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Storytelling Time – Let The Feed Bleed –The Moments In Our Life We Can Let Go Of

Written by: Ayanna Njeri Welsh, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Ayanna Njeri Welsh

As I stand in the shower contemplating my next move, I bleed and hear the outside world scream, as a revelation comes to me. Believing in what I am seeing, like really, did that just happen as I look at my feet. Stepping out, feeling a sense of relief, as an old feeling is no longer part of me. Let it bleed, as I look and see the clouds speak of truth to me, be still Queen, you Divine Being.

Nose bleeding woman

On a scale I see, the two energies all surface, yet reveals indeed. As I enjoy this moment of the two sides of which I see, not surprising, really. Moment by moment, a feed that leads to death while living you see. I see the future through electricity, as it will not be me, a funeral for those who continue to deceive. The public, the public, the mass public, enjoying the sights and sounds that are not real. As I hear the birds speak of those who want a peek. Can I see? Again, the clouds speak of truth to me, be still Queen, you Divine Being. It's Thursday evening on an island, surrounded by beautiful trees and the birds' tweet, wink, wink, that go beep beep, message received. Stop and breathe, as I hear a scream. What was the fee? As it reaches, she is leaving the beach. What to do? What to do? She bleeds love no matter what we do, and that is of truth. And the clouds speak of truth to me, be still Queen, you Divine Being. Face me, face me, as I pierce through your eyes and hear your true voice spew, blind or choosing not to see the truth. Do they still not see how we all came to be? Dive deep, that's too scary for me, I'd rather watch a horror movie that is of someone else's 3D. Lucy, Lucy a God in a horror movie, as the layers need to be peeled back, like a lotus flower that now sees. As the clouds speak of truth to me, be still Queen, you Divine Being.

I hear stop, stop please, this is too much for me, as I eat nuts focused on my dreams. Thank you for showing me your open veil, that many can see, listen closely as the blood line runs deep. The influence, come closer, closer, fall into a trap that makes your heart heavy, as death comes knocking at your feet. Who is it? Death, your choice is a feed that has been reached. The souls of your feet speak, as the wind blows, just breathe. Where does it lead? Do not fear, you will know which way the road goes, as I hear the clouds speak of truth to me, be still Queen, you Divine Being.

This short story slash poem is about allowing all that is experienced in life, to let it bleed out. Those moments provide a reminder of your spiritual journey in this life as a Being. We have experienced moments that create memories, that we either want to hold on to, let go of or grow from, and as this title suggests, it leads to a place where in the mist of it, it is preparing you for a new life beyond it, which says a lot about the souls' journey.

Letting the feed bleed can be an experience of joy or the opposite, but in either, letting it go is key in maintaining a high level of spirituality. This causes one to think, “Keep Going Know Matter What,” which can be difficult in both high and low moments. In the high moments, it is to maintain a humble, grateful, and thankful spirit, and in the low moments, have the awareness to lift your head up high and say, “This Too Shall Pass,” as you learn a valuable lesson. These moments in our life are our stories, as the story above is part of my reel. Make it count in this life and the next, as it may cause a ripple effect, that can impact many lives or your own life, which changes feed.

This can be tricky as we tend to hold on, and from a spiritual perspective, letting go and detaching is the goal, which is to have a light heart and clear mind to receive new, new, as you continue the path you are pursuing. We all like new, “Out with the old, in with the New” is the saying, right? What is new to the mind, body and soul is more valuable than anything on this planet, and by not holding on, new paths are open to explore more.

Let The Feed Bleed is a big part of my service and purpose as a Starseed Transformational Life Coach. My goal as a coach, as it pertains to this article, is to guide my clients from where they are now based on past moments and to move them forward to the next. That next requires detachment, a new growth mindset, and putting it into practice to accomplish what they are seeking. The next step on this journey creates new moments that make a feed, causing the soul to grow beautifully.

Let the feed bleed logo

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Ayanna Njeri Welsh Brainz Magazine

Ayana Njeri Welsh, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Ayanna Njeri Welsh is a Transformational Life & Success Coach. As an experienced Human Resource professional, and the transition to Coaching was a natural progression in her career path. As it pertains to her spiritual purpose in life, her experience in understanding human behavior on many levels, she is able to guide her clients in fulfilling their goals, desires and dreams on a holistic level. Ayanna's spiritual journey has moved her into the field of holistic life coaching, through her abilities in connecting to something much greater, that can take her clients on a journey of powerful spiritual transformation. By going deep within, her clients not only reach what they are seeking to accomplish, but also find meaning and purpose as they continue on their life journey. She has dedicated her life to guiding others become better versions of themselves, which has a ripple effect that transcends time and space. She is the CEO of Starseed Transformational Life Coach, and the goal is for her clients to see that all of what they seek comes from within, first.

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