Ask yourself, how does my body feel? Light or heavy? Excited or sad? Our bodies know way more than we think. They are energy and can tell us if we need to make a sudden move or enjoy the fruits of our labor.

4. Tune into your senses. The more you get in touch with the senses (smell, taste, hearing, feeling, and seeing), this will help build the four clairs of intuition. Clairaudience (hearing voices, clairvoyance (seeing images), clairsentience (recognizing feelings), and claircognizance (knowing).

5. Look for signs. We are always guided, and the more you are aware, you’ll start to see signs everywhere. From songs, you haven’t heard in ages to angle numbers on clocks and license plates. Even people you think about out of the blue will magically show up on your doorstep. So keep an eye open cause it is so much fun to see everything unfold.

6. Trust. Have faith you are guided in every moment, even if things seem hairy; know that this lesson is meant for you, and you’ll find gold at its end.

7. Use a tool. When I first got connected to my intuition, I was still too much in my head, and using a pendulum helped with asking questions and receiving a yes or no answer. This tool gave me the faith I was on the right path.

8. Get creative. When you are in a creative state, your intuition speaks up. You get into an expansive plane, and the wisdom flows in.

9. Immerse yourself in nature. Mother Earth is expansive energy, and wisdom flows in like a waterfall when we connect with her brilliance.

10. Allow gratitude, love, and joy to fill you up. This triad of high vibration will uplift and align you to your true authentic self.

Following your intuition can change your life and connect you to a higher calling. Remember, we all have this gift, and it’s up to us to unlock it within.

“Listen to the wind, it talks. Listen to the silence, it speaks. Listen to your heart, it knows.” Native American Proverb

Want more info? Follow Aimmee on her Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube Channel. You can also visit her website to get in touch.


Aimmee Odom, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Aimmee Odom is on a mission to inspire people to tap into their own uniqueness. To live life to the fullest, we need to look within. After many hardships of life, including weight loss, divorce, and learning disabilities, Aimmee has unlocked the key to fulfillment! Her teachings are a pyramid of change through body, mind, and spirit. This change pyramid will ignite your personal power, get clear on who you want to be, and learn how to listen to that little voice we call intuition. The most powerful key of all is LOVE. Love is the key to enlightenment, joy, and The Uniqueness of You!

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