Written by: Melissa Acob, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

How do you start your day? Are you the kind of person who starts their day overthinking and overanalyzing how much you must get done for the day? Or are you the type of person who starts their day by calming their mindset and setting positive intentions? What if I told you how you start your day affects your outcome? In this article, I’m going to teach you how implementing 5 deep breaths in your morning routine will change your success for the day!

You might be reading this and saying to yourself “yeah, right!” Let me start out by introducing myself. My name is Melissa, I go by Coach Mel. I’m a Business Mindset and Energy Coach. I help business owners overcome their limiting beliefs to gain clarity, scale their businesses, and find inner peace.
When it comes to mindset and success, the first thing you need to understand is you are a living ball of “energy”. Whether or not you’re consciously aware of it, what you attract is based on the energy of how you feel, your thoughts, your actions, and your words, this includes self-talk. Do you ever notice, when you are feeling at your best, you start to attract good things and new opportunities? And when you feel frustrated and sad, your day becomes difficult and everything you don’t want comes in like a tornado? The results are based on your energy for the day, you attract what you are.
Everyone has a total of 114 energy centers in their body, called chakras. 7 of those chakras are your main chakras: Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye, and Crown chakra. These 7 chakras are also related to certain characteristics, emotions, hormones, organs, and body parts. Picture your chakras like an open wheel, each wheel must be open to function at full capacity.
If there is any trauma in your body caused by negative emotions or past traumatic events, these wheels will close up tightly which will start to affect your mental and physical state. I have clients that have chakras that have been tightly closed for decades based on their past limiting beliefs! For example, your Root chakra is your number one chakra, this chakra is located in your pelvic and lower back area. This chakra is connected to the feeling of safety, stability, and security. If this chakra is closed up, you may start feeling insecure and unsafe in your present surroundings or situations. You may even start to experience tightness or pain in your lower back and lower extremities. This is why it’s super important to start your day by releasing any tension in your body, increasing your mental stability and manifestation capabilities.
Morning Energy Routine: 5 Deep Breaths
If you start to implement this simple morning exercise, before you pick up your phone, and look at social media, your emails, or texts, you will create a successful day. I teach this morning routine to all of my clients and all have said the same thing, doing this morning routine IS A GAME CHANGER!
As soon as you wake up, sit up straight in bed and close your eyes
Take a deep breath in through your nostrils for 4 seconds, starting at your pelvic area (Root Chakra) all the way up to the top of your head (Crown Chakra)
Visualize your body being filled with bright white light and good positive energy. Focus on filling the parts of your body that feel heavy.
Next, blow the air out of your mouth for 5 slow seconds, this is releasing any toxic or negative energy out of your body. Your chakras will start opening up and you will feel a sense of release. Your body will feel lighter and your emotional state will feel more balanced.
Repeat 5 times, taking a 10-second break between each breath. This should only take you less than 2 mins to reset your mindset and energy for the day.
When you are finished, relax in bed for another 5 minutes before you get out of bed. When you are doing breathwork for the first few times, you might feel dizzy afterward.
Tip: If you have a hard time concentrating in this morning routine, all you need to do is listen to your breath and visualize the air going in and out of your body. When you concentrate on your breath, it will be hard to think about anything else.
Take it up a notch! Add Two Morning Mantras:
If you want to boost your energy and manifestations for the day, add two mantras before you roll out of bed. One positive thought will change your day! Here are my go-to mantras:
“Today will be a successful day!”
“Today something amazing is happening to me!”
“Universe, show me how good it can get!”
“Universe, surprise me today!”
If you consistently repeat this morning routine, you will start to feel a change in how you think, and how you feel, and an increase in your daily abundance. If you are desiring change, you need to start reprogramming your subconscious mindset by implementing new positive habits.
If you are ready for change and ready to take your business to the next level, let’s connect on a complimentary strategy call today at www.soulvibeandenergyhigh.com

Melissa Acob, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Melissa Acob is a Business Mindset and Manifestation Coach. She helps business owners overcome their limiting beliefs to gain clarity, scale their business, and find inner peace. Melissa started her coaching journey during the pandemic to learn how to attract more wealth, happiness, and inner peace. Melissa soon realized the key to becoming successful was to overcome the learned negative behaviors from others she looked up to in her childhood. This unique way of coaching is what creates extraordinary results in her clients personal and business success around the world today.