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Ritual For Everyone – Leveraging Seasonal & Lunar Transitions For Spiritual Expansion – Part 3

Written by: Safrianna Lughna, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Safrianna Lughna

Welcome back for the last part of this series on Ritual for Everyone! In the first article in this series, What Defines a Ritual? I provide dan overview of some of the main types of rituals such as spiritual, healing, self-empowerment, and daily rituals. I also defined rituals as intentional, self-empowering, symbolic actions that carry deep meaning for individuals or communities.

colorful plants with butterflies

In the second, I explored the benefits of rituals and daily routines, offering ideas to get you inspired on how to begin your own ritual practice! In this final part of the series, I want to explore how we can use seasonal transitions and moon phases to create opportunities for spiritual exploration and self-development!

Rituals for spiritual growth

The main missing element in our lives today is aligned spiritual practice. We think and feel. We are expansive beings with complex emotions, bodies, senses, minds, and souls. Yet, this reality often gets drowned out in the Go, Go, Go, nature of modern society. While rituals need not be tied to any religious beliefs, they can be a powerful tool for those seeking spiritual growth within themselves and connection with the wider universe. Spiritual practices provide an opportunity for individuals to explore their inner selves, cultivate a deeper understanding of life's mysteries, and find meaning and a higher purpose. As these rituals become the new rhythm of our life, they act as catalysts for positive change, inspiring us to embrace new possibilities, release limitations, and embark on a journey of continuous growth and expansion just as nature herself intended. Spiritual rituals can involve practices such as prayer, chanting, drumming, communing with nature, meditation, using cards or other spiritual tools to connect with Guides or your Higher self, or anything that “moves the Spirit,” so to speak! Remember, the essence of spiritual rituals lies not just in their specific actions or timing, but in the sincerity and intention with which they are performed. I encourage you to tap into your inner spirituality, whatever that may mean for you, fostering a profound sense of interconnectedness and meaning with your own definition of God, Source, or the Universe that fits you.

The power of our seasons

Living here on Mother Earth comes with some built-in rhythms we can access for self-empowerment, spiritual expansion, and cultivating awareness. Take for example our built-in clock, the Sun, which informs us when it’s time to begin waking and winding down. The Sun also governs the flow of our overall seasons. The Moon meanwhile which impacts our bodies of water (and as an ex-middle school teacher, no one can tell me the Full Moon doesn’t impact humans)! Seasonal rituals align with the natural rhythms of life, prompting reflection, growth, and renewal. When we align with our seasons, we also align with our wider spiritual body. We are beings intimately in tune with the Earth we call home and influenced by the sun and moon. When we ignore our own unique rhythms and that of nature, we end up feeling stagnant, off balance and often burnt out. I personally use the moon phases (New and Full every month) to do a clearing and releasing ritual, as well as to do an oracle card reading for myself. I also celebrate each of the eight seasonal transition holidays known as the Wheel of the Year to provide anchors to check in with my higher spiritual self and see what is shifting in my life during the seasonal changeover. When we begin to use the moon phases or shifting of our own seasons local to where we live as points to turn inward and reflect, we unlock an incredibly powerful tool to realign with ourselves.

How might you use the timing of our moon phases or seasonal turning points for your own practice?

Spiritual ritual practice ideas & examples

Consider the following practices along with your answer to the question above.

What speaks to your soul and feels expansive, brimming with possibilities?

How can you use these practices or invent your own to create powerful rituals that acknowledge the passing of time, seasons, and your own life cycles? Meditation: Meditation is a fundamental spiritual practice that involves quieting the mind, focusing on the breath or a specific mantra, and seeking inner stillness and clarity. Regular meditation can deepen your connection to your higher self and the universe.

Prayer: Prayer is a form of communication with the divine or higher power, expressing gratitude, seeking guidance, or asking for blessings. You can create personal prayers or use traditional prayers from your religious or spiritual tradition.

Candle Rituals: Lighting candles with specific intentions can be a beautiful way to focus your energy and set intentions. Each color of the candle may represent a different aspect, such as love, healing, or protection.

Altar or Sacred Space: Creating a dedicated space for your spiritual practice can be highly beneficial. An altar or sacred space can be adorned with meaningful objects, crystals, statues, or symbols that represent your beliefs and spiritual connections.

Divination: Divination practices, such as tarot card readings, rune casting, or pendulum dowsing, can be used as tools to gain insights into your life's path and receive guidance from your higher self or spiritual guides.

Nature Connection: Spending time in nature and appreciating its beauty can be a spiritual practice in itself. Consider going for nature walks, gardening, or simply sitting quietly in a natural setting to connect with the earth and its energies.

Journaling: Keeping a spiritual journal allows you to explore your thoughts, feelings, and spiritual experiences. You can use it for self-reflection, recording dreams, or expressing gratitude.

Chanting or Singing: Chanting sacred mantras or singing spiritual songs can elevate your vibrations and create a sense of harmony and connection with the divine.

Cleansing & Clearing Practices: Smoke clearing with local garden herbs or other ethically sourced dried herbs can purify the energy in your space and your aura, helping to clear away negative energy and create a sacred atmosphere.

Ritual Baths: Taking ritual baths infused with essential oils, herbs, or salts can cleanse and purify your energy, providing a sacred space for relaxation and reflection.

Moon Rituals: Aligning your practices with the phases of the moon can be a powerful way to connect with its energies. You can perform rituals during the new moon for setting intentions or during the full moon for releasing and letting go, or use moonlight to charge talismans or spiritual objects.

Gratitude Practice: Cultivating an attitude of gratitude is a spiritual practice that can enhance your well-being and deepen your connection to the universe.Take time each day to express gratitude for the blessings in your life. Again, these are just ideas! What inspires you?

You have the power to create whatever you want out of this beautiful life of yours. May you find magic in any moment you desire!

As a final note, participating in community rituals has the capacity to foster unity and understanding among individuals from different cultures and belief systems. When we come together to honor the changing of seasons, celebrate life events, or seek solace in times of grief, we create shared moments that transcend our differences and connect us as human beings.

In my Living LUNA community, we regularly explore the impact of rituals through routine participation in rituals for each New Moon, Full Moon, and eight seasonal holidays. I provide the structure and community space so that you can show up and do the work with your Higher Self! Learn more about the Sacred Moon Circle here!

I hope you have enjoyed this three-part series on rituals for everyone and found some inspiration to bring a little spark back to your life! I truly believe that bringing a little intentionality and awareness into our lives is a missing element in our overall societal well-being.

May you find the perfect set and setting for your own spiritual practices and rituals! Looking Forward,

Safrianna Lughna, The Queer-Spirit Guide

P.S. Want to learn more about some specific seasonal rituals? In my article, Embracing Seasonal Success– Harnessing The Wheel Of The Year For PersonalAnd Professional Growth, I talk about the specific holidays associated with our seasonal shifts.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!

Safrianna Lughna Brainz Magazine

Safrianna Lughna, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Guided by radical acceptance, Safrianna (LCPC, MS) cheers on the "weird" and "woo" of the world. A multi-passionate student of life, Safrianna uses her skills as a therapist, educator, and spiritual teacher to provide individuals and businesses what they need to step into health and awareness on a multidimensional level.

Safrianna led the creation of Living LUNA, a podcast, community, and movement centered on authenticity and self-empowerment. The Living LUNA community is a space where often-Othered people of the world are invited to co-create an uplifting, upleveling atmosphere.

Safrianna leads a life off the well-worn societal path. When taking time for self-care, she enjoys writing poetry and science fiction, playing thought-provoking video games, and spending time with her family of cats and partners.

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