Written by: Omu Obilor, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

If you've ever had a conversation with me, you know that I'm not a person to give advice on how to live your life. But if you're reading this, then it's likely that you want some help in that department. So here it is.

Say yes to the life you want! (And if you don't know what that means, ask yourself these questions:
What makes my heart sing?
What makes me happy?
What do I love about myself?
Celebrate every moment! Don't be afraid to fail if anything bad happens along the way, it will only make things better in the end. Ask for help from people who can offer guidance (and let them!). Listen intently when your inner voice tells you something important--even if others disagree with those feelings at first glance! And finally: Stop being so hard on yourself! You are enough right now, right here, right now!
Say yes to the life you want.
At the beginning of this journey, you might have thought that saying yes to yourself was just another word for "unreasonable." But in reality, saying yes is anything, but it's a way of living your life with intention and faith. You can say yes when someone asks you to join them on a trip; you can say yes when someone asks if they can borrow your favorite sweater; and even if it's just something small like helping out at home or taking on a new project at work.
When it comes to saying yes, there are two key questions: What do I want? And am I being honest about what I want? These two things aren't always easy questions because they require self-reflection and honesty. But they are necessary if we want our lives (and relationships) to be authentic.
Celebrate every moment.
There's no denying that life can be a struggle sometimes. But you're not alone! There are many people who also find themselves in situations where they need to say "yes" to themselves, and then go out and celebrate their experiences. It doesn't matter whether you're celebrating with family or friends or even if it's just yourself. The most important thing is that you do something every day that makes you feel good about yourself.
I've been thinking about this idea a lot lately because I've been trying really hard to remember what it feels like when I'm truly happy about myself and my life choices (which isn't always easy). So here are some ideas for how we can make time for ourselves:
Go on an adventure without anyone else around by yourself or with friends ‒ I’m looking forward to spending more time doing this in the future!
Write down all the ways in which our actions have changed us over time ‒ I've been thinking about doing this as well but haven't gotten around doing it yet.
Do something kind for someone else every day ‒ maybe take them out for coffee/dinner etc.
Don't be afraid to fail.
Failure is part of the learning process. It happens to all of us, but if you don't learn from your failures, then you're not really growing. When we fail, it's so much better for us to fail by trying something new than never even trying at all!
It's important not to be afraid of failure because then we won't take advantage of opportunities when they come our way. The key is being open-minded enough so that when opportunities arise and someone offers their hand in friendship or love again after having been rejected in the past (which seems like it happened every day), then this person will still be able to accept those gifts with gratitude because they know how hard it was for them before and now they have learned from their mistakes so that next time around things will turn out differently and better!
Ask for help.
It's normal to feel like you can do it all, but sometimes it helps to ask for help. When you're overwhelmed by something and don't know where to start, ask a friend or family member for advice. Or if someone has more experience than you in a certain field and is willing to help, let them know how much their knowledge would be appreciated.
In addition to receiving valuable feedback from other people who care about your well being (and who might also be able to offer suggestions), asking for help creates an environment of support that encourages growth in all areas of life including at work!
Listen to your inner voice.
I'm going to share a secret with you. It's something I learned from my mother, who was born and raised in India, but migrated to Canada with her family when she was young. She told me that if you want something in your life, no matter what it is (whether it's a new job or partner), the only way to achieve it is by saying, "yes" first.
She said this because there are two sides of every equation: yes or no; good or bad; success or failure and if you don't take responsibility for these choices yourself then someone else will make them for you instead! So just imagine how much happier this could make you feel if instead of worrying about things being wrong with your current situation (which often leads to depression), all those negative emotions would disappear once they realized that saying "no" wouldn't change anything anyway.
Stop being so hard on yourself.
So, what is self-compassion? It's a way of practicing kindness toward yourself, which can help you avoid the negative effects of being hard on yourself. Self-compassion is an important part of being kinder to yourself it doesn't mean that you should indulge your every angry thought and feeling. Instead, it means accepting that everyone has flaws and making sure to forgive yourself when they're triggered or hurtful.
Self-compassion isn't about indulging your every desire or feeling sorry for yourself because life hasn't gone exactly as planned; rather, it's about seeing positive qualities in others (even if those qualities aren't always visible). It helps us see beyond our own pain and suffering so we can focus on what really matters: living life well by taking care of ourselves first before caring for others around us.
You are enough right now, right here, right now!
You are enough right now, right here. You are enough to be whoever you want to be and do whatever you want to do.
It's time for a break from the negativity that has been weighing down your soul like an old coat over the past few days or weeks or months and even years!
You deserve better than this. You deserve to feel good about yourself again and it starts by saying yes (to yourself) more often than no (to anything).
Remember life happens for YOU and not to YOU! I’m your friend and I’m here to help.
Visit Omu's website to learn more!

Omu Obilor, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Omu is an International Coach, Speaker, Trainer, and Thought Leader. Her mantra is “Living my best life," this she achieves by living Intentionally.
Her mission in life is to empower others to live their best life, curating the life they want for themselves.
As a founding member of the John Maxwell Team, she has mastered intentional living in personal and professional life.
She performs the role of Executive Director and National Trainer in Business Network International (BNI), which empowered her to master training networking.
Omu has, over the years, poured out her all into the lives of her clients. Walking them through the various transitions in life and mentoring them through the transformation. She is driven by her passion for helping individuals realize that it is possible to live the life they dream of.
Extremely passionate about Transformation in people, she works tirelessly to see this through.
Her approach is designed to increase awareness and accountability to increase morale and determine values.
She runs a mentor mind group for women looking to grow in their personal and professional lives. She also runs masterminds monthly, amongst others.