As a spiritual life coach, author, and speaker, Jana Behr sees herself as a bridge builder between two worlds – spirituality and visible reality.
The search for the meaning of life and the path to her spirituality has occupied her all her life. Challenged by life at an early age, she received answers in this way, but also support, in her attempt to comprehend incomprehensible things.
Having studied communication science, being a certified systemic and spiritual coach, Tao Hands Practitioner, certified Akashic Reader, and a marketing expert for more than 30 years, she survived many traumatic experiences and healed several "incurable" diseases. Now she supports people and companies in their transformation to find their inner stability, to increase their resilience, and to act from their full power – for more life purpose and life balance.
In her podcast "Celebrate Your Power", she presents people who tell how they made it out of a bad phase in their lives. On the other hand, she talks to experts, therapists, and coaches who present their powerful tools for self-empowerment.

Jana Behr, Spiritual Empowerment Coach, Author, Podcaster
Tell us about a pivotal moment in your life that brought you to where you are today.
Let me start by saying that my life was not easy. Not from the beginning. Even as a little girl, there was a lot to cope with, to survive... and yet I was always a little dreamer and fighter who, to this day, has not lost faith in herself and in the fact that there is always more to come.
Even though I don't want to go into too many (traumatizing) details here, my siblings and I grew up in a home that was characterized by alcohol, violence, and endless arguments. It was very stressful and traumatizing. And despite a rather hostile environment, I always remained optimistic.
I always felt supported and called to help others. It was an almost naïve belief in goodness, in light, in love. Whether it was pure repression or firm belief, for me this view of life was life-saving! Probably because of this attachment, I developed an irrepressible belief that there is always a solution, no matter how messed up a situation is.
A special moment of self-efficacy was when, after a long period of depression, one day after sitting in my chair again for two or three days, I picked up my plate, took it to the kitchen, and went to take a shower. For any normal person, something quite normal. For me, as a depressive at that time, it was an absolute breakthrough! Because I understood that I could do something. I could get up, take the plate to the kitchen, and take a shower.
Not only this moment, but also my strong connection to an energy or power that is greater than ourselves, has allowed me to overcome many challenges in my life, to heal incurable diseases, and has supported me, for example, to realize my dreams, such as publishing a book.

Can you tell me about the history and mission of your business – Jana Behr Coaching & Marketing for your Empowerment?
Yes, sure. As the name suggests, my business is divided into two areas. My current company is less than a year old – a start-up, so to speak. But I was already self-employed for 17 years before my permanent position, which I took on at 50. I have been self-employed again since 1 January 2023.
On the one hand, I coach people as a spiritual life coach and empower them in their lives to find their life purpose and life balance, gladly also based on spiritual tools. I also support companies in finding their purpose and anchoring it authentically in their corporate culture.
This also fits well with my second business – soul marketing. I developed Soul marketing because I was in a group business coaching myself, in which I did not achieve the desired results, although I implemented every step. I noticed that the spiritual and holistic solopreneurs, on the one hand, were completely overwhelmed by the demands of the current online marketing world. Often, however, the manipulative marketing methods also clashed with the value base of these women entrepreneurs. Soul marketing operates out of abundance and not scarcity. It is about offering added value and attracting soul clients through it. In addition, my soul marketing coachees receive a complete overview of all relevant channels and can then work with me to find the authentic marketing strategy that suits them and that will not overwhelm them in the long run. This is in contrast to business coaching, which only coaches one method.
Both areas are united by a mission: to empower people and companies and, above all, to bring spirituality into the world! And above all, to connect these two worlds, spirituality, the receiving, and reality, the implementing. True to the motto: Discover spirituality as your superpower!
Who is your target audience, and how do you reach them?
My coaching sessions are for people who are going through a difficult phase in their lives or have just overcome it and want to move forward. Often they have already tried many things, such as talking therapies. I support them, also energetically, to release their blockages, to develop a new, forward-looking mindset, and to (re)find their life purpose and life balance. In doing so, they discover recurring patterns, recognize resources and strengths, and look and walk into the future with a new perspective. I give them techniques and tools with which they can center themselves and which they can easily integrate into their everyday life. Ultimately, it is about implementing a profound transformation in their lives on this basis.
In companies, the process is similar: we look at the patterns of how the company system works in the same way: Where are the blockages? Where are the strengths? I help to find and define the purpose of the company and to establish and implement it in the company.
My clients find me via my website and social media, where I give many empowering tips. In addition, my podcast comes out weekly and I am also on YouTube. I am also increasingly appearing as a speaker.
What products or services do you offer, and what sets them apart from competitors?
I currently work primarily in 1:1 coaching for one month in the little program and for three months in the more transformational one, group coaching sessions are planned. What distinguishes my coaching from others is that I not only use classical tools from systemic coaching and personal development but also energy work and a particularly transformative form of Akashic reading, in which usual methods of personal development, such as inner child work or constellations, are implemented with the support of the Akasha. Again, the connection between spirituality and tools from psychology or personality development.
But what distinguishes me from other coaches is that I have experienced many traumas myself, such as the divorce of my parents, alcohol in the family, rape, and toxic relationships. I have cured or greatly reduced some illnesses, such as depression, lipoedema, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, irritable bladder, and many more. I have raised a child myself and have been self-employed for 17 years. So I am not only speaking from theory, but I have experienced many situations myself.
My three-step approach "heal, grow, live" that I developed from this is based not only on my extensive theoretical knowledge and many life experiences but also on my clairvoyant ability to perceive energies and dissolve blockages like a catalyst, sometimes within a very short time, which are often difficult to solve at the level of the mind.
What plans do you have for the future growth and development of your business – Jana Behr Coaching & Marketing for your Empowerment?
I want to scale my two businesses and add the first freelancers. In the future, I would like to offer parts of my programs as group coaching. However, I will always offer certain topics on a 1:1 basis in the future because I find this work more efficient and love it.
In addition, next year I will create smaller online self-learning courses on different topics, such as "Getting Started with Spirituality", releasing blockages, Life-Purpose, or Live-Balance. My biggest wish is to build a monthly membership program with lots of content, Benefits, and other experts. Maybe this will work by the end of 2024.

Photo credits:
Claudia Behr