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Tarot And Psychics Vs. Manifesting – Can You Change Your Destiny?

Talsi is a world-renowned tarot reader and psychic spiritual coach. She was born with her intuitive gifts, but spent her early career working as a lawyer in the corporate and entertainment spaces.


Have you ever wondered how manifesting interplays with tarot and psychic readings? Many seek out tarot readings for predictions, and it’s true—tarot can offer remarkably accurate insights into past, present, and future events.


Young female fortune teller reading tarot.

But what most people don’t realize is that tarot isn’t just about divination; it’s a powerful tool for accessing the subconscious mind.


The future a reader sees is, really, a reflection of the Seeker’s state of consciousness. While a skilled Reader can predict probable outcomes, it’s crucial to understand that we, as individuals, are constantly manifesting our reality. Our thoughts, beliefs, and subconscious patterns shape the world we experience.


Great teachers like Neville Goddard and Joseph Murphy taught that whatever we assume to be true, will manifest in our outer world. Hermetic texts and the Kybalion emphasize the universal Law of Correspondence, "as within, so without," underscoring that an individual’s experience mirrors their inner state. And further, the principle that the universe is ‘mental’ we are pure consciousness. Therefore, our personal reality is a projection of our thoughts.


Quantum theory suggests all possibilities already exist in an infinite quantum field—our observations, therefore, can be likened to a ‘selection’ from that quantum field.

Science indicates that 95% of our brain’s activity is unconscious, therefore most of these ‘observations’ as individuals are driven by our subconscious patterns that drive our dominant thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Tarot readings are a snapshot of your state of being—how you experience and interact with your world and, in essence, what you are manifesting.


This concept applies to relationship dynamics in readings as well. Goddard's idea of “everyone is you pushed out" suggests that even people and circumstances in your life are merely reflections of your beliefs, thoughts, and assumptions. Essentially, how you experience others and how they behave or interact with you is a direct mirror of self. As a tarot reader and psychic spiritual coach, I’ve helped a significant number of clients manifest complete shifts in personal connections purely by changing their dominant thoughts and assumptions about self and another. 


In essence, you are the creator of your experiences- the world around you and people in your reality are a projection. Tarot can very accurately pick up details of past, present, and even future interactions and circumstances. The Law of Assumption, however, teaches us that the circumstances themselves have no relevance when it comes to shifting reality. Goddard explained that the key to manifesting a desire is through imagination first. This means living in the state of the wish fulfilled- regardless of ‘logic’, physical senses, and the appearance of your present reality. A conscious choice to change your ‘identity’ to one that believes and assumes you have your desire is the key.


As Murphy teaches in The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, the subconscious is highly susceptible to suggestion. Whilst it does store memories from our past, unlike the conscious, or ‘logic’ mind, it does not discern, or determine what is ‘true’ or ‘untrue’. Changing your outer circumstances requires breaking free from old patterns of thinking. Selecting new thoughts will eventually instill new beliefs and assumptions. You will inevitably experience the reflection in outer events, interactions, and circumstances. Your subconscious mind is your infinite intelligence. It is your portal to divine source, the universe, and all that is already in existence. As Murphy teaches, whatever beliefs you impress on it, your subconscious will move heaven and earth to prove you right!


If you can accept that a tarot reading only reflects your present ‘identity’, and therefore only one version of reality, you can harness the power of the mind to shift outcomes and manifest what you prefer.


How do you utilize tarot to consciously manifest your desires?


Fluid predictions

Tarot predictions are based on your state of consciousness but can change as quickly as your thoughts and dominant assumptions. Do not treat tarot readings as set in stone. If a reading presents a challenge, it may be highlighting a block or a limiting belief. Observe those beliefs, but rather than identifying with them, create new ones, and align your thoughts with a more desirable outcome.

Law of correspondence/law of assumption

What you believe to be true, consciously unconsciously, will manifest in your life. If the Tarot shows what’s undesirable, change your thoughts and assumptions and persist in knowing that your outer reality, as your mirror, must shift.

Pattern recognition

A reading can very accurately pick up past, present, and potential future cycles. Often, these are unconscious patterns that stem from trauma, conditioning, and low self-concept. This is then mirrored in a seeker’s outer reality. Making the unconscious, conscious, empowers you to break a pattern, experience greater self-love and manifest what you really want.

Manifesting desired reality

Use tarot as a tool for self-awareness and creation. View a reading as a check-in—are the circumstances and potential outcomes what you desire? If not, apply the Law of Assumption and align your thoughts with your desired reality. By consciously feeding the subconscious new thoughts, regardless of your senses, your physical circumstances will inevitably shift.


If you accept the above theory, and actively practice the mechanics of manifesting, the only other requirement is faith! Believe that what you command of your subconscious, along with the state you embody must be reflected in your physical reality. Both Goddard and Murphy reiterate that strong belief and conviction are crucial. Trust that through this conscious choice you are and/or have whatever it is you desire!



Your external reality is shaped by your subconscious mind. If you change your thoughts and assumptions, you can change your circumstances and experience. In essence, tarot and manifesting are two sides of the same coin. Tarot acts as a tool for self-reflection, helping you tap into the deeper layers of your mind that may not be immediately apparent. The cards reveal your state, while conscious manifesting empowers you to shift that state. The true magic lies in recognizing that you are the maker of your destiny, with tarot as your guide on this journey of conscious evolution.

For more info, follow me on Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, TikTok and visit my website!

Read more from Talsi


Talsi, Tarot Reader and Psychic Spiritual Coach

Talsi is a world renowned tarot reader and psychic spiritual coach. She was born with her intuitive gifts, but spent her early career working as a lawyer in the corporate and entertainment spaces. Her spiritual awakening came later in life when she was guided “home” to her true passion and calling. She now uses her gifts to empower others to defy the status quo! Talsi guides her clients back to a place of self love and compassion. She helps them face their fears, embody their truth, and reclaim their power in their personal, romantic and professional lives.



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