Written by: Isabelle LaCroix Vienneau, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

When I reflect on and digest Gallup's 2023 State of Global Workplace Report, I cannot help but feel compassion for employees, leaders, customers, and communities across the globe. However, my initial emotional response was not compassion; it was fueled by disappointment and disgust.

How can the human race be so brilliant yet so stubborn? Trying to answer that question was not helpful, so I moved to focus on what was within my control, ME.
Tip No.1 When I find myself in an emotional state that doesn't serve a healthy purpose, I utilize the 90-second rule. I grab the timer on my phone and set it for 90 seconds. During those 90 seconds, I take three deep breaths, get up, stretch, or walk out of my office to get fresh air (the action depends on the intensity of what I’m feeling).
The 90-second rule is a term coined by Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor, a Harvard-trained neuroscientist specializing in the anatomy of the brain. She states that when a person reacts to something in their environment, there's a 90-second chemical process that occurs in the body. After that, any remaining emotional response is simply the person choosing to stay in that emotional loop.
I started testing this approach every time I found myself caught in such a loop, and to my surprise, it has become one of my most powerful used tools, both personally and professionally. Initially, 90 seconds felt more like 90 minutes, but with intentional practice and a strong desire for change, I am now able to stick within the 90-second timeframe. Ok fine… sometimes, depending on the circumstances, I may need a bit longer, ranging anywhere from 5 to 10 minutes but that’s okay, right? Because what matters here is progress, and progress occurs when we are courageous, self-aware, and leading with purpose.
Employees, let's set the record straight – having a voice does not justify sabotage
There's a soccer match playing out every day in our workplaces. A game where leaders and employees alike need to know their positions, their roles, and their impact. This isn't a tale of spectators versus players or leaders versus workers. It's a game we're all in together, and folks, it's time we wake up and smell the coffee.
In any team, not everyone gets to make the call. Unless you are a decision-maker in the company, some decisions are not yours to make. But that doesn't mean you're not critical in the game. Every player on the field, every employee in the workplace—your role, and especially your voice, matters. You're not just an extra on set; you're an essential part of the team. Your actions, your attitude, your performance—they all influence the final score. Your leaders may be the coaches, the decision-makers, but they're also your teammates, and the success of the team – the company – the audience – depends as much on you as it does on them.
The truth is, I understand the disappointment that comes when your ideas are not chosen, especially when you have valuable contributions to offer. It's also just as important to recognize, as I have harshly learned from personal experience, that the person making the final decision also carries the greatest risk. When things don't go as planned, they shoulder the responsibility and face potential legal, financial, and even regulatory consequences. This is the reality of the situation, and although it may not be easy to accept, it is essential to understand and respect it.
It's crucial to clarify with your leaders that the value of your ideas is not intentionally being disregarded and to understand that the final decision is based on weighing all the pros and cons to determine the best possible outcome. If you are not settling well with this, it’s on you to initiate that dialogue. No one will know how you feel until you speak up. It’s ok to ask questions, it’s not ok to deliberately sabotage.
Gallup’s report indicates 18% of "loud quitting" employees are hell-bent on stirring up trouble and sabotaging their team's environment. If you are part of this club, what in the world are you doing? We're all adults here, folks—it’s time to start acting like it. How we choose to show up is on every one of us. If you are unhappy with your work environment, your career, or even your life? Own it. Change it.
We all have our moments, and nobody is perfect, but this? Is wrong. Does it mean you are doomed? Absolutely not. It all starts with choosing words and behaviours that heal, not harm.
It requires accountability, adaptability, proactive strategies, and tactics to work those weak muscles back into shape. I say this a lot, and I'll keep repeating it: "We must do the work and stop skipping steps." It's not a walk in the park—it calls for reflection, thoughtful purpose, courage, and a consistent workout routine—the kind that pushes us to face discomfort head-on. It's like building a six-pack. You can't achieve it by merely watching others do planks and sit-ups.
You need to get down on the floor and start with your form because the reality for you right now is that you are met at crossroads where you need to make a choice, and with every choice come consequences.
Have you heard the old saying "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't force the horse to drink"? This means if you choose not to drink, that's on you, nobody else.
There are endless possibilities at your fingertips when you invite change into your life. You either choose to see it as the monster or the mentor. Either way, know that you are empowered to make that choice and the results that follow.
Tip No.2 Combine the 90-second accountability rule with the 5 Science-Based Self-Care Strategies: 1) Gratitude 2) Movement 3) Community 4) Sleep 5) Meaning
C-suite leaders – company performance mirrors its leadership
Leadership is a mirror reflecting on our team, and yes, there is always something different we could have done, there is something different we can do, and it is time to start doing it now. It's a tough one to swallow – Believe me, I am not immune to this. I have made my share of mistakes, and Gallup's latest report revealing that 77% of employees are "quietly & loudly" quitting should be more than a wake-up call. It’s time to stop pushing the "snooze button" and start rolling up our sleeves.
It doesn’t matter where it starts or finishes – be it leadership or employees or vice-versa – bottom line, if the two parties don’t come together to overcome challenges, then the question stands: what are we truly achieving?

An estimated 18% of our workforce is deliberately causing disruptions in our environment that we can't afford to ignore (P.S. It is extremely likely you will also find 18% of leaders in that category, and as the saying goes, “The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree”).
As Gallup’s report stated, “We estimate that low engagement costs the global economy $8.8 trillion. That’s 9% of global GDP — enough to make the difference between success and failure for humanity”. Let’s join forces and start crafting bold strategies, identify and elevate the committed, and respectfully part ways with disruptors who choose not to “drink the water”. Partnerships are not a sign of weakness; it shows courage and dedication.
Whether you engage ILV Consulting or other incredible professionals, what matters is taking immediate action. Inviting consultants, and professionals not only brings a non-biased and fresh perspective in your environment but also brings you the tools and solutions your organization needs.
As a CRP (Certified Reinvention Practitioner) and Transformational Leader with 20+ years of experience, I can attest that Reinvention is a powerful field, movement, and method that brings together different areas and disciplines focused on growth and renewal. It includes strategy, foresight, innovation, change management, design thinking, scrum/agile/lean, project management, continuous improvement, and more. In our rapidly changing world, these different disciplines need to work together to survive and thrive in our new short business cycle reality.
When there’s a will, there’s a way at the workplace
People in the workplace are like a puzzle – every single piece matters. Whether a leader or a team member, all are equally essential. Remove one, and the whole puzzle doesn’t make sense. A leader without a team? A team without a leader? It’s like trying to hammer a nail with a screwdriver – a disaster waiting to happen!
Our reality today? It’s time to swap that screwdriver for that much-needed hammer. It’s not just about you, it’s also about us. It’s about lifting your teammates when they’re down and giving them a boost. We’re not just a team, we are a unit. When we stick together, and back each other up, there is no challenge too tough, no problem too big.
Tip No. 3 Leaders provide the compass, employees navigate the journey
Begin your transformative journey with a powerful integration of the ILV RAAW Framework and the ILV "more of, less of" model. This integration synergizes to focus on four pivotal elements and can have various sub-elements: Reflect, Adapt, Achieve, and Win-Win.
Phase 1: Reflect
Tackle "Reflection" first. We learn from reflecting on experiences, not from the experiences themselves.
Leaders reflect on:
What actions are you taking to ensure your team finds their work meaningful, feels connected, and takes ownership of their performance?
How are you tackling the 'clock-watchers' in your team, turning their minimal effort into thriving engagement and productivity?
What steps are you taking to mend broken trust or rectify mismatched roles that are leading to 'loud quitting' behaviours and damaging your organization's goals?
Employees reflect on:
Do you find your work meaningful, and do you feel a strong connection to your team and the organization? If not, why is that?
Are you just 'filling a seat' and 'watching the clock,' or are you fully invested and engaged in your role? If you're disengaged, what's causing this disconnection? If you’re engaged, what’s causing the connection?
Are your actions reflecting a 'loud quitting' behaviour due to broken trust or being in a role that doesn't suit you? If so, what can you do to address these issues?
In this phase, we strongly recommend the "More of, less of" approach: Uniting Workshops for Interconnected Growth.
Phase two: Adapt
During adaptation, leaders learn to dial down decision-making dominance and practice curiosity to better understand the employees' decision-making process. Employees learn to put less energy into impulsive actions and invest in developing practical skills that align their actions with the “bigger picture”.
Benefits of merging the ILV RAAW framework with the ILV "more of, less of" model
Together, we craft a practical roadmap for transformative growth and continuous renewal. This comprehensive approach places utmost importance on people & purpose, simple processes, from "potential" to "essential" editions, and driving a leadership style that thrives on inclusivity, transparent communication, emotional intelligence, and proactive transformation.
It's not just about leaders; employees also hold themselves accountable and play a vital role in fostering teamwork and a progressive united environment. By building these bridges, we not only change the game, but we also win the championship.
Fasten your seatbelts! This August 14th, the Power-Up + Level-Up with Purpose Bootcamps are hitting the ground running. We're not just changing the game - we're totally rewriting the rules.
Hidden in each challenge lies a golden opportunity. Let's uncover those opportunities together. Here's what I've got for you:
'90-Day Power-Up Bootcamp'
Habit Transformation: This boot camp is your personal playground, sculpting essential life habits. We'll breathe new life into your organization.
'EmotionSlap' Workshops: Ditch the mundane. These workshops supercharge your resilience. Get ready to transform 'Oh No' into 'Heck Yeah'.
ILV RAAW and 'more of, less of' Model Integration: Our two powerhouse models synergize for maximum impact, creating your blueprint to success.
'180-Day Level-Up Bootcamp'
Consistent Workout Routine: Consider this boot camp your organization's fitness program, embedding resilience into your DNA.
Sustainability: We're here for the long haul, instilling lasting change and enduring success.
Celebration and Renewal: At the journey's end, we celebrate your transformation, reflect on the journey, and gear up for the road ahead.
These boot camps are for the game-changers, the rule-breakers, and those ready to reshape their world. You might not know what's ahead, but you're set on a healthier, vibrant, toxin-free workplace. No more sabotage. It’s your time to rise.
Remember, this isn't a one-size-fits-all solution. Keen to explore more? Let's connect here.
“Accountability and adaptability are everyone’s game. It means accepting that things won’t always go our way. A leader’s role is not meant to shape emotions, but to guide clarity, relevant resources, and tools that empower people to strengthen these muscles”. – Isabelle LaCroix Vienneau
Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!

Isabelle LaCroix Vienneau, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Isabelle LaCroix Vienneau, a certified reinvention practitioner and transformative thought leader, scales people to be ready to transform, perform, and lead with simplicity. Embodying the philosophy of "Real Talk, Bold Walk: No Bull, Just Guts = Impact Multiplier," she excels in driving meaningful change in corporate and contact center environments. As a survivor of domestic abuse, Isabelle proudly raises six children, including five with ADHD and one navigating BPD, schizophrenia, and ODD. Her academic and real-life experiences have shaped her as a natural, resilient change maker. Her mission: less impress, more involved, creating lasting impacts.