Written by Jessica East, President
Jessica East entered the creative scene in 2001 when she started her design career at MeadWestvaco. From her initial position as a junior graphic designer.

With the dawn of digital media, many business leaders are overwhelmed with their options. Facebook? Google? Tik-Tok? Choosing the best app to promote your business can be daunting. Here’s my cheat sheet to simplify your social media.

The first step to choosing the best social channels is: KNOW THY CLIENT
“Know thy client” is one of my most sacred rules of marketing, second only to “know thyself.” While most folks will agree they want everyone to buy their widget or subscribe to their service, they also agree that every organization has a “sweet spot” with clients best-suited for their product or service. Knowing who those people are and how they like to receive information is critical to planning how you will communicate with them. If you do not have these answers, it’s in your best interest to take some time and figure it out before you spend another dime talking to the wrong people.
Instagram users are primarily younger (under 30) and enjoy sharing fashion, beauty, art, food, and entertainment-related content. Instagram is evolving and has moved from a platform of only images and short video clips to longer video via IGTV. Users are able to grow their audience through the skillful use of hashtags. One of the few downsides to the Instagram app is the inability to link in posts. This can be overcome, however, through methods such as LinkTree in the user’s bio.
Twitter is a great place to have a more personal conversation with users far and wide, provided you can keep it to 140 characters or less. Twitter users are also primarily younger (under 40) and like to discuss current events. With 600 million global users, Twitter has become an unofficially-official modern news source.
I liken this digital scrapbooking app to dog-earing the Toys R Us catalog before Christmas when I was a kid. Pinterest users are able to make boards with specific topics and “pin” images and webpages for later browsing. Also skewing younger (under 35) and mostly female, users are most interested in clothing, housewares, food, and art.
Facebook Social
Ah, Facebook. The most familiar of all the social apps. With 1.3+ BILLION global users, Facebook skews older than the other social apps with a user age range of 25-55. Facebook is a great way to build relationships and brand loyalty. The downside is the constantly changing algorithm. If you’ve seen “The Social Dilemma” on Netflix, you know what I mean.
With 600 million business professionals, LinkedIn is a great place to promote B2Bs. Skewing older (30-50), most users are looking for professional development and business-related connections. Businesses can post images, short videos, and links to other articles and blogs. Advertising is possible on LinkedIn, though the minimum spend is more than other sites.
With 1 billion global users of all ages, YouTube is a viable contender for businesses. YouTube is video-only, which can be a determining factor for why some organizations choose not to invest in a presence. Though video production can seem daunting, the sheer number of users should make the business-savvy individual reconsider. While used in large part for entertainment, many users are looking for instructional, “how-to” videos. If your business can offer users advice, this is an excellent platform.
Kiddie-phenom Tik-Tok took the world by storm, starting with the under 30 crowd. Users can put images and videos together with music and graphics to share with followers on the Tik-Tok platform as well as other video clip apps. Though still a bit controversial in the States, Tik-Tok has been a delightful roadside attraction in the midst of the pandemic.
Google Business
Google is a must. The connectivity between analytics, ads, and business listings means you’re getting a pretty accurate look at how your digital assets are performing. While most of the above will show you analytics within the app, Google analytics shows you a more complete picture of traffic to your website as well as any paid ads.
As my grandma used to say, “don’t put all your eggs in one basket.” A well-rounded social presence should include several apps with a robust Google presence at its core. Take the time to evaluate who your clients are. Once you have that answer, making educated decisions becomes so much easier.
Jessica East entered the creative scene in 2001 when she started her design career at MeadWestvaco. From her initial position as a junior graphic designer, Jessica advanced to a small marketing firm, picking up marketing, social media and event planning skills, and then on to a position as creative services manager for Five Rivers MetroParks. At MetroParks, she took on the challenging role of utilizing and policing new brand standards for an organization that previously lacked any formal marketing department. During her watch, the parks were pulled out of their staid ’70s look and blossomed into a new, energetic brand that matched the organization’s values of making the community healthy and vibrant. Jessica started her own agency, Noir Marketing and PR, in 2012.
Ms. East obtained her degree in graphic design at Bowling Green State University, where she joined the Phi Mu sorority and remained an active alumna in her local chapter. In addition to making dazzling designs, this marketing maven has collected enough ADDYs to back U.S. currency. Other awards and recognition include a laundry list of local and national design and professional awards, including several Mercury Awards and nominations, ADDYs of all metals, OPRA and NRPA awards, recognition in Print and GDUSA magazines as well as Teen magazine’s “50 Hot Picks for School.”