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Stop Saying The “F” Word!

Written by: Derick Grant, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


We might as well go ahead and cut straight to the chase. We all use this word so casually, giving it more power than it deserves. If there's something you've never achieved in your life, it wasn't because you weren't capable of it. If you put your mind to something and you're willing to work for it, you can do anything. There's something, though, that lies in between your capability and what you accomplish. It's called FEAR. The actual fear is not present; it's the feeling of fear that is real. Fear is a construct of the mind, of the ego, more specifically. You develop fear because the ego likes to stay comfortable; it wants to stay in one place. Fear is put in place to ensure that you never move forward and stay "safe." Your job is to ask yourself, "why am I afraid of this? Why do I have this feeling of fear?"

The fear you feel is produced by your perception of the situation, which is a thought. You can have control over your thoughts. So if you can control your thoughts and bring awareness as to why you are afraid, you will see that the fear can no longer exist. My mother used to tell me growing up that fear stood for False Evidence Appearing Real. It's a construct, you have created it, and if you can create fear, you can also destroy it.

Here are three keys that you can practice to dispel your fears.

  1. Awareness. Pay attention to the feeling when you are fearful. Paying attention to the feeling on the surface will bring awareness to the underlying thought. Fear resides in your unawareness.

  2. Ask yourself why? Why am I afraid right now? And keep asking why until you get to the cause of the effect. Through doing this, the fear loses its power over you because you're becoming more aware of the reasons that led to it.

  3. Lastly, please don't run away from your fears. Go towards them. They can have so much power over you because we run from it. When you start running towards your fears of acknowledge them and learning more about why you're fearful, the fear must go away. I'm a living testament to this. The only way I overcame my fears was by moving towards them: the high achievers, the great athletes in the world. As successful entrepreneurs, we all have fears like everyone else. They just have figured out a way to run at their fears instead of running away from them.

Remember, fear is something that your ego created within your mind, and awareness destroys it. So now, go and be all that you can be; you have nothing to fear!

Want to learn more from Derick? Follow him on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin Twitter and visit his website.


Derick Grant, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

After traveling to 70 different countries, and playing 8 years for the Harlem Globetrotters, Derick Grant set out on a mission to help hundreds of athletes, coaches, and people tap into their infinite seed of greatness. His client base consists of but is not limited to the NBA, WNBA, NFL, executives at Fortune 500 companies. He is an author, TEDx speaker, and revered as one of the most powerful performance mindset coaches in the athletic world. His revolutionary approach to mindset by teaching what the mind is, and how to use it as a tool has helped influenced high achievers across the globe. His podcast, “The Pathway to Your Results”, helps teach people how to find this seed of greatness we all had inside of us.

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