Lucia Nosko is an international sound healing teacher. She is working as a sound healer and teacher over 10years. She is a founder of Sound Healing Slovakia®, where she is working with her husband Martin Nosko.

What is sound healing? Did you ever hear about sound healing? Is it a real help for our body and mind, or it s just a placebo? We can look on this topic from physical, mental and then spiritual aspect. Sound healing affects all.

Quantum physics says everything is energy, and energy is vibrating. This vibration has measurable frequency and we can easily say, that is the electricity in our cells, organs, and then in whole body. Our bioenergetic field is a field full of information of ourselves. We call it aura, as well.
We know already many relevant international studies, about the benefits of using resonant instruments like a singing bowls, gongs, drums or instruments which creates sound of nature, or relaxing sounds of Indian flute, chimes, and many others.
Many studies declare the same. We are able to say for 100% that singing bolws have direct impact on stress reduction, sound of this instruments improving sleep, mood, and concentration. It s all because as soon as we are listening music /frequencies/ from singing bolws, our body starts to react. Chemical reactions are the answer to the harmonic frequencies coming as a informations to our cells and body. Very well known stress hormone- cortisol- is effectively reduced in couple of minutes.
Using sound to improve health it s not a placebo. It s physics and chemistry in the same time.
Sound therapy, sound massage, sound bath or sound healing
It all is the same. It just depends what person who is providing session wants to say without saying. If the session is more therapy, or more massage, or more healing session. Person intention is very important too. I teach my students to try to define, how they are feeling. If they feel more like masseur, or more like therapist, healer, or yogi who combine yoga and sound. There are many possibilities.
Why to welcome sound healing into our life?
Sound healing teach us to go inside, to the inner world. We can meet our trueself. We are able to meet our true emotions, our real opinions and thoughts. Raw feelings wihout any artificial admixture. We can feel it as a beautiful new start and beginning. We can feel it as a deep experience, many people are saying sound healing gave them back their feelings of harmony and inner peace, they werent able to feel it many years.
Sound healing can be also challenging ride sometimes. It can be tough to exploring our own doubts, fears, broken hearts. Complex of emotions which are not the easiest. But we can pass through it nicely and soflty. Understending whats going on, is needed, and important part. Thats why every sound healer need to pass their journey of exploring how sound is affecting herself, of himself.
No matter what. It means it all starting with us. It starting with me- the person who is offering this kind of session. I must understand how Im feeling during I play on the resonant instruments. I need to focus how Im feeling right after the playing, and the next days too.
It s a big complex. My feelings are very different when I play when Im angry, and very different when I feel satisfied and happy.
Almost everyone who tried sound healing session is saying the same: "Every time it s very different.“
How i tis possible?
It s not about the instruments only. It s about us too. Again. The story behind is- how Im feeling right now, last hours, last days, maybe last years, maybe decades, that kind of session will I have. Because as we already said- Sound Healing showing us our inner world. As we are going inside, we can really see and feel what is really there. There is no room for fakes. We can find there the raw reality- real inner state. Thats why is sound healing session for someone very beautiful experience since day one and for someone it can be hard and challenging from time to time. Both is fine. Both is showing us our real emotional state, real frequencies we re taking care about.
When you go to visit a sound healing session, you are going there with your conscious mind. But in the same time, with your inseparable part – subconsciousness, and unconsciousness. we are working with subconscious, and unconscious at the same time. And when we are not conscious about the subconscious and unconscious, we can be scared. It s happen usually when we listen deep sounds. We can generalize with the words "that kind of sound was terrible.“
Okay, but. What we personally do in Sound Healing Slovakia® is, we explain everyone why it has happened. Many sounds can be connected with a memory.
It is all about the frequencies. Easily said one harmonic frequency from the instrument hit our disharmonic frequency in our body. And chemical process begins. Sometimes we dont like it. Sometimes we feel so freed, or lighter. We can be so excited many times. All is fine. Because nothing is linear.
There are two more important things. Which guide us to different aspect of thinking about sound healing.
First is, what kind of instruments are we using? Are the instruments in good harmonic condition? Do I know real quality of my instruments?
Second is, how Im feeling before and during the session I offer? In what kind of frequency am I going to step into my playing?
This means every sound healer is responsible for the result of his playing. Instruments, intensity of playing and his own self-development.
I established Sound Healing Slovakia® in 2016 after two years I have started developing this topic and apply self healing techniques into my daily routine with the sound.
During my 10 years of experiences with sound healing I can say: as much as we work on ourselves, we come to self-knowledge, and it increase the quality of our life. My usual advice for our students is understanding.
And sound healing offer us a good way to understand.
It is good to understand what's going on in our body during sound healing. It s good to understand emotions. It s good to try to understand life itself, thinking about it from different perspectives. This is a good new start. It might be the goal.
Lucia and Martin Nosko, Sound Healing Therapeutic and Educational Center
Lucia has created her own author ´s singing bowls trainings and extraordinary program and training Sound Healing for kids, which is one and only official children´s sound healing program for kids in kindergarten all over the world. Lucia is coworking with an international companies, and her blog pages about the sound therapy are translated into German, English, and also Chinese language.
Martin is primary focused on physical and mental health issues, and he is combining his own therapy where are included physical trainings, mental health care through sound healing, and ice bath therapy.
Sound Healing Slovakia® is an official Brand Ambassador of world known brand with an instruments Meinl Sonic Energy.