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Secret Powers Of The Emotionally Liberated

Written by: Naomi Stockman, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Negative emotions are TAXING. They cause conflict between people, create darkness on sunny days and cause our brain space to be consumed with thinking thoughts we really don’t enjoy thinking about.

Negative emotions cause us to freeze, procrastinate, and ultimately retard our success.

Emotions are POWERFUL.

They can ruin lives, ruin families and relationships, destroy businesses and decimate people at the lowest end, and restore life, heal families and relationships, grow businesses and emancipate people at the highest level.

I bet you’ve never really thought about emotions in that way – and if you consider even on a global scale, it is emotions that drive racial conflicts, war, and suffering. Emotions win elections, determine our political leadership, and influence every behavior and every financial transaction. That is because our emotions are the driving force and compass behind our DECISION MAKING.

At the core, we seek happiness, love, and peace – this is universal. I don’t need to individually psychoanalyse you to know this about you – because at our deepest level, we are all the same.

Anything that threatens our peace, happiness, or love causes FEAR, pain, or fear of pain. Pain is simply when the mind is receiving signals of injury – physical or emotional. The suffering of the body and emotional pain can be equally intense.

Fear comes in many forms.

Fear triggers a host of powerful negative emotions.

These negative emotions have a purpose, to signal to us when we have compromised our bubble of love, peace, and joy. Essentially, negative emotions are a threat response.

Anger – happens when a boundary for our love, joy, or peace is violated.

Sadness – happens when our flow of love is cut off or blocked.

Guilt happens when we do something which is unloving to another or disrupts their peace.

Everything essentially boils back to our love, peace, and joy.


Ask yourself these questions:

What percentage of my sense of ‘love’ is from outside of me, either from situations or other people’s actions or words?

What percentage of my sense of ‘peace’ is from outside of me, either from situations or other people’s actions or words?

What percentage of my sense of ‘joy’ is from outside of me, either from situations or other people’s actions or words?

Don’t ‘think’ about it too much, just tune in and go with the first percentage that pops into your mind.

Emotional liberation happens when at least 80% of our love, peace, and joy are internally sourced.

How do we achieve this?

It’s really quite simple.

“Emotional liberation happens when at least 80% of our love, peace, and joy are internally sourced”


Go into them, feel them, express them, recognise the fear behind them. Gain the WISDOM which is available from every negative emotion. Own them.


Recognise that only you have the power to control your experience of life – and your emotions are the key to your experience.


There is absolutely nothing stopping you from feeling happy, at peace and loved – no matter what your situation or what has happened in your life up until now. Negative emotions are temporary, and when they become long term, that’s a sign that you’re stuck and haven’t processed the emotion.


You have way more power than you realise. I remember reading a book when I was 9 years old called ‘I am David”. It was about a boy who was in a concentration camp with his father in Germany during the war. His father taught him to ‘empty his mind’ and find inner peace. He learned that no matter what someone else does to you or takes from you – they can never take your mind – therefore you always have freedom and power. The power to choose who you are and what you think.


Negative emotions will continue as long as you give them power. Resistance is power. What we resist, will persist. Pulling away from something causes a trajectory and momentum. When you welcome the emotions in, reassure them, experience them, talk to them with love and care – stop taking actions to avoid them and deal with them, they lose their power.

Have you ever felt so angry that you almost felt you would explode, and then sat down to write a letter to the person you were angry with, and discovered at the end that the power of the anger was much weaker after you were able to express it?

We can actually choose to metaphorically wash our negative emotions clear by choosing love, peace and joy… you can do this using your imagination. Join our Anxiety Free Life Facebook group to learn how.


Next time you have a negative emotion, try this exercise. Ask yourself in third person:

”Hey, Naomi, why are you feeling this fear/anger/sadness/pain?” and answer from the highest self. Have the conversation. Applied well, this strategy will liberate you from your painful and powerless emotions and give you the ability to EXCEL.

Let’s look at an example:

“Hey, Naomi, why are you feeling this resistance and procrastination for writing for the Brainz Magazine?”

Answering from the highest self I would say “I’m scared that what I submit won’t be good enough compared to articles published by other authors.”

“Okay, so what’s the truth about this fear? Is it helpful, or harmful to experience this? What’s it stopping you from doing?”

“The truth is, if someone isn’t interested in what I’ve written, they won’t read it and therefore won’t know if it’s good or not. The truth is, it doesn’t matter what other people think, it cannot hurt me here in my home in Sydney. This fear is not helpful. It is stopping me from sharing knowledge, experience, and information to a world of readers seeking connection. It’s stopping me from being known, seen, and heard.”

Feel the fear. Choose to claim back your power.

Negative emotions can lead to anxiety and depression. Feelings of powerlessness, worthlessness, and an absence of love, peace, and happiness are extremely distressing. If you or someone you love experiences anxiety or depression connect with Naomi Stockman and discover how the ANXIETY FREE LIFE 6-week program has changed the lives of people worldwide. You can learn more about overcoming anxiety and depression here.

Watch more at Naomi’s YouTube channel or book a free anxiety & depression assessment call here.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Naomi Stockman, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Naomi Stockman is a Clinical Hypnotherapist, Nutritionist, and Author who transforms the lives of people living with Anxiety, Depression, and PTSD. Anxiety-Free Life, Naomi’s signature program, has helped people all over the world restore calm and happiness to their lives. Naomi’s mission is to speak to the world: No one needs to live with anxiety or depression, even if you’ve been diagnosed with the alphabet, medicated, or distressed for decades.

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