Written by: David Campbell, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Get the ball rolling. Are you a leader? If you can answer “Yes,” then keep reading. If you still have questions, then I encourage you to re-read my article “Releasing the Leader Within You.”

Decide that you are a leader.
Now that we have considered who can be a leader and the characteristics of a good leader let’s consider where we go from here.
Every leader needs to develop strategies that will enable them to grow in both good and bad times. I now offer five strategies you can employ to strengthen and broaden your skills as a leader. This is not an exhaustive list but rather a good starting point.
1. Leaders need Persistence
The dictionary defines persistence as “the fact of continuing in an opinion or course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition.”
What’s the one common attribute high achievers share above anything else? PERSISTENCE. When they have a goal, they simply refuse to give up until they reach it – no matter what roadblocks life throws in their way.
In short, they are focused on the goal.
I found the following commentary about being focused on the goal to be very helpful.
“I'm not saying that I have this all together, that I have it made. But I am well on my way. Friends, don't get me wrong: by no means do I count myself an expert in all of this, but I've got my eye on the goal. I'm off and running, and I'm not turning back. So let's keep focused on that goal. If any of you have something else in mind, something less than total commitment, you need to clear your vision. Now that we're on the right track let's stay on it.” Paul (Saul of Tarsus)
I find this extremely motivating when I face what appears to be insurmountable opposition to the goal I have set myself.
As a leader, we need this kind of attitude when it comes to achieving results. An attitude that pushes through the inevitable roadblocks that get in the way of our progress.
2. Face what isn’t working
Good leaders take the time to review and reflect on the past. I was once told that if I lost the opportunity (in business), do not lose the lesson learned. If you are going to become more successful, you have to reject the desire to deny failure and face what isn’t/hasn’t been working.
The first time you try something that doesn’t work, it is a learning opportunity. The second time is a mistake. The formula for achieving success is simple:
Have a go, review, adjust, have a go.
(Repeat until you succeed)
As you review, ask yourself: Are the goals simply too big? Are you lacking some essential skills? Do you need more support?
No matter how uncomfortable or challenging it might be, if you want to realize success, you must face what isn’t working and do something to change that.
I would like to ask: if money, time and skills were not an issue, what would you do next?
Choose one action you can take and then do it. Then take another action, and another, continuing until you reach the desired outcome. My mentor, John C Maxwell, speaks about the value of momentum to the leader in his book “The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership”. When you start moving forward (in any direction), it becomes easier to change course and keep moving.
3. Rise above your limiting beliefs
As a coach, I often come across clients who are not moving forward because, deep down, they don’t think they are actually capable of achieving their goals – or don’t feel deserving of success. These are limiting beliefs – negative thoughts.
If you have limiting beliefs or negative thoughts holding you back, take some time now to identify what these are and then transform them into an empowering belief. Using these four steps:
Write down the limiting belief or negative thought
Describe how the belief limits you
Decide how you would rather be, act, or feel
Create a turnaround statement that affirms your right to be, act, or feel this new way.
For example...
Limiting belief: I have to do everything by myself. Asking for help is a sign of weakness.
Turnaround statement: It’s okay to ask for help. I am worthy of receiving all the support I need – and I know it will help me reach my goals faster.
4. Stay motivated
You control your motivation. It comes from within, knowing your vision and maintaining your passion – but sometimes, an injection from an external source can nudge you forward. My business colleague sets aside half a day per week to learn something new. One of our clients sets aside “think time” for all his executive team. I schedule 30 minutes a day to first walk the dog and then sit and reflect on an article I might have read or a podcast I may have heard. The principle is to take some intentional time to allow external input to your level of motivation. Grow yourself through extending yourself.
Find yourself a few minutes every day to improve yourself. It can give you the edge to excel in virtually any area of your life. If you devote more time to developing success-oriented thoughts and attitudes, you will reach your goals faster.
5. To get big results, take bold actions
There is usually some level of fear when you put yourself out there in a new project or venture. Most people let that fear stop them. They fail to take the necessary steps to achieve their dreams.
Even successful people feel the fear, but they don’t let it keep them from moving forward. Fear needs to be acknowledged and harnessed. Using that experience enables you to take bold actions. By taking a leap of faith and facing your fear, you can transform your life.
It all comes down to pushing out the boundaries of your comfort zone. I know that when I went into business for myself, I was unsure of many things. I feared that I would not be able to succeed. I worried about what would happen if I failed. In reality, I could not fail if I didn’t try. But I would always be asking myself: “What could have been?”
Having the support of my wife and close friends (who believed in me) has enabled me to step out and I am now seeing the results of facing my fears.
In conclusion: If you can implement just one of the above thoughts, and turn it from a thought into action, you will be making a shift in your leadership journey.
Leaders are committed to staying the course to the end goal, doing what is needed to navigate around and through obstacles and showing the courage of their conviction.

David Campbell, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
David is an exceptionally experienced executive coach. He is an exceptional public speaker who challenges the way organisations and individuals think in relation to business and life. has led reform within a number of organisations and brings a unique understanding of the pressures in both the public and private sectors. He understands the changing requirements and time frames within the business environment and has considerable experience in leading, managing and coaching geographically dispersed (remote) teams. David brings a new insight into the way we think into our success in business to realise exceptional results.