Karamjeet Kaur, Self-Love Specialist Author, Coach, B.Msc (Metaphysical Science), MBA (HRM), PhD Scholar in Management (Self Love), Pursuing Doctorate Program in Metaphysics Science, Certified HRDF Trainer, Certified MBSR Teacher, Change Consultant, Entrepreneur, Co-Founder of Global Homeopathic Centre SB and Founder of Self Love Training Academy.

We are always busy minding other people's business, but we never mind our inner selves. Many think loving the self is just about "factual on the outer look, just bulldozing the inner ability to be positive without making an effort to understand the self first. “ Many ways have been shared to love the self; it is never wrong, yet many say self-love is selfish and unfit in our world. The question is, if we can’t practise loving ourselves by accepting our true nature on all sides, how can we ever be positive always truly?

If we focus more just on practise be positive but still minding with judging other people business, then this will separate further of real self and false self. Why does one still end up bargaining with misery or frustration? It is because the practise has not truly touched the core level of being in love with oneself 100%. If one can’t really understand the true meaning of self-love but believe in just practising outer confidence looks, material level, status level, number of followers, etc., it will still be the same personality of ego-drive show off to the outside world, not the inner world.
Self-love is a yes to build inner confidence and be in full realization of inner wholeness. Yet if we do not fully practise by saying, for example, "I love myself unconditionally" by being humble, kind, and forgiving to self and others, then all other self-love efforts will not be fully reaching within. Many have a misinterpretation that is saying positive words or I love myself will entirely change their love. One must learn the true and authentic approach to learning self-love naturally. A statement like "I love myself, so I know what I want” means “you are so full of ego." - This is not self-love.
I have been a self-love specialist for the last 20 years, but I never claimed I know what I want in terms of being higher than anyone else. No, never Will I Ever Do that. If I practise that statement that is inside me by believing I am building a bigger ego barrier, like I am greater than anyone, then I am cheating my own nature. I always believe Earth and Life is my school till my last breath. They will always be expanding to go deeper and learn my truth. Honestly, a false ego barrier will claim false authority power. The true human means is to be humble no matter your background, your net worth, your qualifications, or your power. For example, if you have high intelligence, it means life wants you to help yourself and others create a better earth and life.
If you have not fully practised and are aware of true self-love, You will never be able to understand another human in that true context because you have never been given space to understand yourself truly. When we love ourselves, it’s about we learn to love ourselves with another human in a more humble way, we learn to be down to earth, and we learn not to judge or question another because Love is never meant about being bigger than another but teaches the self to be human First. Never misjudge the meaning of self-love. It’s about the truth of Life. Only each of you can access the truth of self-love by practising the right tools. No one can lead to that level unless you roll your sleeve up and you learn to move your truth. The truth you learn by self will be your greatest power because it’s yours, no one will have power to claim. Each of us is born a unique creation of love. Be inspired to know you are true. We are not born to betray, harm, cheat, manipulate, compete, allow greed to win, or hurt our fellow beings. We are meant to learn our true nature so we understand the dynamics of the natural force we are within. So, we can be powerful together, enjoy the same thing rather than fear losing, and be true human beings. True self-love is the way to that transformation as we are. Love yourself by loving others means the same on both sides. Do not create selfish energy by practising self-love, it’s never the true nature. Expand your true love from within. You never lack of it.
Karamjeet Kaur, Self Love Specialist Author, Coach & Entrepreneur
Karamjeet Kaur, Self-Love Specialist Author, Coach, B.Msc (Metaphysical Science), MBA (HRM), PhD Scholar in Management (Self Love), Pursuing Doctorate Program in Metaphysics Science, Certified HRDF Trainer, Certified MBSR Teacher, Change Consultant, Entrepreneur, Co-Founder of Global Homeopathic Centre SB and Founder of Self Love Training Academy. Karamjeet is a survivor of sexual abuses and suicide attempts. Karamjeet has been transforming herself and people around her with Self Love work last 20 years. Karamjeet has written 7 books on self-love and self-help. She has now produce courses on Executive Degree on Self Love Empowerment and Empowering Abundance Mindset.