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Summer Energy Boost – Essential Tips To Keep You Energised All Season Long

Beanie Robinson is one of London's best Nutritionists. She is the Founder of The Health Space, an online Nutrition Clinic that specializes in Weight Loss, Hormonal imbalances; PCOS, IBS, Gut health & Type 2 diabetes.

Executive Contributor  Beanie Robinson

Summer is a season full of activities, adventures, and outdoor fun, but the warmer weather and humidity can also bring fatigue and lethargy if we’re not careful.

Happy young woman feeling fresh and relaxing at ocean

Maintaining high energy levels during the summer months involves a combination of thoughtful sleep hygiene, considered nutrition, proper hydration, and smart lifestyle choices. Here are some key strategies to keep your energy levels up and make the most out of your summer days.


1. Regulate your circadian rhythm

Your circadian rhythm is your internal body clock that regulates your sleep-wake cycle. Keeping it consistent is crucial for maintaining energy levels.

Start by waking up at the same time every day, even on weekends. Exposure to natural light when you wake up in the morning helps reset your circadian rhythm. Make sure to spend some time outside early in the day & show those eyeballs to the sky!

In the evening, dimming the lights and reducing screen time helps your body produce melatonin, the hormone that regulates sleep.

Establish a calming nighttime routine that includes activities like drinking herbal teas, taking a cool shower, self-massage, reading non-stimulating material, or journaling. These habits can improve your sleep quality and give you a better chance of waking up feeling refreshed.


2. Stay hydrated and add electrolytes

Hydration is critical for energy, especially in the hot summer months when we lose more fluids through sweat.

Start your day with a full pint of water, you can add mint, cucumber, ginger or turmeric if you like. Drinking enough water throughout the day is essential, but don’t forget to replenish electrolytes, which are minerals that help maintain the body's fluid balance.

You can add electrolytes to your water or consume natural sources like coconut water. Set an alarm on your phone for about 3 pm, when energy levels may start to dip, for another pint of water and a walk around the block.


3. Space out your meals

Instead of random snacking, aim to have well-spaced meals about 3 to 3.5 hours apart.

This helps maintain steady blood sugar levels, providing a consistent energy supply. Random snacking can lead to spikes and crashes in blood sugar, causing fatigue.

Plan your meals to include a balance of macronutrients to keep your energy stable throughout the day, focusing on lean proteins, fibre (vegetables, lentils, chickpeas and beans) and healthy fats.

4. Focus on low-sugar and complex carbs

High-sugar foods can give you a quick energy boost followed by a crash, leaving you feeling tired. Instead, opt for complex carbohydrates like fresh vegetables, low-sugar fruits, lentils, chickpeas, and beans.

These foods provide sustained energy and are rich in fibre, which helps stabilise blood sugar levels.

If you find yourself reaching for sugary snacks too often, you might be interested in my blog post, Are You Addicted to Sugar? It offers insights and tips to help you manage sugar cravings and make healthier choices.


5. Include lots of good quality lean protein

Protein is vital for maintaining energy levels as it helps in the repair and growth of tissues and keeps you feeling full longer. Incorporate a variety of protein sources, including small portions of organic lean meats, organic eggs, organic greek yogurt, organic cottage cheese, organic ricotta, sheep's feta, plant-based proteins like organic tofu, tempeh, lentils, chickpeas, and beans.

For vegetarians and vegans, a variety of different protein sources is particularly important to ensure you’re getting all essential amino acids. Click here to read my easy tips on how to increase your protein intake.


6. Move your body

Regular physical activity is essential for maintaining energy levels. Aim to get your steps in during the cooler parts of the day, such as morning or evening.

A brisk walk to work in the morning, a light jog in the park, or even a relaxing evening stroll after dinner can actually boost your energy and improve your mood. Keeping your body moving helps circulate blood and oxygen, enhancing overall vitality.


7. Don’t overdo portion sizes

Large meals can be a lot of work for your body to digest & that can make you tired. You know that feeling after a big Sunday Lunch when you end up snoozing on the sofa. Instead, aim for moderate portion sizes and take your time to really chew and eat slowly without the distraction of YouTube, Netflix or TikTok!

This not only aids digestion but also helps your body absorb nutrients more effectively. Eating slowly allows your body to signal when you are full, preventing overeating and the sluggishness that follows.


8. Introduce a gentle overnight fast

An overnight fast of 13-14 hours can help regulate your metabolism and improve your energy levels. Try to close the kitchen early in the evening (7.30 pm) and avoid late-night snacking.

This evening fasting period can give your digestive system a much needed break and can improve sleep quality, contributing to better energy levels during the day.


9. Consider energy-boosting supplements

Certain supplements can help maintain high energy levels. B vitamins, ginseng, green tea, vitamin D, and CoQ10 are all known for their energy-boosting properties. B vitamins play a crucial role in energy production, while ginseng and green tea have been shown to improve mental clarity and stamina.

Vitamin D is essential for overall health and energy, particularly if you’re not getting enough sunlight. CoQ10 is a powerful antioxidant that supports cellular energy production.



10. Manage caffeine intake

While caffeine can be a great energy booster, it’s important to manage your intake to avoid dependence and crashes.

Try to wait at least 90 minutes after waking up before having your first cup of coffee (hydrate before you caffeinate!). Limit caffeine in the afternoon (post 2pm) to prevent it from interfering with your sleep.

Maintaining high energy levels during the summer is all about balance and finding a routine you can be consistent with.

By regulating your circadian rhythm, staying hydrated, eating well-spaced and nutrient-dense meals, incorporating regular physical activity, and managing your portion sizes, you can ensure that you feel your best all summer long.

Adding energy-boosting supplements and managing your caffeine intake (aiming for a maximum of one coffee per day) can further enhance your vitality. With these summer wellness tips, you’ll be ready to enjoy the season to the fullest, with energy to spare.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Beanie Robinson, Nutritionist

Beanie Robinson is a leader in sustainable healthy weight loss, hormonal imbalances; PCOS & IBS. Her personal journey with PCOS left her searching for a natural and holistic way of alleviating her symptoms. She has since dedicated her life to helping others optimise their health through Nutrition & Lifestyle medicine. Beanie passionately believes in our bodies capacity to heal & guides clients on their journey to full health & vitality.



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