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See Yourself As Divine, Uplevel Your Self-Talk, Create Your Best Life

Written by: Marja West, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Hello, hello, my beloved Waking Gods & Goddesses! Since the late 1980s, I’ve set a positive mindset by greeting my audience, students, and YouTube viewers in this divinely loving manner. Often, I’m asked about the story behind my cosmic salutation, to which I reply, “Because that’s who and what you truly are, Divine, and I hold you large.”

mind, body, spirit, soul and you,  handwriting on colorful sticky notes.

My habit of seeing everyone as their True Divine Selves began as a little girl. I naturally assumed my Divinity through my imagination by declaring to myself and anyone who’d listen to me, “I Am A Magical Faery of Love.” Whilst my upbringing had the contrasting harshness of a war zone, my Magical Faery of Love affirmation elevated my reality so that I could bear the weight of my family karma.

Unbeknown to my childhood self, I was honouring the Law of Attraction and the First Hermetic ~ Natural Law Principle of Mentalism: The All is Mind; The Universe is Mental, which allowed me to imagine my Magical Faery Self to magnetise and materialise awesome into my life. In response, my layer of the Universe kept me sane and inspired through music, dance, and Nature—the Sun-Moon-Stars-Flora-Fauna-Rocks-Minerals-Crystals, and my kitty cats.

The Gift of Mind and Speech

I immersed myself in esoteric books like The Kybalion and the inspirational writings of Epictetus, Florence Scovel-Shinn, Maxwell Maltz, and Neville Goddard. In one of his speeches, Neville said, “Now, we’re invited to be imitators of God… and use the same technique for we have been given a gift that makes us immortal: The gift is Mind and Speech.”

Starstruck by these words, I deepened my flirtation with immortality and explored the divine gifts of Mind and Speech. My teenage self concluded that if we wisely utilised these gifts, we would be like the immortals—God-Goddess-All-That-Is.

I tested my gifts of Mind and Speech for Truth—seeing myself as Divine, speaking words of loving kindness, and seeing my goals fully manifest. I discovered something interesting that proved consistent: When I felt good, and my Self-Talk emanated love and appreciation, people and the world mirrored that goodness, but if I called myself names like stupid or felt thwarted, discouraged, afraid, or lonely, and focused upon these feelings, people and the world reflected those qualities.

Further and magically noteworthy, I regularly crossed paths with people having similar conversations about my exciting discoveries and connecting with experts and helpers who ultimately became cooperating components in actualising my goals!

The Courage to Go Your Own Way

Because fear, neglect, put-downs, and violence were the norm in my daily family life, I decided to go in the opposite direction and assert more of my Magical Faery Self. With focused intent, I projected love and magic onto members of my scary family. After all, the Divine would never be terrifying, demeaning, or violent.

I consistently marked myself SAFE from harm and adversarial family interactions, though my mother proved to be an entirely different threat. My demeanour shift seemed to fuel her aggression and displeasure toward me rather than tempering it.

I had a lightning bolt revelation despairing in my utter confusion: My mother was not assuming her Divinity, let alone mine!

I knew it was essential to go my own way. With great courage, I took radical action, left my toxic tribal hell, and made my way out into the wild unknown with the expectation or rather assumption that the Universe is a friendly place filled with kind, helpful people. Extraordinary events played out time and time again. Still, the occasional abrupt bitch-slap from a negative interaction with a so-called beloved, trusted friend, stranger or drama on the world stage would cast a temporary dark shadow upon my life, causing me to reflect and course-correct my current trajectory.

Return To Your Heart and Be In Your Heart

I habituated the practice of returning to my heart centre and my True Divine Self, especially when I encountered circumstances of unconscionable hatred and cruelty. Evil exists, and those who wage war, along with folks, like my mother, cannot and will not assume their Divinity, let alone another’s.

Playfully, I practiced with great curiosity and noted the cause-and-effect observations that resulted in my most beautiful sublime outcomes and epic failures. Repeatedly, I adjusted the elements of Mind and Speech so that my Self-Talk, energy, emotions~feelings, thoughts~beliefs, and actions~inactions were expansive and ecstatic. I call this Heart-Mind-Body-Soul Coordination.

Now, at 63 years young, I continue to benefit from my reality creation rituals and spiritual practices, always assuming the unseen as seen and materialised.

The ritual of seeing myself as Divine accelerated the healing of my child abuse traumas. It made me perfect for my life’s work of holding a sacred safe space for the handholding of survivors of the most egregious human atrocities.

It is not enough to facilitate the Trauma DeActivation process. Survivors like me must see our Divinity to learn to thrive. The privilege of mentoring these beloveds to evolve from Victim to Victorious as their True Divine Selves is a most fulfilling vocation.

Your Uplevelled Standards Will Continually WOW You!

  1. Uplevel your Self-Talk to match your True Divine Nature as God-Goddess-All-That-Is.

  2. Embody Heart-Mind-Body-Soul Coordination by aligning your Heart (emotions/feelings), Mind (thoughts/beliefs), and Body (actions-inactions) with your True Divine Nature.

  3. Include your highest goals for your Best Life in your Self-Talk.

  4. Assume your goals are realised.

  5. Extend your Best Self onto your layer of the Universe and everyone you meet.

  6. Affirm to yourself the success of others, seeing beyond their circumstances.

  7. When you backslide to unkind thoughts and judgmental words about yourself or others, return to your Heart Centre, and affirm your Divinity.

Let us affirm to further empower these offerings of Mind and Speech by declaring the following:

  1. I have the gift of Mind and Speech.

  2. I can think. I can speak.

  3. Even if I cannot speak because it’s unsafe, I can still think in beautiful words that align with my Divinity and create my beautiful reality.

  4. I direct my Inner Dialogue and experience the most rewarding of all conversations.

  5. I am Divine-In-The-Flesh.

  6. I share these discoveries with my brothers and sisters because Our Highest, Most Beautiful Self-Talk Is What We Imagine, Cocreating Our Beautiful Realities.

  7. And so it is.

Thank you so much for reading along. I trust you’ve found this article helpful. For video How-tos and Do-It-Yourself Reality Creation and Self-Clearing processes, please visit my LoveTruth&Beauty YouTube Channel. Click here for the playlist.

Until next time, here’s to Love, Truth, and Beauty,

Marja (mahrrr-ya)

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Marja West, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Marja (pronounced Mahrrr-ya) West is an author, mentor of The Hermetic~Natural Law Principles, and a leading expert in Energy Mastery, Reality Creation, and Trauma-Based Mind Control DeActivator focusing on handholding survivors of Human Trafficking, Rape Camps, Satanic Ritual Abuse, Cult/Tribal, and NSP Abuse (Narcissistic-Sociopathic-Psychopathic), to evolve from Victim to Victorious. Well-known for her zero-filtered-laugh-out-loud humour and disarming, electrifying presentations, Marja is the author of the book F'd Wide Open: The Rude Awakening of the Heart-Based New Humanity. She is also a medical intuitive, martial artist, singer, multi-instrumentalist-musician, dancer, and plant lover.

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