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Rise Above Tall Poppy Syndrome – Empowering Growth And Embracing Your True Potential

Nathan Francis is a 30 Year old former school teacher from Australia. Nathan is a podcast host and youth self-sabotage coach/mentor who freely admits that his mission is to lift the self-esteem and health of our youth.

Executive Contributor Nathan Francis

In modern society, trimming the tall poppy is a deeply embedded program in the psyches of the masses. What is trimming the tall poppy? Well, trimming the tall poppy is a phrase that means when someone rises up and does something great, a talented person or a person who is out there in the public eye is met with criticism, judgment, or belittlement. This is phrased as trimming the tall poppy.

Burnout businessman under pressure in the office

Why would people do this? Why would people want to bring down someone who is rising up and doing awesome things? The answer to such a question has multiple layers. One layer is people are comfortable with where they are in life. As soon as someone within a tribe rises up and does something different or great, that means they have to act as well. On a subconscious level, it makes the person uncomfortable and resistant to change. Subconsciously, they will attempt to bring that person down, just like the crabs in the crab bucket. Another layer to this is conditioning comes from the school system, social media, and the tv that anyone successful is perceived as a snob, asshole, rude, and arrogant. In school, you might win awards, and your friends haven’t won any. Then you are met with mean, nasty comments. You are being conditioned to treat people this way from a very early age. The tall poppy syndrome is big in the five eyes countries. Which are Australia, New Zealand, Canada, England and the USA. It's deeply coded within the psyches of quite a large fraction of the population. This is precisely the deep-rooted reason why society is comfortable being comfortable and never rising up to their full potential because they will be targets of people who will want to trim them down. It’s easier to stay down and comfortable, right? No judgment or belittlement.


There needs to be a huge culture shift. We need to empower and inspire each other to rise up and live to our fullest innate human potential. We all came here to do some awesome things. Let’s allow each other to prosper and be creative. Acceptance of where people are at minus the judgment and hate. Also, accept what that person is doing and just know they are living to their truest self and doing what brings them joy and lights them up. If they become wealthy in the process then so be it. It doesn’t necessarily make them rude or arrogant the way it is portrayed on TV. We all deserve peace, love, and happiness. Let’s all rise together as one instead of trimming people down. As the old saying goes, if you don’t have anything nice to say, then don’t say anything at all.


A simple solution to the tall poppy is to keep rising anyway. Do what makes you passionate; do what fills your heart and soul with joy and creative energy. The people who are meant for you will gravitate toward you and be there with you every step of the way. Some will pop in, then drift away and others will try and trim you down. Be around people who are a few steps ahead of you and are your head cheerleaders. They’re the ones who will help you succeed. Let go of the people who are not, and they will slow your progress and trim your poppy.


It really doesn’t matter what you do, you are never going to please everyone as it’s almost impossible in today's society. There are 6.5 billion or more people in this world, and there is a good chance some people will resonate with you and want the best for you. You are always going to have people try and trim you down. By simply, focusing on the people who you are positively impacting and surrounding yourself with people who lift you up and help you strive for success are the people meant for you. Focus on the positives and allow the negative and negative people to wash over you. It can be that simple: this work isn’t for the weak. You must build your strength physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and financially. These pillars of strength will hold you in good stead to meet the onslaught of the everyday Joe who is happy to trim you down. I say rise anyway.


If you wish to become a real King in your life (not a conditioned King), then work with me. I will show you how to break free and step out into the world with a purpose and motivation. We will go deep into everything, and I will provide a space for you to express it all and turn it into the greatest comeback story ever! It’s your story; let's write it together. Free Zoom consultation to begin the journey? Easy done. Contact me and let's go.


Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and visit my website for more info!

Read more from Nathan Francis


Nathan Francis, Youth Self–Sabotage Coach

Nathan Francis is a leader in the Youth Coaching space. Drawing from 10+ years experience inside the mainstream system, it became quite evident to him that the system is failing our youth. Nathan has dedicated his life to helping our youth unleash their innate human potential. He is the founder of where he offers 1:1 and group coaching programs. Author of Breaking Free: A Teens & Young Adults guide to identifying their addictions and overcoming them. He is also the host of the breaking free podcast.

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