Written by: Sarah Dew, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Right now, more of us are working from home than ever before. But juggling business with home life isn't easy, especially for the 71% of us mompreneurs who are also the primary childcare provider too. With days spent splitting ourselves between conference calls, nap times, client work, laundry, school runs, and getting dinner on the table, how are we supposed to get it all done and create a business that thrives whilst still having time for our family and ourselves?

Here are six habits of successful mompreneurs that will set you up for success – both at home and at work.
HABIT No.1 Having a morning routine.
We all know the benefits of getting up early, but if we're to make the most of our day and set our day up for success, we need to have a routine too. Successful mompreneurs know this. And so, they make the most of those precious few minutes before everyone else gets up to plan out their day and start as they mean to carry on.
But what makes a good morning routine?
My personal favorite is the S.A.V.E.R.S. routine from Hal Elrod’s Miracle Morning. S.A.V.E.R.S. stands for Silence, Affirmations, Visualisation, Exercise, Reading, and Scribing. Spending 5-10 minutes on each of these things first thing every day will help you get motivated, energized, and fired up for the day ahead.
But successful mompreneurs don't stop there. They also know that when you're working from home, it's easy to get distracted by all the things that need doing around the house too. And so, they eliminate some of those distractions by completing tasks such as putting on the laundry and taking dinner out of the freezer before they switch their laptops on.
What can you include in your morning routine to set your day up for success? Maybe it's simply setting aside half an hour for personal growth, checking in on your to-do list, or writing down your top priorities for the day. Need help getting started with planning out your morning routine? These are the morning routine ideas I suggest all of my coaching clients try to get started.
HABIT No.2 Taking good care of yourself.
Successful mompreneurs know that to be their best self, a better mum, spouse, friend, and boss, they need to fill their cup first. They know they can't pour from an empty cup and that if they’re to have the energy to do all the things, self-care is a must.
Not only that, they know that self-care isn't selfish, too, and so they don’t feel guilty about making their wellbeing a priority. Instead, they set aside time each week for both physical and mental self-care so that they can regroup, recharge, and fill that cup back up.
So, how can you put yourself first more?
It doesn't have to be anything big or grand. Sometimes, the smallest, simplest activities are the best. My favorite way to put myself first is by doing something from my happy list. A list of all the things that lift me and make me feel good. Things like enjoying a cup of herbal tea, listening to my favorite music, taking a Friday afternoon off, or running a nice long hot bath before going to bed.
Don’t yet have a happy list? Write one out today, then pick something from it and do it!
HABIT No.3 Having clear boundaries.
In addition to having a morning routine and taking care of themselves, successful mompreneurs have clear boundaries too - both for what they are prepared to take on and the hours they set themselves.
When we're our own boss, it’s tempting to work every hour under the sun, especially in those early days when we’re setting things up and trying to get our business off the ground. But successful mompreneurs know that boundaries are key to do all the things and avoid overload and overwhelm.
One of the best ways to establish clear boundaries for yourself is to set a quota of what you are prepared to take on each week and start saying no when you get close to that limit. Having set work hours and communicating these to everyone else is a must too.
My youngest knows that I have times where I need to work, and he has to amuse himself for a while. But he also knows that when that time is over, he gets to do something with me too. I also have set evenings where I watch Netflix with my laptop and evenings that are strictly reserved for family time. So, what are your boundaries?
HABIT No.4 Working on your business as well as in it.
When you're running your own business, it's all too easy to get distracted by the day-to-day. To keep working through your to-do list, never taking stock of where you are, where you're headed, and if your actions are still in alignment with the goals and values of your business.
Successful mompreneurs know that if their business is to grow and thrive, they need to work on it as well as in it. And that means setting aside time regularly to check in on how things are going to adjust their goals if necessary.
My favorite way of doing this and what I advise all of my clients to do is to make Fridays CEO day. The day where you spend a few minutes checking in on your business, doing a quick review of your statistics and the progress you’re making so that you can set your goals for the following week. Then at the end of the month, do a deeper review, evaluate what is and isn’t working, and identify the action steps you need to take over the coming weeks.
CEO days make sure that what you're aiming for stays forefront of your mind, and come each morning when you sit down to switch on your PC, you know exactly what you need to do and why. Not only does this make you more productive, but it makes it easier to stay motivated and focused, and you’re less likely to procrastinate too.
Having CEO days for home life can help you stay organized and on top of things around the house too. Setting aside a few minutes each week to check in on your diary, plan your meals, review your bank account, and blitz the house will help restore confidence that all those balls you’re juggling continue to stay firmly up in the air.
HABIT No.5 Never stop learning.
When you're an entrepreneur, learning never stops. As soon as you’ve conquered one thing, there's something new to master, especially in those early days when you're having to do everything yourself because you’re not yet bringing enough in to outsource.
When you first start, you're the web designer. You’re the email marketer. You’re the social media manager, accountant, blogger, vlogger, and whatever else it takes for you to get your name out there, develop the know, like, and trust, get clients or sell your products and services. And all of that takes knowledge and skill.
Successful mompreneurs aren’t afraid to invest in the next course, program, or coach to help them take their business to the next level or provide a better service to their customers and clients. They know that that initial financial investment - whether it’s big or small - is worth every penny in the long run.
And it's the same for their personal growth too. Successful mompreneurs know that if they're going to be the best version of themselves, they need to focus on their own personal development too. They understand the benefit of getting to know themselves better and improve their confidence, self-esteem, strengths, and weaknesses.
Want to be successful – both personally and in your business? Never stop learning! And if you don’t know where to start, this is the list of personal growth tips I share with my clients to help them get started.
HABIT No.6 Giving yourself grace.
Finally, successful mompreneurs know when to give themselves grace. There are always going to be days where things don't go to plan. Days where we add more to our to-do list than we tick off. Days where we take two steps forwards and one step back. Days where we get distracted and self-sabotage our efforts and days where we just aren’t feeling it and would rather sit and watch Netflix instead.
But tomorrow is another day, and instead of beating themselves up, successful mompreneurs give themselves grace. They know that they cannot do it all, nor do they need to. And that whatever they don’t complete today will still be there waiting for them tomorrow. They know that mistakes are lessons, that progress is better than perfection, and that done is better than perfect. They also know that they can hit the reset button anytime they like.
So, anytime you’re beating yourself up over what you haven’t accomplished or feel like you could have done better, give yourself grace. Give yourself credit for how far you’ve come, celebrate all you’ve accomplished, and tell yourself that tomorrow is another day.
Being an entrepreneur takes dedication and hard work. Juggling running your business with mom life and home life without getting burned out or overwhelmed is no mean feat, but it is possible when you make these habits part of your day and week.
Whenever my clients feel overwhelmed, heading towards burn out or can’t see the wood for the trees, the first thing I suggest they do is to adopt these habits. And they really do make all the difference. So, set yourself up for mompreneur success – both at home and at work - by adopting them too.
Follow Sarah on her Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin and visit her website for more info!

Sarah Dew, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Sarah Dew is a Master Life Coach specializing in life purpose, transformation, habits, and goal setting. After successfully battling breast cancer in 2016, she decided that it was time to stop just ‘existing’ and start living. To stop waiting to start accomplishing her goals and dreams and become the person she knew she was meant to be. And now, she helps women all over the world step out of life on autopilot and into one of purpose so that they can become their best selves and live their best lives. Founder of A Simple and Contented Life, Sarah is also the self-published author of “How to Create a Family Life You Love - A step-by-step guide to making family life less stressful and more enjoyable,” a certified Group Life Coach, public speaker, and the host of the coming-soon Intentionally You podcast.