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Self-Discovery Journey: From College Professor To Life Coach – Exclusive Interview With Ana Santiago

Ana Santiago is a Certified International Life Coach, Self-Empowerment Advisor, Tarot & Oracle Card Reader, and Founder of SoulTribe PH

After ten years in the Academe, Ana finally decided to take the leap of faith and shift her life entirely. She has found her passion in creating content and giving advice, guidance, and self-empowerment through offering Tarot & Oracle Reading services. Now, she is ready to embark on her new journey as a Certified International Life Coach & a Podcast Producer. Her mission is to lead individuals who are adults and professionals in their journey of self-discovery and self-empowerment and to be open to their authenticity and soul's growth & purpose.

Image photo of Ana Santiago

Ana Aurea Santiago, Intuitive Coach

Introduce yourself! Please tell us about you and your life so we can get to know you better.

Hi, I'm Ana, a Certified International Life Coach, Self-Empowerment Advisor, and Tarot & Oracle Reader, and Founder of SoulTribe PH

I am an IPHM (International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine) Certified International Life Coach (for Neuro Linguistic, Law of Attraction, Life Empowerment), Spiritual Teacher, Energy Healer, and a Modern Astrologer with a Tourism and Hospitality Management background. I have an MBA concentration in Tourism and Hospitality Management from San Sebastian College Recoletos – Manila, Philippines.

I have been a College Professor in one of the known colleges in the Philippines for ten years. The subjects I handled were Tourism and Hospitality Management and the Industry it covers. After taking my MBA, I thought I had my life put together and was aiming to pursue a Doctor's Degree in Hospitality Management. I was immersed in work as I taught Culinary Subjects and shared Tourism and Hospitality insights with my students. It was the routine of living the life I had designed for ten years.

Then the Pandemic happened, and the whole world shut down. Everyone was required to be on lockdown, where no one could leave their houses for three months unless they were part of the frontliners. And that made life slow down; it made me contemplate how I have been living and how I see my future. And this also made me realize that I was taking life for granted, neglecting the more important things I should focus on. I have discovered that I have been functioning in a cycle I wasn't fulfilling and growing. I was unstable and unsecured.

This was my wake-up call, the turning point of my life. Wanting to make a change in my life and my situation made me reconsider my career objectives. I want to achieve financial stability and freedom and be able to do what I am passionate about. Coaching wasn't my first option in the field of career that I wanted, and I give guidance and clarity through Tarot & Oracle Card Reading. With this initiative, it allowed me to explore what life has to offer to me. As soon as I realized it, I resigned from my old job in July 2023 and pursued content creation and tarot reading services.

After months of doing content creation & tarot reading services and dealing with different clients with the same kind of situation, which revolves around love, wealth, abundance, and life in general, which was the same situation I have encountered, I slowly realized my true calling. I have enrolled myself in courses that would deepen my knowledge. Here are the classes I have joined: Life Coaching Program with 3 Certificates, Classic Natal Astrology, Transformation Life Coaching, Intuitive Coaching, and Self-Confidence & Empowerment Coaching.

And that is how I shifted from a College Professor to a Certified International Life Coach in a matter of months.

Today, I live in Malabon – where I founded my coaching & tarot reading business – SoulTribe PH. My career now fits perfectly into my life; I have achieved the fulfillment I sought, and I feel so grateful. My goal is to help adults and professionals heal themselves to develop alignment with their soul's growth & purpose and achieve their Highest Version of Themselves.

What inspired you to create SoulTribe PH Life Coach and Tarot, and what is your page's primary purpose or mission?

My initial purpose was to post my Tarot Reading Contents that give insights and guidance to the collective individuals, but as months passed, I realized my why or my true calling, life coaching. Because I differ in my approach to my readings and content, it's focused on more than just letting people gain popularity by saying flowery content, but I would like people to use it as their guidance. It is how I realized that I want to help them get through their journey, not just to give them quick advice or solutions.

My Divine Soul's Purpose is to lead individuals on their journey to self-discovery and self-empowerment and to be open in their authenticity and soul's growth & purpose. Embarking on the journey of healing and enlightenment to achieve the Highest Version of Themselves.

Can you describe the products, services, or content that SoulTribe PH Life Coach and Tarot offers to its followers or customers?

I recently reorganized my services and rates, and I offer Energy Healing Sessions using the healing modalities Crystals and Reiki and Coaching Programs that would cater to the needs of my clients.

My Tarot Reading is Video Recorded and uploaded, YouTube unlisted, and is viewable by me, the client.

I have different Coaching Programs that can assist you in gaining clarity and insights into your life regarding career, abundance, love, and life in general.

How do you engage with your audience and build a community for your business?

I used to focus on creating pre-recorded video content on my different platforms, TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. Now, I am showing more on Instagram and Facebook Live Stream in both my SoulTribe PH accounts and my Personal Account for me to interact more with my followers & subscribers.

What are some notable achievements or milestones that SoulTribe PH Life Coach and Tarot have reached since its inception?

The notable achievements of SoulTribe PH are earning 11,000 plus Followers on my Facebook Page, 26,000 Followers on my TikTok account, and having my SoulTribe PH IG Verified. All this following is still increasing with hard work and perseverance. And having this opportunity to be part of your Magazine to share my insights and light to everyone.

Are there any upcoming events, promotions, or initiatives that your followers should be aware of?

I have my regular live stream every Tuesday at 8:30 GMT+4 Dubai /12:30 GMT +8 Manila at my Facebook Page SoulTribe PH which is Intuitive Tuesday Talk Therapy ۰ Oracle Sharing featuring my Soulmate Mentor Ms Aleli Carissa Gimena of Empowerment Life Coaching and doing it not only on my page but in the Empowerment Life Coaching Page as well.

I have launched my Live Podcast on my Facebook Account and Spotify which is called Life Talk: Talk Therapy with Coach Ana at 5:00 GMT +8 every Wednesday.

How do you handle feedback or inquiries, and how can people best reach out to your business for support or inquiries?

I handle feedback with an open mind and open heart. I am open to different insights and suggestions that can help me improve. You cannot please everyone. I still have a lot of things to learn. In this career, there is no limit to the learnings and insights that we can achieve; my Followers and potential client can reach me by sending me a private message on my Facebook Page or Instagram, or they may book a Discovery/Clarity Call so that I can fully assist them in their inquiries. I answer comments in my post and during my live streams.

Tell us about your greatest career achievement so far.

My Greatest Career Achievement is being able to legalize my business, revamping the offering and upgrading it to serve my clients better, and having my website for my services. And expecting growth and opportunities in the following months to come.

If you could change one thing about your industry, what would it be and why?

With my services, I'm focusing on Self-Love and Spiritual Awakening. The thing I would like to change in this industry is the way people stereotype Tarot Reading because Tarot Reading is not bad; it can be used as a tool for Self-Discovery and help you in your journey. And being awakened to a unique perspective. We live in a society based on what people say or seeking validation from our surroundings. It's time for us to have our sense of authenticity and be able to stand in our truth and individuality.

Tell us about a pivotal moment in your life that brought you to where you are today.

The Pandemic was the period in my life where I was able to stop and reassess my life. This was my wake-up call, the turning point of my life. Wanting to make a change in my life and in my situation made me reconsider my career objectives. I want to achieve financial stability and freedom and do what I am enthusiastic about. Coaching was not my first option in the field of career that I wanted; I give guidance and clarity through Tarot & Oracle Card Reading. With this initiative, it allowed me to explore what life has to offer to me. As soon as I realized it, I resigned from my old job in July 2023 and pursued content creation and tarot reading services.

After months of doing content creation & tarot reading services and dealing with different clients with the same kind of situation, which revolves around love and wealth, the same problem I have encountered, I slowly realized my true calling. I have enrolled in different courses that would deepen my knowledge; the classes I have enrolled in were the Life Coaching Program, Classic Natal Astrology, Transformation Life Coaching, Intuitive Coaching, and Self-Confidence & Empowerment Coaching.

My thirst for inner knowing and self-discovery had brought me where I am now, from a College Professor to a Certified International Life Coach.

Get Started:

Follow me on Facebook Page, Instagram, Tiktok, and YouTube Channel for SoulTribe PH and visit my website for more info!

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