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School Teachers Will Change The World!

Written by: Michelle Macpherson, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Teachers fill a complex set of roles. They are guides, helpers, mentors, nurturers, innovators and authoritative leaders. They are called upon to impart knowledge, demonstrate skills, delegate tasks, participate collaboratively and employ resources creatively. They are organised, adaptable and efficient problem solvers who are invested in shaping and influencing younger minds.

‘A teacher is someone who loves to learn and share their knowledge with others. Teachers make the world a better place.’

The COVID-19 global pandemic has seen teachers faced with many new and complex challenges, some of which include, (but are not limited to) curriculum delivery, collaborative engagement and student mental health and wellbeing issues. They have and continue to remain at the forefront of innovative practice and mentorship for our younger generation.

Students in Australia resumed school attendance onsite in 2022, after more than 18 months of prolonged and intermittent lockdowns. The impact of the disruption to their typical, daily school routine is now presenting; and it’s profound. There has been a disturbing increase in school avoidance, externalising behaviours, anxiety, depression, disengagement and self-harm.

‘The Federal Election Statement 2022: Action on Mental Health’ cited by the Australian Psychological Society, reports that “psychologists simply cannot keep up with the surging demand for their services.” Efforts are underway to strengthen the psychology workforce by recruiting more psychologists and supporting “child mental health hubs” in an attempt to meet and manage demand.

There is no question of the value and role of allied health services in our community and as a pediatric psychologist, I am only too aware of the challenges our industry faces, however, I think the time has come to look more broadly.

Having worked within the field of Educational & Developmental Psychology for over 20 years, I firmly believe the real answer to our current mental health crisis lies in recruiting and engaging a stronger combative resource, and that’s our school teachers! They are the ‘foot soldiers’ of our communities, already equipped with the necessary skills and ability to create positive change. They work with students daily, which supports the generalisation of skill development, they are highly adaptable and possess the capacity to operate within evolving paradigms that can meet the shifting needs of students and their families.

New direction, action and strong leadership for school teachers are the answer to our youth mental health crisis. I truly believe in the power and influence of teachers in our communities and it’s time the rest of the world did too.

For more information about leading teachers within school communities, please contact:

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Michelle Macpherson, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Michelle is an agent of change and her vision is to create positive change worldwide, by expanding the conscious awareness of today’s youth. Acknowledging current demand upon health care systems, Michelle leads teachers within school communities to engage with students in ways that shift mindset and promote positive change. Embracing psychoanalytic principles, she also produces story books aimed at educating and inspiring children to move beyond self-created illusions that inhibit growth and the ability to change. A humanitarian at heart, she believes we all have a responsibility to leave the world a better place. The ‘Dragonfly’ embodies her calling...

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