Written by: Louisa Havers, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Are you ready to create a frequency of aligned money? If the answer is yes, you need to think about your energy and tame your monkey mind.
Everything is energy, a series of frequencies and vibrations. We're all familiar with the idea of waves and frequencies transmitting across space and changing the way we live. Just think, WIFI, radio and tv waves, x-rays, and microwaves; we turn something on, and electrical impulses and frequencies make that thing work. And, if it doesn't work, we look to upgrade the tech or improve the connection.

Human beings have their own WIFI too! It's our Aura, a two-way transmission between ourselves and the universe. If things in our lives aren't working as smoothly or as successfully as we'd like, it may mean that our WIFI needs an upgrade; some attention to help tune it to channels that allow us to achieve what we truly want to experience.
However, here's the rub, our personal energy field is extremely complex. Our three energetic wisdom centers – head, heart, and hara (the area below our belly button, also called our gut instinct), send out electromagnetic waves that affect everything in our lives – from friendships, family, relationships and health, to money and work. In short, non-aligned or negative thoughts and emotions attract unwanted experiences.
Whilst this may seem a scary proposition, it's also an exciting one. By changing thoughts and emotions that don't serve us, we can upgrade our experiences for the better. It's powerful stuff!
But what, I hear you say, has this to do with the money?
In short, everything! We might be motivated by growth and having more success or an income breakthrough but find ourselves stuck, or worse, going backward. This is what I like to call being halted by the iceberg of consciousness.
We're all aware of our thoughts daily, but this conscious thought is only 5-10% of what's actually going on in our minds. It's the tip of the iceberg. Our subconscious and unconscious minds lie beneath the waterline. It's here where our unintentional habitual thoughts, behaviors, values, actions, and identity have the most significant impact on our outcomes. These thoughts affect the electromagnetic waves, frequency, and vibration our human WIFI sends out into the universe.
Let me clarify. The reasons we want an income breakthrough are held in our conscious mind, but our motives not to allow the income breakthrough are held in our subconscious mind. If we are not in flow, it's like driving a car with one foot on the brake – creating a push-pull sensation in our lives.
We all know the score. We've created our goals, planned our road map, and our conscious mind knows where it's going. But what is our subconscious up to?
What if..? What if..? What if..? Have you found yourself on the what-if train?
What if I succeed? Can I sustain it?
Do I want the extra responsibility?
What if my family doesn't approve?
What if my friends and colleagues don't like me anymore?
What if I have to spend too much time away from my family?
What If I go for it and lose it all?
What if people find out I'm a fraud?
What if I get sick from having to work hard?
What if I can't live up to the expectation?
Does this resonate? Why is it we feel this fear when we start to get what we want? Stepping outside our comfort zone can trigger our subconscious into giving reasons not to allow success. Our monkey mind is quiet when we're walking the same, well-trodden, safe route. But when we step off this path, it starts monkeying around, questioning the wisdom of our actions.
Our brain is just trying to keep us safe - doing whatever it takes to stop us from feeling the fear. It makes us put our foot on the brake. This might have been useful when we were living in caves, but it's not helpful now!
Everything we experience is down to the energy state we are in, reflected in three energy flow types.
When we're in flow, it feels like everything is going well; it's effortless; work and relationships are thriving; we feel fulfilled, and things feel easier and easier. We are open to allowing things to flow in and to receive them.
When we're in resistance, we're making progress towards our life goals, but it feels labored; as if we're moving in the right direction, but something is holding us back, for instance, we manifest an unexpected bill, or we receive more money and then get sick.
When we're in reversal, it feels like going backward from our goal and our intention. It can start to manifest with compassion fatigue or crisis fatigue, burning out and impacting all areas of life, health, relationships, and income.
No one likes feeling out of alignment, but how do you change your energy state? The most crucial step is to raise your energetic vibration and attraction point; take the path to energetic self-mastery, which helps uncover areas in our energy field impacting our life experiences.
Freeing up resistant and reversed energy around money creates the space to manifest that income breakthrough you crave. It means you can increase your energetic attraction point, bringing your Head, Heart, and Hara into the flow.
Over time working with my clients, I've developed a method for aligned success. It enables anyone to achieve an abundant and prosperous paradigm and transform their human WIFI so that they can manifest with ease.
Four tips for success:
A crystal-clear vision and intention - energy follow intention. Therefore a crystal-clear vision of the direction you're traveling and a solid intention is crucial. This is a muscle we need to use and develop.
A paradigm and vibration for success - create a frequency and vibration of belief, faith, and certainty by letting go of beliefs that have made a current reality. It's vital to imprint new beliefs that will get you to the next point.
Taking aligned action - the energy behind the action you take is vital. It must be aligned and feel good, as your energy is infused in the action you take.
Your capacity to receive - what you have in your life now is based on your current level of receiving. Expanding this capacity to receive by improving relationships with fun, joy, and all the good you allow to you helps grow and expand your wealth consciousness.
Creating a new paradigm for success is about mastering the art of knowing how to do it; how to hack your subconscious so that you can get into a super flow state and attract all you desire. Using my method for daily intentions enables almost magical manifestation. It's not really magic; it's making simple, practical changes to your energy mindset that transforms your life experience. After all, what could be more exciting and magnetic than building that belief in yourself, having that faith, that frequency of certainty.
If you want to learn how to create a new paradigm for success, a new electromagnetic frequency around money and your wealth attraction, then why not join my FREE 5-day Aligned Money Expansion Masterclass? It starts soon and reveals how Coaches can break through an upper-income limit by manifesting in the Akashic Records. Visit my website for more information.

Louisa Havers is an internationally renowned Master Transformational Coach, Master Manifesting teacher, Master Akashic Records teacher (Soul Journeys® Method), and business mentor. She enables high achievers and coaches to unlock their superpowers, turbo-charge soul-aligned magnetism, and "lift the ceiling" in both their lives and businesses. It’s a journey Louisa knows works as she’s personally undertaken it. Years spent leading change in the highly pressurized and stressful social services sector led to shingles and chronic fatigue, compelling her to break free from the corporate matrix of overwork. It was the first step to creating her own life of freedom and dream business income. Louisa enables clients across the globe to activate quantum leaps to success in their journey to fulfillment, self-love, and a six / seven-figure income. Daring to live your life’s purpose is genuinely possible under Louisa’s loving, powerful and insightful guidance.