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SHOPX, The Most Powerful Web 3 Loyalty Engine For E-Commerce Brands

Eric McHugh, renowned for his wisdom and enlightenment, has seamlessly embraced his role as a web3 entrepreneur in the modern era, embodying the principles of going with the flow, discipline, and adaptability. Drawing from his profound understanding of impermanence, he effortlessly navigates the ever-changing landscape of decentralized technologies, embracing the fluidity of the digital realm. With disciplined focus and unwavering determination, Eric harmonizes his spiritual teachings with the intricacies of blockchain, cultivating innovative solutions that promote transparency, trust, and compassion. His adaptability enables him to effortlessly pivot, embracing emerging technologies and guiding others on a transformative journey towards self-discovery and societal harmony in the web3 era.

1. What is SHOPX? SHOPX is a transformative suite of products designed to seamlessly bridge the gap between Web2 and Web3, empowering traditional online brands to step into the world of decentralized commerce. By integrating SHOPX into their platforms, these brands can tap into the immense potential of Web3, experiencing significant revenue growth, amplified conversions, and enhanced customer loyalty. With its user-friendly interface and simplified implementation process, SHOPX ensures that the transition to Web3 is effortless, offering a seamless and rewarding shopping experience for both brands and customers alike. Learn more here.

2. What products live with SHOPX? ReserveX is a loyalty program powered by NFTs and is the most powerful web3 loyalty. Brands can launch an NFT collection within 3 minutes completely preventing bot purchases, increasing customer loyalty, inspiring repeat purchases, and much more! Learn more here. We have many more coming in the future, stay tuned!

3. Have you seen growth within the SHOPX ecosystem? There has been fantastic growth within the SHOPX ecosystem! We’ve had over 400 brands join our waitlist, we’re working with Major Brands such as Fox’s Krapolis and Masked Singer, Impact wrestling, and much more! SHOPX is aggressively hiring a sales team, last month we went from 45,000 API calls to 440,000 API calls signaling growth, and we’ve seen 20-30% month-over-month growth. Join our discord if you want to meet the team! 4. As an e-commerce brand, what would make us want to use SHOPX over competitors? Great question, At SHOPX user experience, is king. We designed our software to be the easiest platform for both brands and customers alike. We follow the Keep it Simple principle. 5. What is the overall goal of SHOPX? At SHOPX we want to drive crypto and web3 mass adoption as e-commerce. When all is set and done we want to have 80% of all NFT’s to be SHOPX eNFT’s. An eNFT term coined by SHOPX, meaning an NFT with e-commerce utility. See a live example of a eNFT earning a brand web3 revenue in the form of this case study. 6. What is your overall goal with SHOPX? Overall I will live a nice peaceful life. Having a corrupt money system makes this unnecessarily difficult, and I view crypto as the solution. At SHOPX, I get to offer major brands and their customers incentives to interact with web3 and crypto technologies. This creates a zero-to-one moment at scale for many new web3 users. 7. In your opinion what makes a good leader? A good leader never doubts, never yields, and stands at the forefront of his people with a deep understanding of the pain of others. 8. Do you have any advice on how to be Happy? Once you realize you are already happy you are happy! I’ve found happiness lies in embracing simplicity, following the natural flow of life, and cultivating inner peace, but you do you. Here is a list that has helped me.

  1. Embrace simplicity

  2. Be in Harmony with Nature

  3. Practice nonattachment as attachment is the root of all suffering

  4. Cultivate inner stillness

  5. Be present in the moment as that's all that exists

  6. Practice compassion and kindness

  7. Embrace balance

9. What do you like to do in your free time? I’ve found the cheaper your pleasure the richer you will be and intellectual pleasures are the most fulfilling. In my free time, I enjoy reading, practicing muay thai, reading, hiking, hanging out with friends or family, and meditation. 10. This has been one of our greatest interviews, any words of wisdom you would like to share with our readers? Happy to! Here are three things that have greatly helped me.

  1. Being authentic, you are the number one person in the world at being you so might as well work with your gifts.

  2. Be conscious of your diet and by diet I mean content, people, food and anything I interact with. If something gives me energy I continue but am quick to let off what doesn’t serve.

  3. Learn to let go, the Bhuddizlle correctly stated that attachment is the root of all suffering. I have found once I learn to let go I attract what I am meant to attract thus going with the natural flow of the universe.

11. Amazing, any final words? Don’t worry, it’ll work out.

Follow me on Instagram, Twitter and visit my website for more info!


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