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Surrender – Should We Even Do This In Life?

Written by: Sarah Tricker Alchemy, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Everywhere we look today we are bombarded with the idea that we must surrender. Surrender to what is meant to be. Juxtaposing we are also bombarded with setting goals and perpetual movement forward.

There are so many of these expectations that show up in our life from sayings such as; ‘all good things come to those who wait’ and ‘success is no accident its hard work’. How many of you reading this have been brought up with these contradictions? Well which is it? Do we set our intentions and allow the universe to bring it to us? Or do we set our goals and work hard until we have realize them? If you were to take a moment and look back at some of the sayings you were brought up with I don’t think it would take you long to see some juxtaposing views.

Humans are a fascinating species in the way in which we continually strive to make our lives easier. When you think about the Homo sapiens and how much work it was for them to survive to how we live now. Many people go to the grocery store for food, malls for clothing, flip a switch for light, and have machines that clean for them. Our lives now seem so simple. We are inquisitive by nature and are always adapting and changing.

Moving through time humans have become enlightened and then scientific. We deeply have the innate part of ourselves that needs to know. We want proof of our existence, of God, of nature. Over time we have learnt to manipulate our environment. Some have been for the good such as modern medicine, housing, and the ability to sustain nearly eight billion people. Some are ,not so good with the destruction of the earth for fossil fuels, and the loss of wildlife and nature.

In a world that is focused on moving to the next level can we truly surrender? When we surrender we are to give up to the authority of our enemy. Who is our enemy? The government? Consumerism? Humankind? Ourselves? Is it really possible to concede to their power? You may even be labelled as a follower.

Moving into the Age of Aquarius we are being asked to examine our relationship with the collective. This is also a time of expansion of the unconscious. As a species, we are ascending to a higher vibration. Being asked to open and question the very structure that was here to keep us safe. How are we to surrender to this?

Surrender – should we even do this in life?

As you’re reading this today I would like you to examine the very thought that we should never surrender. Instead, we need to let go. Let go of our need to control every outcome in our lives. Surely this would make far more sense than surrendering? Some of you may not agree as you will claim the authority that you are giving up to is God and a higher power that you trust. For the rest of you, it could be said that this is one of the hardest parts of your journey.

How to navigate letting go?

1. Decide on your destination.

This is the easy part. What is it you want? It could vary from something long-term such as a career after you finished your degree, a new house, a new job, a relationship, the list is endless. Think big like there are no limits. Create your vision and start to feel like you already hold it in your hands.

2. Make a plan.

You may find this relatively easy to. What are your action steps? The good old 5 years, 3 years, 2 years, 1 year, to monthly steps to get you where you want to be! For the planners and list builders out there, this is the part you really enjoy. You know where you’re going and how you are going to get there.

3. Let go!

Ok, I get it, how do you let go? You have asked the universe for what you want and created the plan. In fact, you are on the path of taking baby steps every day to get to where you want. When we fully let go we let go of the control we allow space for the meandering of life. We allow space for the universe to guide us in a different direction. OOH, there it is! The part that will make most of you pucker up a little and the fear run through your veins. It is part of the ego that lets us believe that we know what is best for us. That we can even dream big enough for our future. That we dare to try and control every outcome of our life, career, family, and even our friends! We often approach life like a chess game thinking if we make this move the outcome will be this. It’s not!

As we come around to this way of thinking some of you may not truly see the difference in surrender and letting go. You may feel they are of the same caliber. Some of you may be able to surrender easily and struggle with letting go or vice versa. The main message that is important is that you must know that as a human you have preconceived limitations that have been placed upon you by your parents, your upbringing, your culture, and our society in general. That you may not be thinking big enough even to get what is yours by birthright. That by letting go after you have decided on your destination and made the plan is that you can be taken to places you could have never dreamed of!

When we fully align the mind, body, and soul it is far easier to let go than you may believe. Yoga is a way you can get connected to your patterns and beliefs. As what shows up on the mat shows up in life. Sarah Tricker provides a one-on-one Transcendence Evolution Yoga program for you to take back your body and mind confidence!

Want to learn more? Click here.

Follow Sarah on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and visit her website for more info


Sarah Tricker Alchemy, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Sarah Tricker Alchemy is a change-maker and has the ability to see what lies in the unseen and unexplained. After realizing her dream to become an educator, Sarah soon understood she herself was not fulfilling her life purpose. In 2016 she began the journey of entrepreneurship and had been forging her way to true authenticity. Sarah is a Public Speaker & Spiritual Empowerment Coach helping women who are in transition within their life. With her gift as a healer, she facilitates women in finding their authentic selves as well as their life purpose. Every moment is a miracle, and there is always opportunity even when you cannot see it.

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