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So Much Noise!

Written by: Sarah-Jayne Juniper, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


You finally take the leap, you have found your passion, your vision is coming to life, you step into the business world to achieve your greatest desires when all of a sudden you are hit with an abundance of noise! Stood at the center of a noisy room, you are faced with advice, guidance and suggestions. Everyone around you is saying they understand exactly what you need to ensure your idea becomes a true success, all before you have had the opportunity to share your story with them.

Sound familiar?

Out of panic, stress and feeling way out of your comfort zone, you are led down a path that takes you further away from what you originally went into business for. You find yourself saying yes to everyone, changing and adapting your plans to meet their ideals; ensuring that their needs are met before your own.

As the pressure builds and a rush of questions whirl around, you realize you have disconnected with your why and your values. With an increase of working hours, endless to-do’s, and little money coming in, you are unable to direct your energy to what allows the business to truly move forward- YOUR energy and your passion.

Your drive, determination and love for what you do start to disappear. How can I say no to these amazing individuals who are guiding me on this new journey of business? I will not be a success if I take back control of how my business is managed! What if, what if, what if…?

Voices begin to turn into loud, blurry noise- white noise. You don’t want to let anyone down, upset them, appear too confident or bold in the sea of opportunity full of successful people. However, you know you can not continue along this path, after all, YOU took the greatest leap, you believed in YOU and YOUR ideas!

Feeling burnt out, you suddenly take a step back, think and observe. The moment comes where you remember to silence the mind before proceeding. You begin to say no to the things that do not serve your vision, the noise begins to turn back into advice and suggestions which no longer overwhelm your thoughts. Your ego is no longer dictating how you manage the world around you, creating authentic connections.

The power of now begins to create endless opportunities, powerful conversations that introduce you to a world greater than you had ever imagined. Business begins to take form and you realize it isn’t nearly as daunting. Success now being defined as a process and platform to share, grow and aspire rather than relentless money chasing. Your determination now burns through because you are being guided by your passions, not the financial gain. Advice and suggestions coming towards you are now directed specifically to what YOU and YOUR business need.

My message to you. The business world does not need to be loud and overwhelming. Yes, you need to work hard, you will feel way outside of your comfort zone most days and you will question the journey at times. However, these are the moments where you have to go within, take the time to reconnect with your why, your passion and your vision. Without you, your vision will not come alive. You are the greatest value; DO NOT forget that.


Sarah-Jayne Juniper, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Sarah-Jayne Juniper is a leader in holistic, Mind Coaching. She had a Masters in Psychology as well as certified with training in Neuroscience. Travelling the world has changed her life, heightening her passions for all things nature, community and knowledge of the world. Sarah-Jayne believes that “instead of bridging the gap it is let's fill it in. By confronting habits and behaviours that no longer serve us we learn to embrace all aspects of who we are, helping us move towards our goals. To transform your life you must transform your mind. It is her mission to bring people together, to change the unthinkable and build a world led by love, equality, passion, belief and determination. Her clients are those who are ready to take life to the next level, face mental wellbeing with a forward-thinking attitude and focus eager for fulfillment.

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