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Stop Looking For Happiness, Start Looking For Purpose

After +25 years in various finance and business leadership roles across Asia-Pacific, Sandeep now runs a boutique strategy consulting and leadership coaching outfit, Value-Unlocked Private Limited. Sandeep's purpose is to help organizations and individuals bring to life the amazing success stories they want to script for themselves, and he delivers this through coaching, consulting and facilitation.

Executive Contributor Sandeep Jain

In today's materialistic world, the pursuit of happiness dominates our thoughts and actions. We all seek it, yet it remains elusive. At one point or another, the eternal question that each of us has struggled with is: How can I be happy? Some of us may ask ourselves, What gives us happiness? And others may ask, When will we be happy? What we once believed would bring joy often falls short of what we expected once we reach that state. The train of life keeps chugging, but the station of happiness remains out of reach.

 Captured from behind, a young female adventurer

I believe people would be happier if they stopped relentlessly searching for happiness and instead focused on finding their purpose. By exploring the transformative power of purpose, each of us can lead more meaningful and gratifying lives and also find happiness along the way. 

The illusion of happiness

Our definition of happiness is often driven by societal conditioning, leading us to accumulate wealth, seek external validation, and indulge in fleeting pleasures. Hence, this quest usually leaves us feeling empty and unsatisfied. By its nature, happiness is transient, always influenced by external factors such as achievements, material possessions, and even the moods of those around us. 

It is challenging to find happiness because it is nebulous. Happiness is not a singular entity but a delicate balance of various aspects of our lives. We struggle to discover it because our lives are seldom in perfect equilibrium. Sometimes, we have success, wealth, and status while our relationships suffer, and at other times our health may deteriorate, overshadowing everything else. Our happiness is compromised even if things are a little out of balance. At that moment, we fail to recognize that happiness lies not in the absence of imperfections but in embracing the entirety of our lives and finding contentment amidst the ups and downs. 

The power of purpose

Unlike happiness, purpose is an internal compass that guides our actions and shapes our lives. It is the reason we get out of bed in the morning. It is the driving force behind our passions and endeavours. When we connect with our purpose, we tap into a wellspring of inspiration and motivation. Purpose provides a sense of direction, allowing us to align our actions with our values to create a meaningful impact on the world around us.

Finding purpose involves introspection and self-reflection. We need to delve into our core values, interests, and strengths. By understanding ourselves better, we can identify what truly matters to us and what we are uniquely equipped to contribute. Once we find our purpose, it transcends our personal and professional lives, intertwining our passions and values with our daily activities.

We should look for purpose instead of happiness. When we work towards our purpose, happiness follows. We start enjoying the journey as much as the destination we want to get to.

Five reasons to seek purpose over happiness

Deeper fulfillment

While happiness is often associated with temporary feelings of joy and satisfaction, purpose offers a profound sense of fulfilment beyond fleeting emotions. Purpose is rooted in our values and passions, giving us a lasting sense of meaning and satisfaction.

Resilience and direction

Purpose acts as a guiding compass that helps us navigate life's challenges and setbacks. With a clear sense of purpose, we are better equipped to face obstacles with resilience and determination. Purpose gives us direction and clarity, allowing us to overcome adversity and stay focused on our long-term goals and aspirations. 

Meaningful impact

Happiness often revolves around our own desires and pleasures, whereas purpose extends beyond ourselves. When we align our actions with our purpose, we contribute to something larger than ourselves, whether it's our community, society, or a cause we deeply care about. Making a positive difference and leaving a lasting impact provides deep fulfilment and satisfaction.

Sustained motivation

Happiness can be fleeting when tied to external circumstances beyond our control. On the other hand, purpose provides intrinsic motivation that sustains us in the long run. When we connect to our purpose, an inner fire keeps us engaged, energized, and committed to our goals, leading to a more fulfilling and successful journey.

Overall well-being

Pursuing purpose has a positive impact on our overall well-being. Research has shown that individuals with a strong sense of purpose experience reduced stress levels, improved mental health, and enhanced physical well-being. When these connect with the larger purpose, we find more joy in life and at work, even while working on mundane things.

In conclusion, I encourage you to embark on a journey of self-discovery, exploring your passions, values, and strengths to uncover your unique purpose. By aligning our actions with our purpose, we can lead more fulfilling lives and make a positive difference in our personal and professional spheres. So, let us embrace the transformative power of purpose and embark on a path that leads to lasting fulfilment rather than fleeting happiness.

Purpose is the north star that guides us on life's journey to lasting happiness!

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Sandeep Jain, Leadership Coach & Strategy Consultant

Sandeep Jain | Leadership Coach & Strategy Consultant | CEO, Value-Unlocked Private Limited

After +25 years in various finance and business leadership roles across Asia-Pacific, Sandeep now runs a boutique strategy consulting and leadership coaching outfit, Value-Unlocked Private Limited.

Sandeep's purpose is to help organizations and individuals bring to life the amazing success stories they want to script for themselves, and he delivers this through coaching, consulting and facilitation.

As a coach, Sandeep primarily works with CXOs in organization-sponsored engagements and with senior teams on agendas around leadership, strategy, purpose and values, business growth, etc. On the strategy consulting side, he helps companies deliver on their transformation agendas through interventions around route-to-market, portfolio optimization, operational efficiencies, leveraging industry-ready technology solutions, cost savings, and organization re-design.



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