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Sing Powerful High Notes & Expand Your Range Without Straining Or Hoarseness

Maggie guides singers to find their true voice using her unique Sing Your (Self) To Freedom Formula, crafted from years of experience. Studying under renowned mentors in both England and the United States, Maggie imparts invaluable techniques learned from instructors who've shaped famous artists like Michael Bublé and Josh Groban.

Executive Contributor Maggie Gelin

If you’re a passionate singer who struggles with hoarseness, tension, or straining while singing, despite practicing vocal exercises or trying to imitate your favorite artist, this article is for you. I’ll show you how to sing high notes powerfully and expand your range without strain or tension so that you can sing all your favorite songs effortlessly—even if you lack time for consistent practice.

 Singer singing silhouette

Mastering your mix voice is the only way to experience vocal freedom

Mix voice is the act of activating both the chest voice muscle and the head voice muscle simultaneously while singing. It’s actually very simple…When we sing, there are two main vocal muscles that are active:

  1. Chest voice muscle = responsible for Power

  2. Head voice muscle = responsible for Range

Can you see that the only way to sing hig and powerful notes, is to combine these two muscles together? That’s exactly what activating your Mix Voice is!

Why mix voice matters

Imagine going to the gym and only training one arm for months. When you try to lift weights with both arms, there will be an imbalance. The same principle applies to your vocal muscles. If you only use your chest or head voice when singing, you’ll either lack range or power, resulting in a shaky, strained voice. To achieve balance and vocal freedom, you need to combine both muscles by mastering your Mix Voice.

How to achieve vocal freedom

Vocal freedom means being able to sing anything you want—high notes, low notes, and everything in between. It’s not about avoiding high notes (as I used to do) or changing melodies to avoid difficult parts. By mastering your mix voice, you can sing any song with strength and flexibility.

I’ve seen many singers, including myself, go from straining and pushing for high notes to singing effortlessly, all thanks to mix voice training.

One of the biggest challenges singers face is not knowing where to start when it comes to training their Mix Voice. Many believe their voice is their voice, and there’s no way to improve it without natural talent. But the truth is, you don’t need natural talent to master your Mix Voice.

You need to understand how to train it properly.

The four phases of mix voice

Mastering your Mix Voice involves going through four distinct phases, which I normally teach in our program called the Singing Insiders. These phases are like the instruction manual for building an IKEA closet—a step-by-step roadmap to expanding your range and achieving vocal freedom.

In my upcoming free training I walk you through these 4 phases so that you can experience vocal freedom. Click here to get yourself registered!

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and visit my website for more info!


Maggie Gelin, Vocal Coach

Maggie guides singers to find their true voice using her unique Sing Your (Self) To Freedom Formula, crafted from years of experience. Studying under renowned mentors in both England and the United States, Maggie imparts invaluable techniques learned from instructors who've shaped famous artists like Michael Bublé and Josh Groban. With a decade of coaching, she witnesses remarkable transformations in her students, guiding them past insecurities to sing with newfound freedom, proving that singing goes beyond a skill—it's a path to embracing life fully.



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