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Self-Care — A Deeper Understanding

Written by: Brooklynn Bradley-LaFleur, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Life before motherhood feels like a distant memory that I vaguely remember. One thing I remember is preparing to put myself on the back burner.

There would be no more mani/pedi days, no more sleep, bubble baths, or lounging around, no more going out and letting loose, and certainly no more spa days.

I was mentally preparing to give up myself for my child because that is what you are supposed to do when you become a mom… or so I was led to believe.

In the early summer of 2019, when my son was 3, I enjoyed my daily run and woke up in the middle of the road with severely damaged legs, unable to remember what happened.

I am sharing this with you to share the importance of what "self-care" actually means. We are under so much stress from our to-do lists, work, kids, extracurriculars, and home maintenance that it is important for our minds, bodies, and souls to decompress at the end of the day and to set time aside for ourselves once a week or at the very least once a month.

Did you know that stress triggers Cortisol inside our bodies and, when ignored, can have negative effects on bone density and mental health?

Similar to a diet, attention to your well-being is not a temporary change in habits to get you back on track; it's a lifestyle and mindset change that can drastically affect your mental health on both ends of the spectrum.

Symptoms from stress may include:

  • Headache

  • Anxiety

  • Muscle Tension

  • Fatigue

  • Low Sex Drive

  • Irritability

  • Overeating

  • Undereating

  • Lack of Focus

  • And so much more.

I carried a lot of trauma, stress, and anxiety around and not doing anything about it. I was depressed about the way I looked and was also having a hard time remembering anything. It affected my work, marriage, and home, but I had no idea what to do about it until my accident gave me a wake-up call. The doctors told me I just wasn't taking care of myself. That's what happens when you neglect yourself for so long.

During each spa service or at-home treatment, you start to relax, decompress, turn your brain off and unplug, which are key components to strong mental health.

Upon completion of these services, you will feel recharged from being able to unplug, happier because you had time to decompress, and have higher self-esteem as a result of being pampered which leads to better productivity and an overall better version of you.

I know a lot of us, Mom*Prenuers, Entrepreneurs, and Goal Getters, don't always have a lot of time to unplug and recharge ourselves, so we have to make sure we are doing what we can to compensate.

Come up with a self-care plan that works best for you and with your schedule. Don't overwhelm yourself with a plan you know you won't be able to keep up with. Keep it realistic to your lifestyle while still meeting each of your needs.

Your plan may include:

  • Nightly Regimen

  • Daily Regimen

  • Business Regimen

  • Personal Regimen

  • Monthly Regimen

I came up with a morning regimen, nightly regimen, and a once-a-month regimen to go along with my personal and business regimen and hold myself accountable. I am much better for it and feel more in control of myself and situations.

You also do not have to spend a lot of money to do this. Yoga, meditation, bubble baths, naps, binge-watching your favorite show, running, walking, and similar relaxation methods are all ways to decompress on a budget. You can also spend time with your family and unplug for the day. Anything you enjoy doing that helps you relax is your version of self-care.

My nightly regimen consists of skincare, meditation, my acupuncture mat, and a good night's sleep. My daily regimen consists of running, skincare, a hot shower, and coffee. If there is a weekend I don't have anything to do, I unplug and spend much-needed family time watching our favorite tv shows and riding on the golf cart around our neighborhood.

After implementing the self-care regimen(s) that works best for you, you will start to see an overall change in your mental health, emotional health, and even physical health, such as:

  • Lower blood pressure

  • Increased blood flow

  • Decreased depression

  • Fewer anxiety attacks, if any

  • Less tension

  • Better focus

  • Better sleep

  • Increased productivity

  • More positive thoughts

For more info, follow me on Facebook, Instagram, Youtube-Channel, and visit my website!


Brooklynn Bradley-LaFleur, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Brooklynn Bradley-LaFleur is the CEO & Founder of Brooklynn Three. Brooklynn Three is the parent company of Salon Rouge Spa, LaFleur Couture Wellness Boutique. She has published articles in two entrepreneur magazines, been a guest speaker on several entrepreneur magazines, and is an international best-selling author. Her mission is to help people transform their lives from the inside out by identifying internal and external complications you may be experiencing and connecting you with holistic based products and self-care services.

She hosts a wellness web series every Wednesday at 11 am CST. The web series helps educate on the benefits of different products, suggests tips, and shares personal testimony inside the LaFleur Couture Facebook group.

Shipping options and free self-care consultations are available.

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Quote: “Self-care is not a luxury; it is a non-negotiable.”

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