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Shift Into Transformation – The Healing Power Of Golden Way Reiki

Elizabeth Chanter of Honour Being is a Creatrix, Classical Homeopath and experienced shamanically trained Reiki Master in The Golden Reiki Way. She offers in person and Remote Reiki Treatments, Attunement and Training, Honour Sacred Art Workshops and Retreats (Dreaming Your Inner Child) and conducts regular Moon Ceremonies in person and online.

Executive Contributor Elizabeth Margaret Chanter

Golden Way Reiki offers a profound pathway to healing, transformation, and inner peace. By harnessing the energy of this powerful practice, individuals can release emotional blockages, realign their energy, and reconnect with their true selves. Dive into the world of Golden Way Reiki and discover how it can guide you on a journey toward balance, clarity, and holistic well-being.

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“Transformation is an intrinsic, ongoing dynamic within human consciousness.” — Bernard Lonergan. Method in Theology


Would you like to take a journey of healing, transformation, and evolution?


What does it mean to heal?

To “heal” originally means to become complete or whole. My belief is that to become complete, we heal throughout all dimensions of our being: physical, emotional, energetic, psychological, and in connection to the spirit. These dimensions translate to the elements of our being: Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Spirit.


When we heal, we leave the past of our old stories behind. We can live each moment fully in the present, finding the joy and magic of life. Through living in this manner, we naturally create bright, beautiful and positive futures. Time after time, I have witnessed my Reiki Clients do this.


The meaning of personal transformation

Personal transformation is a powerful journey that can lead to profound changes in every aspect of our lives. It's about taking control, making conscious choices, and creating a life that truly reflects who we are and what we want. (Tree of Life)


What does it mean to evolve?

As we do our inner work, this moves outwards to transform everything in our lives. This enables us to evolve organically. The Golden Reiki Way, the Lineage to which I belong, enables this evolution by offering a progressive pathway. This pathway is both structured and tailored flexibly to suit each individual who comes to walk alongside me.


This has the power to affect our past, present, and future, as well as our home and family life. As our relationship with ourselves changes, so do our relationships with everything around us, including our work, career, or professional situations. It contributes to our health and well-being. And to the flow of our finances. It impacts our lifestyle choices, our social and cultural connections, and our effects on the greater environment.


The place of transformative Reiki: Journeying within

The art of transformative living takes us on an inner adventure. On such an adventure there is no predetermined path, for we each create our own unique pathway. The art of transformative living takes us on an inner adventure. On such an adventure there is no predetermined path, for we each create our own unique pathway.” (Kaye Twining)


When working with Transformative Reiki, there is always a calm, unhurried space in which to be heard prior to each Golden Way Reiki Treatment. This talking space begins the process. The Reiki enables the flow of healing to support the conscious process.


Healing emotional wounds and hurts

I work in defined cycles of Reiki treatments, with each treatment having a specific place and purpose. My Release & Replenishment Cycle (detailed below) begins the work of healing emotional wounds and hurts. Examples of these are abandonment issues, betrayal, neglect, abuse and loss. It is just one of many healing cycles on offer. After receiving this Cycle, much deeper and more specific work can be done.


Treatment 1 Identify: We begin by shining a light on the reasons you feel stuck in your life. This may be due to emotional wounding, often dating back to childhood. We begin to address the patterns handed down via the paternal line. These patterns are revealed by the way you express yourself in life, and the degree to which you feel protected and safe.


Treatment 2 Release: We unpack the patterns handed down via the maternal line. These patterns reveal themselves in your ability to receive the goodness, sweetness and abundance of life. This links deeply to your sense of self-worth.


Treatment 3 Balance: We send healing to the inner child, balancing the masculine and feminine energies within you. This is an integrative and grounding treatment.

Treatment 4 Transform: Often, deep grief is a factor. We can become unconsciously attached to the grief itself. When we begin to address this, what is sometimes called The Grief Window begins an opportunity to heal. Grief can relate not just to what we have lost but to the lost potential of things that we never received.


Simply by following these simple steps and receiving gentle healing support on our inner journey, we can move naturally through to a different and better future: we can heal, transform, and evolve.


This article relates to deeply personal inner work. It is only because I, too, tread this pathway that I can walk beside you. If you would like to embark on a journey shifting you into transformation, then please get in touch with me at to book your free Discovery Call. Or go to my Honour Being Website, where you can find my full range of offerings and sign up for my Honour Being Newsletter with short articles and information on my special offerings. You can also find out about my Dreaming Your Inner Child Metamorphic Soul Work: a series of Sacred Art Workshops and Retreats created to help you to re-engage with the joy of creativity.


Please click on this link to receive my beautifully illustrated PDF, which is intended to help you transition into transformation: 5 Steps to Wonder Without Overwhelm.

Follow me on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn for more info!


Elizabeth Chanter is recognised as a leader in her chosen field of healing, energy medicine and Golden Way Reiki. Since 2004, she has been assisting others to make transformational change in their lives, leading to positive, lasting and sometimes extraordinary results. She is passionate about helping her clients to evolve and grow into the bright, beautiful beings they were always intended to be. Having passed through many personal dark nights of the soul, she combines empathy, deep compassion and understanding with many years of professional expertise in her field. She believes in the regenerative power of hope, listening and healing touch.

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