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Ripped with Yoga — Men’s Guide to Balance

Written by: Whitney Zora Stetler, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


You’ve noticed all the ladies going to yoga and maybe even enjoyed the views in a class where you’re the lone guy amidst 16 gals. Chances are you were probably working hard to keep up with all those bendy bodies and second-guessing yoga as the right avenue for you. Don’t give up just yet.

The truth is, many of the poses are difficult for men, and especially men with some bulging muscles, because there is a lot of strength and tension there. So, what’s the secret? Why trade a little bit of time with the weights for time on the mat?

Balance and flexibility. A few other benefits: Smell better, better sex, build more muscle, sheds body fat, prevent workout injuries, and relieve stress.

As you take the plunge into a down-dog and play with a few arm balances, you will unlock potential for your weight and distance training previously unattainable. Read on for 5 tips to help you get the most from Yoga.

1. Breath Control

This may sound extremely simple and even elementary, but it is a fine art that will nourish your muscles and steady your balance. There is an entire practice of yoga dedicated to breathing called Pranayama. Since you might not be keen on digesting the whole book, we have the cliff notes.

Start by only breathing in and out of your nose. Your instructor may offer the occasional “clearing breath” where you can let it all out in a giant sigh from the mouth, but otherwise, stay in and out of the nose. The reason for this is to keep the breath steady and retain the heat in the body.

Once you can go through practice breathing in and out of the nose only, you are ready to count your inhales and exhales. Start slowly by making the inhale an equal amount of time as the exhale. As you master this technique, consider reading the book. While you read, make your exhale twice as long as your exhale. This will force out stale air in the lungs, increasing their capacity, steady the mind, and of course, flood your body and muscles with oxygen—number one for performance in yoga.

2. Relax a little!

Yo Whitney, how can I relax when my goal is to look like The Rock? Holding all these brilliantly bendy poses is a balance between effort and ease. After years of bodybuilding, you will be stiff, but you need to release slowly and with your breath into these poses. As you try a little more each day, your flexibility will increase, and with it, so will your range of motion and strength. Remember, some of the greatest athletes are such because of their agility (ability to move quickly and easily). Now, here is how to do it: buy yoga blocks and use them. Just about every pose has a modification or a way in which you can use the blocks to decrease the degree of stretching required to settle in. Set any ego issues, you’re having aside and utilize the blocks. If you need more information on pose modifications for men, go to to register for a subscription. You’ll have unlimited access to our classes, blog posts, and even someone on one Q & A with our instructors.

3. Stack poses from the ground up.

Many newcomers to yoga will throw their bodies into the acrobatic poses day after day, really killin’ it and looking good, too! What’s the catch? Improper alignment has created the illusion of progress while set the body up for detrimental effects. The same theory applies to weight training. Too much arch in the low back will throw all of the weight there. Sure, you can get away with showing off for a while, but someday, your lower back will let you know, and you will have flown past any of the real gains from proper lifting. As you work to understand the proper alignment in yoga, not only will they become more difficult (wait, what?), you will also notice muscle tone on muscles you previously had difficulty accessing. This is because yoga practice is thousands of years old and is designed to work the entire body. As you align knee over ankle, hips over knees, ears over shoulders, then do the breathing and the ‘relaxing,’ your entire body will be getting the workout without the injury. Using blocks will help you have proper alignment, and ask the instructor for a few tips and ques.

4. Start with basics.

Even a racecar driver starts in a go-cart. Starting with basic poses will make you stronger and more steady faster than jumping ahead to show off a quick handstand. Which, with legs flopping around, will only impress an amateur audience. If you are completely new to yoga, start with poses that can be achieved from lying on the floor. This will help your body to get comfortable with the idea of relaxing into a deep stretch while encouraging some of the basic alignment to protect your low back and hamstrings.

5. Consistency is the key.

Some things can happen overnight. You can become a father or buy a car. But, you can not become toned and ripped overnight. Just as with your regimen of nutrition and wellness, you will need a consistent yoga practice to experience the intense benefits. Start by practicing yoga at least twice per week. Three times is preferable. After just four weeks, you will absolutely notice massive results on the mat and off the mat.

6. Meditate.

Is getting ripped as easy as doing nothing? Yes, it sure can be! At the end of every one of your yoga practices, stay lying down in Savasana or Corpse Pose for a minimum of 10 minutes to let your body rest from the intense work you just did. While you are lying there, let the body breathe and recover. Most importantly, let your mind rest. Insist that each of your practices end with an ample amount of time for you to let go of the need to run out so you can fully rest. If you pass out asleep at the end of the workout, then you did an excellent job. Get up slowly, drink some water, and have a nutritious meal. Just as your barbell must be balanced, so must your workout. Pushing the body to extremes requires a balanced amount of rest. Pushing your mind to solve the days’ problems requires the same; rest. Focus on your breathing in and out while you rest. As thoughts arise, acknowledge them, let them fade, and go back to thinking of the breath, in and out. More work will be done here than any other pose. Remember, balance is key.

All riled up? Understandable. We are, too! If you’re looking for ways to take your yoga practice to the next level or just starting, we can help. Go to to register for your subscription to our classes, live and library, newsletter, tips, and much more.

With Love and Joy,

Whitney Zora Stetler

Founder of Cocoa Yoga Cafe

For more info, follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and visit my website!


Whitney Zora Stetler, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Whitney Zora Stetler grew up in the mountains of Silver City, New Mexico, where she pursued music. She started a punk rock band in high school alongside her childhood best friend, Serena. She co-opened her first business, a coffee shop, at the age of 19. Whitney later received culinary arts degrees from The French Culinary Institute in New York City and Alma La Scuola Internazionale di Cucina Italiana in Parma, Italy. Whitney sharpened her love of business as the accountant for Platinum Aviation in Fort Lauderdale. She later tackled sales and marketing in the medical field in Houston and Miami. Finally, Whitney was compelled by love to share the peace and wellness that her personal practice of yoga had long afforded her by earning her RYT-500. Voila! A trifecta of her favorite things: a classy cafe, yoga studio, and music venue culminated in forming Cocoa Yoga Cafe. Whitney is happily married to a handsome pilot, has two precious children, an adorable dachshund, and very lofty dreams.

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