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Smartest Person In The Room

Written by: Laura J. Wellington, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


The Moment You Realize That You Are The Smartest Person In The Room

It looms over you for years. The notion that “everyone knows better than you.” Will you ever catch up with the rest of them?

We all ask this question when first starting out, but not just in the workplace. Also, in life. Let’s face it, it is intimidating to be a newby, on the job and in the world. Everyone else’s feet seem so firmly planted, and here you are, waiting to feel the tremor of the first root emerging. Your diaper is showing. You are experience thin.

And so you go, from one step to the next, acquiring a ‘sense of self’ alongside critical knowledge and ample skill. It takes some time and a bit of doing, but eventually, it all comes together…and then something else happens. An unexpected something that catches you off-guard and completely flatfooted.

You suddenly see a glimmer that rivals everything that you were led to believe up till now. It leaves you speechless…for a minute, then an hour, then a few days. You can hardly wrap your head around it.

Simply put, “You realize that everyone in the room isn’t actually smarter than you after all. In fact, truth be told, you may even be the smartest person in the room.”

So shocked are you by the revelation. So elated, albeit still feeling somewhat perplexed by the sudden clarity. The jig is up. The charade is over. Now you understand the Elon Musk’s of the world in a whole new way as they run around screaming “Tesla” at the top of their lungs. You know now exactly what they learned a time ago during their own journeys. We are all just trying and you may actually have answers better than most.

From this moment on, you no longer blow people up in your head. You walk around feeling worthy in your contribution to that project, that meeting, that corporate growth, and that friend who called you wrong when, in fact, you were right. It’s an “aha” moment that changes everything.

The one that allows you to truly contemplate the achievement of dreams. The impetus to stand taller, allowing you to meet every question or challenge with much less wobble and greater certainty. As well as the understanding that you are no different than yesterday, except (that is) in one bold and instrumental way.

Simply put, “You are now ‘in’ on one of the best kept secrets ever”.

And once again, you are a newby. But not in the way this entire cycle began, but in the way we all hope it will end. With wisdom. And in that, a well-lived, satisfied, fabulous life you can be proud of. Who would have thought?

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Laura J. Wellington, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Laura J. Wellington is the Founder of Celebrity-Lifestyle blog THREAD MB. A Media-Tech Entrepreneur, Wellington is also an Award-Winning Children's Entertainment creator and Author. Critics have called her most recent book "Be Careful What You Wish For" a 'magnum opus'. A TEDx Speaker, Wellington's newest venture is called ZNEEX, an app that combines fitness and socializing for users and their dogs in a fun, new way that has partners saying "it's the best idea that they've heard in a very long time" (coming to you May 2022). A mother of five, Wellington was widowed at thirty-five years old. She has won The Forbes Enterprise Award, Multiple Telly Awards, The Buzz Award, and many more.

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