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Start Your New Year With A ‘To Be’ List

Written by: Paul Corke, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


In the morning I have a routine which works effectively in programming me for the day. It’s simple…

Cropped shot of a woman sitting on her bed and writing.

Get up at a natural time in line with my body clock (Always focused on 90 mins sleep cycle),

Get a shower to wake myself up,

Set my mind to play from a 10 for the day,

Then go outside and get some fresh air,

While outside hearing the birds sing run through what I am grateful for in life,

Then drink plenty of water,

Get my coffee ready,

Then make my lists for the day,

Then take action…

“Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else”. – Judy Garland

Some mornings I may start by stretching or exercising then focus on my two lists…

Like most people I have a To Do List because it really does help me, and I focus on for the day on what needs doing. I take pleasure in ticking things off and will generally eat the frog (Do the hardest thing) at the start of the day and sometimes I will ‘drink the juice’ which is work on what energises me the most at the start of the day, and it depends on what I need from the day and where my energy needs to play.

But I also have a very powerful additional list…called my ‘To Be’ List.

This is who I am going to be each and every day.

So, I wake up in the morning and automatically think about my ‘To Be’ List.

Who I am going to be when I’m doing what I know.

I can choose who I want to be at any given time.

And you can write this list daily, weekly, monthly but write it down just like you have a to do list.

When you wake up in the morning, in the shower or when you go outside you can think about your ‘To Be’ List.

Warm up in the morning by reading your ‘To Be’ list.

In fact, you can read it at any time during the day or when negative behaviours start to slip in or before an important meeting or even before you go to bed to program yourself for the next day.

It will keep you focused and anchored.

And the great thing is you can remind yourself who you are going to be at any point in time.

I am positive, optimistic, friendly, kind, loving, helpful…it almost becomes an affirmation in itself, and you get to decide who you want ‘To Be’.

These critical ‘To Be’ list behaviours used consistently over a prolonged time will make a massive difference in your life.

Instead of your New Year’s resolutions make your ‘To Be’ list and you will be more likely to achieve your goals in 2023 by being the best version of you.

They say put yourself at the top of your to do list every single day and the rest will take care of itself and to ensure this happens you now have a ‘To Be’ List to make this happen.

“What I tell people is be the best version of yourself in anything that you do. You don't have to live anybody else's story.” — Stephen Curry.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Paul Corke, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Paul Corke is an author, a keynote speaker, and considered to be a leading expert on mindset, innovation, and leadership. He is currently recognized as the No. 1 Health and Wellness Thought Leader & Influencer with @Thinkers360 and is also the Managing Director of Leadership Innovators an innovative leadership consultancy. He previously spent 25 years in the corporate world with award-winning results specializing in organizational effectiveness, employee engagement, talent management, and leadership development with experience in the UK, Ireland, Europe, the US, and the Middle East.

Paul is the author of Reframe Your Mindset: Redefine Your Success, has a podcast series to support the book and has created The Mindset Journal all based on what he calls ‘The Mindset Equation for Success.’ Paul uses his research into the mindset and positive psychology along with the thinking from his books to provide thought leadership, leadership model design, leadership assessment, and solutions to help organizations build their leadership capability.

Paul has successfully built a leadership development strategy and provided solutions in the industries of Financial Services, Retail, Automobile, Charity, Information Technology, Education, and Local Government. His mission is to develop leaders the world now wants to see whilst also making a difference through B1G1working towards the UN Global Goals to help those in need across the world.

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