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Tap Into The Power Of The Subconscious Mind In 7 Ways And Create Extraordinary Results

Written by: Sonja Martinovic, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


The awareness of using the subconscious mind in your favor to create change, breakthroughs, and getting new results in every facet of life is underutilized and mostly stays undiscovered. In this article, I will show you simple strategies to make your subconscious work for you. I will prove the effectiveness in a 1-minute exercise to show you how powerful it can be. Find out the root cause of hitting your upper limits and how to Lead your Business and Life more effectively.

Studies have shown, that in our conscious state we’re only using around 5% of our brain's resources. So, if we are functioning at 5%, how can we live a successful and purposeful life? Where is the other 95%?

The answer is the subconscious mind, which is probably unmeasurable but shows evidence that we process around 11 Million bits of information a second from our environment, compared to the conscious mind (thinking mind) which can only process around 50 bits of information a second.

It’s kind of like using your bike while you have access to a jet fighter that knows your exact destination and what brings success and fulfillment to you personally.

Imagine the wealth and wisdom of information, already stored and accessible to you, 11 Million x seconds you are Alive and on top of that access to the source, life energy creates that we are truly capable to do anything we can set our minds to believe.

Now, why are we getting stuck when we have this magical power and knowledge inside of us? It’s because its ultimate aim is to first of all survive, keep you safe, and protect you from experiencing pain. The second aim is to make you feel comfortable and receive pleasure.

The most important one for our success is knowing that the subconscious mind is ALWAYS seeking the truth. It does not make a difference between your created truth in your lifetime or the real truth about what you can create.

The conscious mind is influenced by our 5 senses and our current environment. Its main aim is to Make Choices, Analyze and Decide (which your subconscious already sorted, based on its current Truth and evidence in its memory and emotional database)

Well, isn’t that interesting when it comes to changing habits, changing your mindset, getting out of your comfort zone, and managing the negative emotions we experience most often?

Now, are you ready to dive into the simple strategies to access the wisdom for accessing the subconscious mind? I also included the 1- minute pull-push experiment, so that you can either prove me wrong or, discover a great tool to develop your decision-making and make your subconscious your greatest ally.

1. Start the day before the day starts

by planning your next day in the evening just before you go to sleep, you primed the clear order to your subconscious mind what needs to be executed and it will seek ways to bring your plan to fruition even when you sleep.

2. Prime your Mind in Theta for quicker results.

Our brain has 5 different brainwaves, brain states. The one brain-state that your subconscious is most receptive to process changes, new ideas, ventures, or beliefs is Theta. This is when you just wake up (the first seconds) or when you are about to fall asleep.

In the ‘before falling asleep window’’ you can ask any question, give a command, ask for an idea, solution, or answer. For example, What do I need to know now? Or maybe, I am waking up at 5 am.

In the ‘first seconds of the Morning’ window, you can start your day with Gratitude, Love, or peace which are some of the highest vibrating energies to prime the subconscious mind into what state we need for a successful day.

At any given time you can create a short state of Theta to get quicker access to your subconscious mind by practicing meditation, prayer, or hypnosis.

3. Practice presence

By planning your presence while doing different activities for your business or in life, your subconscious is more open to giving you presents like ideas, lightbulb moments, focus, and more high energy which is also great for all the connections and relationships you are building.

4. Be in Authentic Alignment

Let your energy level and Intuition guide you and show you the truth of who you are meant to become, what you should be creating. Follow that bliss and your subconscious will reward you with inspiration, momentum and be laser-sharp in finding ways and opportunities for you to achieve.

5. Consistent habits and systems

If you have some limiting beliefs towards your goals, the way to make your subconscious mind work in your favor is to understand the priorities, remember? survival, safety, protection, truth oh I forgot to mention the desire to automate!

Because of the tendency to automate, we must make our habits and systems, TRUE

by executing consistently for at least 60 days before our subconscious starts to automate them and trust them as safe and known.

However, notice the shift after 3 weeks, let’s say you wake up at 5 am for 3 weeks, now you don't have to set an alarm clock anymore, you will just wake up at 5 am.

It doesn’t stop there because you will get nudges on maybe eating that nutritious breakfast, it’s starting to compound more ideas for a healthy and productive day.

6. Focus on Focus

Your subconscious is here to serve you. You can decide. What am I focusing on? What energy do I need to embody to get the results I want?

Ask yourself what do I need right now or stop doing right now to stay focused on what I want?

7. Raise your Vibration Daily

Everything is a system, nature, our minds and bodies, our emotions, Energy, you name it. When you are in High Vibrating Energy, you start attracting the same Energies in people, opportunities. Quantum Physics research shows that energy adjusts to the observer, what is also proven is our energy is not limited to our bodies, so make sure you systemize great high vibing energies like Gratitude, Presence, Peace, Joy, and Love and make it as big of a priority as your work schedule and the subconscious will bring you more of what you already are!

The 1-minute push or pull experiment

Stand up for one minute with your legs hip-width apart, be present in your body and feel the energy until you feel you are standing straight with your energy.

Close your eyes and only focus on where your energy goes.

Say in mind:

My name is (state your name, in my case Sonja).

Now feel if your energy pulls you forward (this feels like you are leaning forward) or does it push you backwards (this feels like you are leaning backwards). This learning should happen automatically in a couple of seconds.

Repeat the exercise but now state:

My name is ( state a name which is not your own, like my name is Bill)

Feel if your energy pulls you forward or does your energy push you backwards.

Let me know what you experienced! Reach out or connect with me through my socials if you want to know more about me or my services.

High Vibes,


For more info, follow me on Facebook, Instagram and visit my website!


Sonja Martinovic, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Sonja Martinovic, is a Mindset Mastery, online business coach, and top-ranked podcast host.

After 15+ years as an International Sales Manager, certified coach, and trainer of the Sales academy, she was quite surprised by her feeling of emptiness. Since then she burned the corporate boat and stepped into true transformation and online business on the next level. She is on a mission to create a stream of influencers, creating a ripple effect in improving people's lives. With her coaching and hosting experts on her 'The Vault with Sonja Martinovic' podcast, she is well on her way to unlocking potentials, removing limiting beliefs, providing strategies, and intentionally create businesses of Impact.

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