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Resting Your Way To Results After 40 – A 5 Steps To Metabolic Freedom 

Carly Gallagher is no ordinary Naturopath; she’s a modern-day alchemist. Founder of Inner-Alchemy, she has fused Yoga, Food, and Healing into her own transformative metabolic practice for peri-menopausal and menopausal women.

Executive Contributor Carly Gallagher

Ready to elevate your health and vitality after 40? In today's fast-paced world, strategic rest is key for long-term success, especially when it comes to managing your metabolism. Whether you're struggling with unexplained weight gain or battling low energy levels, mastering the art of rest is crucial. In this guide, we'll explore five key strategies for achieving metabolic freedom, from understanding your changing hormones to embracing a rest-based approach to exercise and nutrition. Let's embark on a journey to unlock your body's full potential after 40. 

 a woman She is enjoying a glass of red wine in a relaxed setting, with natural light and greenery

1. Find your "just right" approach 

When it comes to transforming your health after 40, it's crucial to find the perfect balance - not too much, not too little, but just right. This Goldilocks approach is key to sustainable weight loss and improved metabolism. 

As I often say, "If there's one thing I want you to walk away with today, it's embracing that rest is actually key.” This might seem counterintuitive, especially if you've been conditioned to believe that more is always better. But after 40, our bodies respond differently, and finding that "just right" balance becomes crucial. 

The "too hot" trap” 

Many women over 40 fall into the "too hot" approach:


  • Extreme diets or skipping meals 

  • Intense workouts or over-exercising 

  • Doubling up on gym sessions 

While these might seem productive, they can lead to a metabolic slowdown. As I've observed, unknowingly for many, these slowdowns make it even harder for the body to maintain that hormonal balance, including estrogen levels and thyroid function.

The "too cold" pitfall 

On the other hand, the "too cold" approach can be equally problematic: 

  • Giving up entirely, thinking weight loss is impossible after 40 

  • Not doing enough exercise or the wrong types of activity 

  • Neglecting the importance of movement for hormonal regulation 

This approach can lead to elevated cortisol levels, contribute to insulin resistance, and increase abdominal fat storage. Doing too little exercise can impact our estrogen levels as well. We know that exercise helps to regulate estrogen levels and improve how our body uses estrogen. 

The "just right" solution 

The key is finding the "just right" approach that works with your new hormonal reality: 

  • Engage in the right types of exercise: short, intense workouts (no more than 30 minutes) combined with restorative activities 

  • Follow a nutrition plan that supports hormonal balance without severe restrictions

  • Implement recovery strategies that allow your body to rejuvenate 

Remember, it's not about eating less and exercising more. It's about finding the perfect balance that supports your changing body after 40. 

2. Understand your changing hormones 

As women enter their 40s and beyond, hormonal changes play a significant role in metabolism and overall health. Understanding these changes is crucial for tailoring your approach to diet, exercise, and lifestyle. 

The hormonal landscape after 40 

Three key hormones undergo significant changes during this life stage:

1. Estrogen

As you approach menopause, estrogen levels naturally decline. This decrease affects fat distribution, often leading to increased abdominal fat. It also impacts insulin sensitivity and metabolism. 

2. Cortisol

Stress hormone production often becomes less efficient after 40. Excess cortisol can promote fat storage, particularly around the middle.

3. Insulin

Insulin sensitivity typically decreases with age, a process often accelerated in your 40s. This can lead to higher blood sugar levels and increased fat storage. 

Adapt your approach 

Understanding these hormonal changes allows you to work with your body, not against it. Focus on strategies that support hormonal balance, such as stress reduction techniques, adequate sleep, and a diet that promotes insulin sensitivity. Let's dive deeper into strategies that support hormonal balance: 

1. Manage cortisol levels

Cortisol, our stress hormone, becomes less efficient as we age, but we have significant control over it. 

2. Improve insulin sensitivity

As our insulin sensitivity decreases, we need to be more mindful of our diet and lifestyle choices. We can modify things in our diet and lifestyle to also increase our insulin sensitivity as well. 

3. Optimize nutrition

Research into menopause and perimenopause women showed that they consumed more than 55 % of their calories from carbohydrates and higher fasting insulin levels, therefore increasing abdominal fat. We can address this macro imbalance by making informed diet choices. 

4. Tailor your exercise routine

Studies show that high-intensity exercise over 30 minutes may undo health benefits. And that short, intense workouts can be as effective as longer intense sessions. 

5. Priorities recovery

"I'm all about giving back to you, to your family. You actually can give back to yourself instead of giving to everybody else in the family, actually start to focus on giving back to you and getting more quality sleep in." Recovery is crucial.

Remember, this isn't just really a fairytale. It's a real-life transformation. By implementing these strategies and working with your changing hormones, you can achieve metabolic freedom and feel vibrant and energised in your 40s and beyond. It's about finding that "just right" balance that works for your unique body and lifestyle. 

3. Embrace rest-based exercise 

Contrary to popular belief, more exercise isn't always better, especially after 40. The key is to exercise smarter, not harder. 

The power of metabolic exercise 

The key is training smart through intensity, efficiency, and rest. That's right. Rest. Metabolic exercises are short, intense workouts that boost your metabolism and burn fat more effectively than traditional long cardio sessions. These exercises should: 

  • Be under 20 minutes: "After 30 minutes, you activate your cortisol response, which then turns on the inflammation, which then turns off fat burning." 

  • Combine resistance and intensity: "It's a combination of resistance and intensity. So it's not just doing some weights as your resistance, and it's not just doing a HIIT class. It's the combining of the two." 

  • Be performed 3 times a week on alternating days: This allows your body to recover, but also if you do the right intensity with that metabolic exercise, you'll burn fat for up to two days later. 

Incorporate restorative movement 

On non-metabolic exercise days, focus on restorative movements like walking, yoga, or gentle stretching. These activities support recovery, reduce stress, and complement your more intense workouts.

4. Adopt a hormone-friendly diet 

Your nutritional needs change as you age. Adopting a diet that supports your hormonal balance is crucial for metabolic freedom after 40. 

Focus on low to moderate carbohydrates 

Aim for a low- moderate carbohydrate diet. Around 20% of your calories, not 55%. This approach helps manage insulin levels and supports fat adaptation. However, it's important to note, that I don't advocate keto by the way, because keto starves out all of the beneficial bacteria in the gut, which thrives off carbohydrates. 

Increase healthy fats and proteins 

Emphasize healthy fats and proteins in your diet. Higher fats and proteins, lower moderate amounts of carbohydrates, taking out some of those inflammatory foods that we eat, so focus on more phytonutrient-rich foods. These are all the foods with colors of the rainbow. 

Don't skip meals 

Ensure you're eating regularly and getting at least 1200 calories a day. Skipping meals can disrupt your metabolism and lead to overeating later. 

5. Prioritize recovery and stress management 

Rest isn't just about sleep; it's about giving your body and mind time to recover and rejuvenate. 

Improve sleep quality 

Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night. Remember, the hours before midnight are particularly beneficial for recovery.

Incorporate stress-reduction techniques 

Make time for activities that help you unwind and manage stress. This could be meditation, deep breathing exercises, or simply taking time for yourself to do something you enjoy. 

Practice self-care 

Regular self-care practices, such as massage, sauna sessions, or simply taking a relaxing bath, can help reduce stress and support your body's natural healing processes. 

By following these five steps, you can work with your body's natural rhythms and hormonal changes to achieve metabolic freedom after 40. Remember, it's not about perfection or deprivation; it's about finding a sustainable approach that allows you to feel energised, confident, and in control of your health. Embrace the power of rest, and watch as your body responds with renewed vitality and balance. 

Your next steps to resting your way to results 

Now that you understand the importance of finding your "just right" approach to metabolic freedom after 40, you might be wondering how to put these principles into action. Here are your next steps to start resting your way to results: 

  1. Assess your current approach: Are you in the "too hot," "too cold," or "just right" zone? Identify areas where you might be overdoing it or not doing enough.

  2. Start small: Begin by incorporating short, intense workouts of no more than 30 minutes, three times a week. On alternate days, focus on restorative activities like walking or gentle yoga. 

  3. Adjust your diet: Gradually shift towards a low to moderate carbohydrate diet, aiming for about 20% of your calories from carbs. Increase your intake of healthy fats and proteins. 

  4. Priorities recovery: Make sleep a priority, aiming for 7-9 hours per night. Incorporate stress-reduction techniques into your daily routine.

  5. Be patient and consistent: Remember, sustainable results take time. Stay consistent with your new, balanced approach and trust the process.

  6. Seek expert guidance: While these steps provide a foundation, every woman's journey is unique. Working with an expert can help you fine-tune your approach for optimal results. 

Ready to take your metabolic freedom journey to the next level? I'm here to guide you every step of the way. Visit my website to explore how we can work together. Whether you're looking for one-on-one coaching, group programs, or self-paced resources, I offer a range of options to suit your needs and help you achieve lasting results. You might also like to see my recent masterclass on YouTube on “Rest Your Way To Results”. 

Don't let another day go by feeling frustrated with your metabolism. Take the first step towards your metabolic freedom today. Your body will thank you for choosing the "just right" path to health and vitality after 40!

Follow me on FacebookInstagram, and visit my website for more info!


Carly Gallagher, Weight Loss Naturopath Nutritionist

Carly Gallagher is revolutionizing weight loss and health for women in their 40s, 50s, and 60s. Nearly a decade ago, she faced the same battle with uncontrollable weight gain, stumbling through countless failures before unlocking the secrets of aging metabolisms. With 25 years of experience as a Naturopath, Carly has redefined old paradigms and created her own metabolic solution, helping hundreds of women along the way. In 2016, she founded Inner-Alchemy, uniting her passions for Yoga, Food, and Healing. Now, she's set to launch her signature Metabolic Alchemy solution globally, transforming women's lives by reshaping the approach to weight loss.



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