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Revolutionising Workplace Wellness – An Exclusive Interview With Sean Boyd

In the ever-evolving world of corporate wellness, Sean Boyd is a pioneer striving to transform how businesses approach well-being. With a career spanning facility management, hospitality, and a focus on mental and physical health, Sean's mission is to make wellness training a core part of corporate culture. His journey has been shaped by personal experiences of burnout and his discovery of the key pillars of a structured life.

Image photo of Sean Boyd

Sean Boyd, Chief Executive

Introduce yourself! Tell us a bit about your life and background.


I’m 34 years old and split my time between Manchester, England, and Paris, France. My journey started at a young age. I've always been entrepreneurial. I was taking apart scrap cars at my father's scrapyard by the time I was 12, and since then, I’ve run businesses across facility management, hospitality, and wellness. While I’ve had my successes, it’s not been without its challenges. I’ve faced burnout twice, and the second time forced me to step back and rethink everything. That experience is what shaped my current mission—to prevent others from going through the same thing.


What inspired you to start focusing on wellness, and how did Structure Wellness come to be?


It really came down to personal experience. When I was running my facility management company, I was working around the clock, answering multiple phones at once, and living at my desk. Eventually, I burned out. The pandemic gave me the time and space to reflect. I was in Normandy, France, and during that time, I realised the importance of structuring life around four key pillars: fitness, sleep, diet, and mental well-being. That’s how Structure Wellness was born—out of a desire to help others build sustainable lives, especially those who feel like they're on the brink of burnout.


Can you explain the foundations of a structured life and why they’re so important?


The foundations of fitness, sleep, diet, and well-being are the cornerstones of everything we do at Structure Wellness.


  • Fitness: Exercise is more than just physical health; it’s a mental reset. Clients who engage in fitness not only feel physically stronger but sleep better and start building positive habits from there.

  • Sleep: Sleep is often overlooked, but it’s crucial. People might not realise how much poor sleep impacts their health, productivity, and even mental well-being. We offer workshops and practical advice to improve sleep hygiene.

  • Diet: A balanced diet plays a huge role in overall wellness. I find that many people overlook what they eat. It’s one of the simplest yet most effective ways to boost energy levels and mental clarity.

  • Well-being: This is where we focus on mental and emotional health. We create safe spaces for clients to express their struggles, whether through workshops or one-on-one coaching.


What’s unique about your approach to wellness? How do you tailor it to individual clients?


What makes our approach special is that it’s highly personalised. Every client is different, so we don’t follow a one-size-fits-all model. I remember one client who hadn’t had a proper night’s sleep in over ten years. We ran some tests and found that, while they were drinking water, their body wasn’t absorbing it properly. By giving them water with natural electrolytes, they finally slept through the night. That’s the level of care we provide; it's not just ticking boxes; it’s about real solutions that work for each person.


What are your future plans for Structure Wellness? Where do you see it going in the next five years?


In five years, I want Structure Wellness to be the go-to solution for preventing burnout in corporate environments. We’re looking to make wellness policies mandatory in the workplace, integrating them into corporate training programs. I also have plans for a fully operational wellness hotel, where coaches can deliver retreats and offer personal, face-to-face support. The app we’re developing will connect clients with coaches for ongoing guidance, but I believe the personal connection offered through our retreats is crucial for real transformation.


Why is corporate wellness so important, and how do you plan to revolutionise the approach companies take to it?


Corporate wellness is often treated as a checkbox exercise, but that has to change. Leaders, especially, are usually under the most stress. If we can help them prioritise their well-being, they’ll be in a better position to support their teams. It’s all about creating environments where people can thrive without fear of stigma or judgement. The challenge is getting companies to see beyond metrics and understand the real human value of wellness training. Once they do, it will have a ripple effect throughout the organisation.


Can you share a personal story of burnout and how it influenced your approach to wellness?


Burnout hit me hard twice. The second time, it was severe enough that I stepped down from running my company. I took a year off, and during that time, I rediscovered the importance of fitness, sleep, diet, and emotional well-being. That experience was my turning point. It made me realise that if I, someone who took pride in being resilient, could experience burnout, then so could others. That’s why I’m so passionate about making wellness a priority, not just for individuals but for entire companies.

Finally, what advice do you have for someone struggling with burnout right now?


You’re not alone. Burnout is more common than we think, but it’s also preventable. The first step is recognizing that you need to make a change, whether that’s incorporating better sleep habits, improving your diet, or reaching out for support. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, Structure Wellness is here to help. Reach out to us at, and together, we can find a way forward.

Structure wellness

Follow me on Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!

Read more from Sean Boyd



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