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Spirituality Isn’t What You Think –The Energetic Path To Awakening

Natalie Heilling provides energy coaching where she combines her gift as an energy healer with traditional coaching, to help individuals release what is holding them back from reaching their full potential. She is the Founder of The Energy Game which specialises in Life Vision Coaching and Workplace Coaching and Wellbeing.

Executive Contributor Natalie Heilling

What if everything you think you know about spirituality is wrong? Or at the very least, incomplete? In today’s fast-paced, Instagram-filtered world, spirituality has been reduced to a lifestyle choice, a collection of trendy practices, or a checkbox on the personal development to-do list. We see people meditating for mindfulness, practicing yoga for inner peace, and chanting mantras for manifestation. Yet, underneath all of this, there’s often a profound sense of misalignment.

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But here’s the truth: real spiritual awakening is an energetic shift, not just an intellectual or emotional understanding. The true path to awakening goes beyond surface-level practices into the depths of our energetic blueprint. Let’s dive into how energy underpins authentic spiritual growth—and why you might not be as "spiritual" as you think.

The illusion of surface-level spirituality

Over the last decade, spirituality has experienced a cultural boom. The word itself evokes peace, harmony, and balance, and yet, for many, the pursuit of spirituality has become performative. Crystal collections, moon rituals, and meditation apps might create the appearance of spiritual depth, but they often lack the substance that truly shifts our energy and consciousness.

At its core, spirituality isn’t about adopting new habits or collecting tools. It’s about awakening to a higher consciousness—an understanding that goes beyond the ego and taps into the universal energy that flows through all things. The challenge is that many people approach spirituality from a mental or emotional level, seeking external results while neglecting the internal energetic work.

Surface-level spirituality creates an illusion of progress. You might feel more relaxed, experience temporary moments of peace, or gain a few insights, but if the energy beneath your practices doesn’t shift, you remain stuck. This is why some people spend years meditating, journaling, or going to spiritual retreats but still feel disconnected from their deeper purpose.

The difference between surface-level spirituality and true awakening lies in energy. It’s not about what you ‘do’ it’s about how your energy shifts as a result of your spiritual practice.

What is true spiritual awakening?

True spiritual awakening isn’t just about "feeling good." It’s about an energetic realignment that transforms your inner and outer life. The core of this process is an "energetic awakening", which involves a deep, often uncomfortable shift in your personal frequency and the energetic blueprint that governs your being.

When you awaken energetically, you tap into a higher state of consciousness that aligns you with your higher self your truest, most authentic form. This isn’t about adopting a new lifestyle or completing daily spiritual routines; it’s about a profound shift in the way you perceive yourself and the world. Everything changes your relationships, your career, your health, because your energy shifts on a fundamental level.

True awakening requires you to confront the energetic patterns you’ve accumulated throughout your life: fear, insecurity, old traumas, and limiting beliefs. Only when these patterns are addressed at their root can your energy elevate, allowing you to step into a state of higher consciousness and authentic alignment.

Energy as the foundation of spiritual growth

Energy is the unseen force that drives everything in your life. It’s the field that surrounds and permeates every aspect of your being, influencing your thoughts, emotions, physical health, and interactions with others. The quality of your energy dictates the quality of your life.

When you experience misalignment, stagnation, or blockages in your energy field, it impacts your spiritual growth. Often, people don’t even realize their energy is blocked because they’ve grown accustomed to their energetic state. They continue to perform surface-level spiritual practices without addressing the deeper energetic imbalances that are holding them back.

To understand spiritual awakening, you need to understand that energy is everything. It’s not something you "fix" with more meditation or journaling. It’s something you realign by addressing the root energetic causes of your struggles. Once your energy shifts, your experience of reality shifts too.

Misconceptions about the spiritual journey

One of the greatest misconceptions about spirituality is that it’s all about peace, love, and light. While these elements are important, true spiritual growth often involves facing your shadow side the hidden fears, doubts, and suppressed emotions that keep you in a lower energetic state. 

Many avoid doing the deep work of energetic transformation because it’s uncomfortable. It requires confronting aspects of yourself that you may not want to see. But this is where real growth happens. You can’t elevate your energy without first clearing out the lower frequencies that no longer serve you. And this is often where people stop because they confuse temporary peace with permanent transformation.

True spirituality isn’t just about feeling good or attaining inner peace. It’s about confronting your shadows, facing discomfort, and stepping into a higher state of consciousness, even if the journey is challenging. The ultimate goal isn’t to bypass pain or discomfort but to transmute it into a higher vibrational state through energetic work.

The importance of confronting your shadows

To achieve spiritual awakening, you must be willing to confront the energetic imprints left by past experiences—your shadows. These shadows often manifest as fears, limiting beliefs, and subconscious patterns that block your energy flow. They keep you in a state of stagnation, preventing you from fully aligning with your higher self.

Most people avoid their shadows because it’s easier to focus on positive affirmations and "light" practices. But true spiritual awakening is about balance—acknowledging both light and shadow. When you confront your shadows, you release the energetic blockages that prevent your growth. This is where real spiritual power lies not in avoiding discomfort, but in transforming it into higher frequencies.

By embracing your shadows, you allow yourself to move through the lower vibrations of fear, doubt, and insecurity, elevating your energy and unlocking deeper levels of wisdom and spiritual insight.

How energy awakening transforms your life

When your energy shifts, every aspect of your life begins to transform. Spirituality isn’t meant to be compartmentalized into your morning meditation or evening journaling. True spiritual growth is a holistic experience that radiates through every area of your life, including your relationships, career, health, and overall sense of purpose.

When your energy aligns with your higher self, you begin to live from a place of authenticity. The decisions you make, the people you surround yourself with, and the opportunities that come your way all start to reflect this higher state of alignment. It’s no longer about "doing" spirituality; it becomes about "being" in a state of higher consciousness, where your energy attracts what is truly meant for you.

This is the difference between intellectual understanding and energetic embodiment. Many people understand spiritual concepts intellectually, but they haven’t fully embodied the energy of awakening. Embodiment is the key to transformation. When you live from your energetic truth, you don’t have to chase success, love, or happiness they naturally flow to you.

Spiritual awakening and leadership

In today’s world, especially for professionals and leaders, spiritual awakening can be a game-changer. When your energy is aligned, your leadership becomes more authentic and impactful. You’re not just making decisions based on logic or strategy; you’re leading from a place of higher awareness and purpose.

Leaders who have undergone an energetic awakening are able to inspire and influence others at a deeper level. They understand that true power doesn’t come from control or authority but from alignment with their inner truth. This type of leadership is transformational because it elevates not only the leader but everyone they come into contact with.

By focusing on energetic alignment, you become a more conscious leader, attuned to the needs of others and connected to a greater sense of purpose. This is where spiritual awakening can profoundly impact the professional world, allowing leaders to make decisions that resonate with their highest values and long-term vision.

The path forward: embarking on your energetic awakening

If you’re ready to move beyond surface-level spirituality and embark on the path of energetic awakening, start by assessing your current energetic state. What energetic patterns or blocks are you holding onto? How can you begin to shift your energy to align with your higher self?

Here are a few ways to start deepening your spiritual practice through energetics:

Energetic awareness

Begin by tuning into your energy field. Notice how you feel after certain interactions, activities, or thoughts. What drains your energy, and what elevates it?

Shadow work

Embrace the parts of yourself you’ve been avoiding. Journal about your fears, insecurities, and limiting beliefs. What patterns have held you back? How can you transmute these into higher frequencies?

Daily energy shifts

Incorporate energetic practices like breathwork, energy healing, or movement to clear stagnant energy. Focus on elevating your frequency rather than just feeling better in the moment.

Let go of control

Release the need to control every outcome. Trust that your spiritual journey will unfold in its own time, and surrender to the flow of your higher self.

Conclusion: awaken to your true spiritual path

Spirituality isn’t what you think it’s far more profound. Real spiritual awakening comes from an energetic shift that transforms not only your inner world but your entire reality. By confronting your shadows, raising your frequency, and aligning with your higher self, you can step into a state of spiritual awakening that goes beyond surface-level practices.

The path to awakening requires courage, patience, and deep inner work, but the rewards are immense. When your energy aligns with your true self, life opens up in ways you never imagined. You become a vessel for higher consciousness, leading with authenticity, purpose, and unwavering truth.

Are you ready to move beyond the surface and awaken to the true energetic path of spirituality?

If you would like support on this journey, please contact Natalie through her website, The Energy Game, or through her social channels.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Natalie Heilling is an energy coach and the founder of The Energy Game, which combines her gift as an energy healer with traditional coaching methods to help her clients release what is holding them back to reach their full potential. Inspired by traumatic events in her own life that led to C-PTSD and a chronic illness, Natalie strives to help her clients go from feeling stuck and disconnected from their lives to finding inner peace and fulfilment. Her mission is to help people live their life vision. Most people do not know where to start when it comes' to achieving their life vision, but Natalie teaches her clients that it is not a destination, it is a place to live from.



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