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Six Steps To Six Figures – A Practical Guide To Delightful Business And Queen-Sized Confidence

Written by: Maggie Biernacka, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


I was brought up to believe it is a very noble thing to work a lot. The work ethos shows how responsible and reliable you are as a person. My grandparents, who lost all their life savings three times due to war, some unfortunate choices and denominations used to say: "money is certainly not the most important thing on earth; it's good to be humble". In my early years, I also heard a lot about patience in the context of waiting my turn. So responsibility, tolerance, humbleness and hard work became most of my adult life virtues.

It took me a good forty years to understand there is a much more graceful and elegant way to everything I was dreaming about – fulfilling business, exciting relationships, money in the bank, and the superhero's health. The true meaning of "being responsible for yourself and the others" truly landed a few years after I opened my own consulting company. I was missing the energy, the creative drive and the passion of an online entrepreneur. I started to ask myself, "Why my reality does not reflect my vision yet? Why does it take so long? "Why is this so hard?" "Why haven't I experienced my huge business breakthrough yet?" "Why is my business not growing the way I want it, no matter what I do?"

Mindfulness and appreciation of the core meaning of these questions eventually brought me to discover the exciting and unlimited creation on a high level that is emotionally and energetically aligned with who I am today.

First, I needed to understand that how you frame and label the concepts (like responsibility or humbleness) in your mind is truly everything. Then I needed to get rid of the emotional baggage holding me back and reframe the way I saw my ability to make things happen for me. Equally, I needed to drop the pattern of absorbing the knowledge constantly. So instead, I started to apply the concepts in real life and business. The results keep shocking me in a good way every day.

From the exhausted, frustrated, frequently angry and powerless business owner who didn't allow herself to rest and enjoy the fruits of her work, I turned into an enthusiastic, passionate and very intuitive leader. I discovered my purpose and found a way to elevate my natural talents to benefit other female entrepreneurs.

Clients who I work with also KNOW things. They've read hundreds of books. They participated in plenty of the courses and programs, but they still try to create the business or money breakthrough by emphasizing the energetic or spiritual part. So this practical guide is explicitly dedicated to those leaders who see the six-figure business as their north star and are ready to take themselves out of their comfort zone to get there.

Six Steps To Six Figures offers massive transformation available to all female entrepreneurs dreaming about lightness and excitement but currently feeling a bit stuck, overwhelmed or trapped with all the activities they need to do as business owners and successful women. The shifts mentioned here are the ones successful people make and the same six essential behaviour and mindset changes that helped me get into the six-figure life and queen-sized confidence. If you use them all, you will be able to quickly create extraordinary life full of ease, joy, and delight.

STEP 1 – Start before you are ready

It doesn't matter what industry you are in or how advanced as an entrepreneur. You are ready for your six-figure quest when you decide so. Most of the shifts happen as you go and as your mindset capacity expands. There is no need to put more effort, wait until you get some magical level of advancement, or learn anything extra.

A better time does not exist. So if you don't feel ready, it only means that you cling to some unhealthy beliefs that keep you scared and unsure of the future. Stalling keeps you in your comfort zone. It's unpleasant but familiar. So most people choose to stick to the same old beliefs and behaviours.

Working harder, putting in more effort and spending more time on the same activities will not bring you desired results. Only the change of beliefs and behaviour will get you there. And the best time to do this is now.

STEP 2 – Deliberately choose what serves you best

Human minds are conditioned by years of upbringing, education and social training. Collectively they create an individual belief and behaviour system. It governs our psyche and the whole gallery of behaviours stemming from it. However, most of our choices and reactions happen automatically, making it even more complex – in the blink of an eye.

Entrepreneurs who consciously focus on creating at least six-figure, successful businesses must be ready to question and shift their automatic responses. They would like to become very deliberate and relaxed about every single choice they make. Selection of the strategies and tactics offering the highest traction, for example, should happen without hesitation.

Women in business need to shift their understanding of the beliefs they hold on to, which no longer serve their expansion. The deep inner work is required to unlock the unlimited creativity in business and abundant, exciting life.

STEP 3 – Apply your knowledge

It may sound like obvious advice, but you would be surprised how many people never apply their learnings to their physical reality. Instead, they pay for getting the knowledge which they consume, getting more and more familiar with the concepts they feel drawn to. But they never find the stamina actually to implement the insights. Instead, they prefer to stay within their comfort zone.

Going deep inside and acting beyond your comfort zone is where the magic happens. Then, when you decide to implement and integrate the teaching into your specific real-life framework, you experience this exciting acceleration. Things happen faster for you. Cooperative people and circumstances occur surprisingly frequently. This way, you can also elevate your personal energy and emotions (even the unpleasant ones), using them powerfully for the limitless creation.

STEP 4 – Raise your standards

The six-figure game is not for everyone. To confidently elevate your business on this level and beyond, you would want to practice the standards typical to this level of income long before it becomes your part. So it would be best if you became the six-figure business owner not only in your dreams. You want to become internally confident about it, in your mind and heart at the same time. Third and foremost, you want to present it externally to the world out there. It means increasing today's expectations towards yourself, your clients and people supporting your business as preparation for extraordinary growth in the future.

You would want to be very honest with yourself and check if your business model, sales and marketing strategies, the way you present yourself to the world matches the six-figure model in your industry. It starts with the type of clients you want to serve, the offer's value, your message and the visibility aspects. Do you hide your face, or are you ready to step up and speak confidently for your epic brand?

Closing the gap between your current approach to the business and the six-figure approach requires several critical shifts in the attitude and beliefs you practice. First, it's your view on your work with your clients. Does your work empowers them, or do you try to babysit them? Secondly, it's about revisiting the boundaries you set up for everyone around, clients and family members included. And thirdly, are you energized, excited and aligned with your vision? Or maybe somewhat depleted, exhausted and frustrated with the way things go?

If that is your current reality, please know you can always change it. You are capable of making it happen. However, when aspiring to be a six-figure entrepreneur, the central question you should be asking is your environment restricting your growth or empowering it? When you want to experience a delightful, exciting life of a six-figure business owner, you need to create it – consciously and be ready for the inner work revealing all the aspects successful six-figure business owner.

STEP 5 - Be relaxed about your decisions

I like to think there are no wrong choices. The perspective I teach my clients is that every choice they make gets them closer to their desires. Every single experience, good or bad, shapes who they are today as humans. Once they buy into this understanding, their life and business become much easier and more exciting.

The key is to unlearn the automatic reactions and swap them with conscious ones. It requires a deep understanding of your triggers and distorted patterns of behaviours. A good example would be a need to prove yourself or a need for external validation frequently associated with a feeling of inadequacy, being not good enough. When the sense of not being good enough becomes your dominant emotion, it governs all decisions and behaviours taken from this point. As a result, you will likely lower your standards, accept less, and agree to see your value much lower as others perceive it.

Each of us has a very individual set of triggers sometimes misunderstood by people from our environment. As a result, they may not fully understand our reactions and their intensity. The intimate understanding of our personal emotional and behavioural framework helps to anticipate and reprogram the response in future.

This way, you learn to trust yourself, reduce stress related to choices, and consciously select the strategies and tactics that make the most sense. As a result, the emotional baseline becomes positive by default.

STEP 6: Align your purpose

Women in business who decide to open their own companies usually are motivated by change. They look for freedom, joy, passion and ease. But in reality, the need to create their brand, marketing materials, selling themselves out there, showing their face behind their brand and asking for prices corresponding to their worth ignite lots of frustration instead. It creates strong resistance, worry, irritation, feeling powerless, and eventually the feeling of being stuck. But, on the other hand, it makes you sad or nervous, which is very distant from the original desire related to joy and ease.

Those who believe their companies were created solely for the purpose of wealth creation are doomed right from the beginning. They concentrate on the material aspects, forgetting about their work's impact on other people's lives. Those who aspire to run a six-figure plus business need to understand that a deep focus on chasing money is a huge distractor that does not create the vibe for success.

To unlock the six-figure code and a delicious lifestyle that comes along, you need to break free from chasing money and feeling the low emotions of fear, self-doubt or worry. Also, you have to be 100% clear about WHY you are doing what you're doing, who you serve, and the best ways to support them.

So what needs to happen for you to get there?

Focusing on your clients and their challenges and desires helps create a shift, allowing business owners to experience freedom and immense satisfaction. But does it mean you would have to forget about 10K months or 20K launches? Not at all!

To receive more with less effort, you need to be open to the possibility to question your understanding in which order and how exactly things need to happen for you. In addition, you need to heal your relationship with money and the people around you. So, even when it sounds counterintuitive, you need to shift your emotional baseline to elevate your bank account.

Clearing unwanted emotions and digging deeper to understand the root cause should happen before or parallel to your business work. It's common to see the results within the first eight to twelve weeks. The vibration of success and passion creates the long wanted unlimited growth and an influx of high-value clients.

Follow Maggie on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn or visit her website for more info!


Maggie Biernacka, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Maggie Biernacka believes women in business are unstoppable. Her focus and passion is courageous growth and graceful expansion despite fears and uncertainties trying to stop women from building their coaching empires. She helps coaches, change makers, purpose driven entrepreners scale their business into multiple six-figure and experience new incredible life charging prices that bring a smile to the lips and put the soul on fire.

She wasn’t always an international business coach serving people in over 20 countries. She spent over twenty years in international corporate marketing and advertising before she got her certificates in NLP, Effortless Transformation and Money Breakthrough Business Coaching. Now she is a global business strategist, bestselling author and creator of Fearless Growth Formula. She is Capricorn and Introvert by birth, Alchemist by archetype, Tea Lover by choice and Dog Enthusiast for life.

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