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Six Steps To Create Your Unshakeable Plan For 2022

Written by: Mahara Wayman, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Nothing sparks the imagination of possibilities like the dawning of a new year. You may assume that our preoccupation with resolutions is rooted in contemporary Western society; but in reality, a fun fact is it started thousands of years ago with the Babylonians. Believe it or not, they celebrated for 11 days! With our growing need to feel more confident and comfortable with our lives, many see the new year as the perfect time to reset and rewrite their symphony. New Year's resolutions range from losing weight (still one of the most popular ones) to learning a new language or taking a dream vacation. Regardless of what piques your interest this year, now is a great time to create a strategy that helps you become more resolute with that goal.

First, be smart when identifying your resolutions. Sit and connect with your inner desires to identify what fills your cup or makes your heart go pitter-patter. What secret dream do you have that, year after year, stays on the top shelf of your closet, gathering dust? When you think about it, there is little point in spending energy on anything that isn't true to you. A new year is a powerful time to set new dreams and sing in your unique voice.

Here are my six steps to creating your unshakeable plan for 2022, that will support you in ending your year on a clear high note rather than a cacophony of discord.

1 Clarity ~ Get crystal clear on what you want.

What, if anything, keeps you up at night? Note these can be energizing thoughts that take you closer to where you want to be, or they may be worrying thoughts that shrink your energy. Note: worrying thoughts can be the impetus for change. What do you daydream about? Don't hold back on these thoughts; allow your thoughts to flow. These fantasies can include things to do and see, places to go, people to meet. Is this a new dream? If it isn't, what has stopped you from prioritizing this in the past? How will achieving this affect you? Think about your core values and if reaching them will affect anyone else in your circle such as friends, family or co-workers. What is one thing you can do today to change that thought into a crystal clear goal?

2 Mindset ~ Check in and exercise your growth mindset to work for you rather than against you.

What are your top 3 core beliefs? Describe them in as much detail as you can. Are any of them limiting ex: (I am always wrong or not good enough)? Which ones are expanding ex: (I am good or worthy)? How does each belief show itself in your personal life? For example, if you believe you can achieve anything, you are usually happy to try something new.

If you have a limiting belief, identify how that limiting belief affects your life. Perhaps ponder the following questions: What did you miss out on over the years with this belief? How are your limiting beliefs supporting you? Is your life better or worse for having them? This next question may have you squirming, but it always prompts deep thought. Ask yourself, "What if this limiting belief is wrong?" The last thing I suggest is to connect each belief to your crystal clear goal and write down how that belief will help or hinder your efforts.

3 Courage ~ Harness your hidden strengths at every opportunity.

Courage means something different to each of us, so I always invite my clients to begin by defining it for themselves. One fun way to do that is first to decide what courage is not. Your answers may tell you a lot about your thoughts. Next, catalogue your acts of courage and include WHAT you did, WHY you did it, and the RESULT. Have your acts of courage changed over the years? If yes, why do you think that is? What is the most courageous thing you have ever done? Describe it in as much detail as possible, and remember to include how you felt before and after. Lastly, determine how you will use courage to "rock" 2022 and bring bold notes to your crystal clear goal.

4 Passion ~ Identify & celebrate.

Passion is not just for the bedroom. We can have passion in many areas of our lives. What do you love or what would you love to do? Think hobbies, books, art, or go beyond the usual stereotypical idea of what others think you SHOULD be passionate about. Why does that call you so? This passion could be a lifelong love or something you saw in a magazine that got your heart fluttering. When did you first discover this passion? How would developing that passion affect the world around you? Think about your core values. If you have already found a passion, who are you when you immerse yourself in it? Describe yourself in detail. Lastly, what can you do today to share & celebrate that passion? If you love it, chances are others will too!

5 Purpose ~ You get to choose.

Defining our purpose may be our all-time, most challenging quest, but the learnings along the way are worth the effort. Why do you think you are here in the world at this time and in this place? What are some of the biggest lessons you have learned so far? These may include things like patience, forgiveness, and humility. What are things you are still working on? Does the idea of sharing your values/lessons/gifts with others make you smile in anticipation or shiver in fear? Think of the values that mean the most to you. What could you choose to do to reflect one or more of them to the world?

6 Intention ~ Declare your goals fiercely and with confidence.

Once you have worked your way through steps 1-5, you are ready to set your intention for the year. If that intention isn't already screaming at you, maybe these questions will help you define it: What's one thing you have wished for but have yet to take action on? Why have you waited? Does this goal align with your "true you" (values/core beliefs)? Note: If it doesn't, you may want to rethink why you want it. Why is this goal important to you? What dream does it serve? Why now?

Knowing the goal isn't always enough; you also need to know the steps to take you there. Think of small, manageable steps that lead directly to your fantastic outcome. Last but not least, imagine how you will feel once you have accomplished this goal. Don't hold back; include as many adjectives as you can. Pull it all together in a declaration that starts with, "This year; I intend to (fill in the blank), and I will feel (fill in the blank).

This year is your year to show up for yourself in a big way. Regardless of what you experienced last year, you can create an unshakeable plan for yourself this year with a bit of effort and a whole lot of heart!

If this article resonated with you and you would like more content like this, please connect with me via Instagram, Facebook, Website, Linkedin. If you think an Inner Saboteur or Inner Diva is causing havoc as you strive to move forward in your life and career, then book a complimentary empowerment breakthrough session with me.

I would love to help you get crystal clear on your goals!


Mahara Wayman, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Mahara began her coaching career working for a global health and wellness company, helping thousands transform their lives. Recently she decided to pursue her passion for helping women and started her company, Mindfulness With Mahara. She couples her years of experience with powerful techniques and her innate curiosity to help women find happiness in their lives and move from the story they have been stuck in to live the story they love.

She connects with women around the world every week with her free "Join the Conversation" workshop and her 1:1 + group coaching program, ReDesign, ReAlign & ReCreate Your Retirement Program: A 6-month transformative program that will give women the tools they need to move from a place of unhappiness and yearning in

transition to peace and purpose.

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