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Reprogram Your Energy Field For Abundance With Ancestral Healing And The Akashic Records

Written by: Aeron Lazar, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Part of a person’s spiritual journey is to dig deep into his or her soul and find out the deeply seated wounds that need healing. We are usually not even aware of them. But when we get a chance to sit with ourselves and really listen to that inner voice, take into consideration our past experiences, our childhood, and all the events that have caused us trauma, we will often find that it’s not so hard to understand ourselves and find the reason why we live a life that we have at the present.

But sometimes, we find more questions instead and might conclude that there is no rhyme nor reason for why we lost that job, why we got our heartbroken, or why our dream business failed. We can’t seem to find out the “why” in our existence.

We are so sure that our hard work would pay off, that “consistency is key,” or that if you just “show up” to the job, to the event, or for yourself, 10x your actions, hustle and grind, we will get whatever it is you’re dreaming of. But then in just one, swift event, everything you’ve built comes crashing down before your very eyes. Your dream business burns down to the ground, the love of your life passes away, or your expected promotion is given to someone else.

Well, let me tell you something. Sometimes, it’s not about you. It’s not about what you did or didn’t do or what you said or should have said. Sometimes it all boils down to energetics, and whatever dissonant frequency lies in your energetic field.

What is the Energetic Field?

Your Energetic Field or Auric Field can be described as an “egg-like” field of energy that sits around every person, which has a great impact on how we carry ourselves, how others respond to us, and how we navigate the 3D plane of existence.

A person’s Energetic Field can expand and contract, depending on the dominant vibrations in that Auric Field. Sometimes, people can be vibrating so high emotionally – joy, abundance, love, excitement that their field can almost fill a room.

This is the reason why sometimes there are people who can light up a room and can make people feel good about themselves just by being in their presence. They’re a pleasure to be around as their fields are so massive, and we’re picking up on this invisible energy unconsciously. So when somebody's vibrations are so high and their energy field is so massive, it allows other people to take from a person’s field,

Inversely, there are also people who can feed on other people’s Energetic Field or those colloquially called “Energy Vampires.” They are simply people whose Energetic Fields are filled with low vibrational energies. They can “kill the vibe” because the emotional state is forcing their energetic field to contract. As they come into contact with other people, their field is trying to absorb extra energy to return to its neutral point. It is not their fault, really: it just naturally occurs because their field is trying to return to its neutral state again.

The world around a person shifts accordingly depending on the emotions and vibrational frequencies of their Energy Field. However, it’s important to note that the Auric Field is not composed solely of the emotions we feel.

Imagine the Energetic Field as a glass of water being swirled around by someone. The water is fluid – it can spill and make tiny waves and splashes – but this is heavily dependent on how it’s being swirled around. The swirling motion, then, is our emotions. Emotions are merely momentary stirrers – they cause the expansion or retraction of our fields, but there are other factors at play.

Aside from emotions, the Energetic Field also contains information from the Quantum Field, distortions, collective imprints, karmic patterns, and the often unrecognized or forgotten factor – Ancestral Patterns.

What Are Ancestral Patterns?

Ancestral patterns are born from traumatic, life-altering, or significant events and experiences that members of our family line have experienced that have been imprinted into the field of consciousness of our ancestry.

These ancestral patterns which have been passed down from generation to generation tend to repeat themselves and create a sort of cycle in the family. It could be in the form of poverty, an illness, or self-limiting belief systems that seem to perpetuate or repeat over and over in one’s ancestral line.

For example, women in the maternal line of my wife’s family have always been prone to losing important personal belongings – keys, credit cards, glasses, etc. They were also prone to developing Alzheimer’s disease, a disease that causes one to eventually lose their mental sanity and indepndence.

This urged my wife Riya to go back to her family history, to find that her great-grandmother, who was a village healer in her time, lost a 3-month-old baby which caused emotional trauma – a sort of imprint or dent was created by this experience in her Energetic Field. Shortly after that, Riya’s great-grandfather died in the Second World War – another dent in her field. All these traumas, which were unresolved, were passed down the family lineage.

What happened was that the great-grandmother simply did not have time or support network available to heal because she also had two other kids that she needed to provide for. The trauma of losing her baby – despite the fact that she nursed many other people’s children back to her, then compounded by losing her husband, translated into a pattern that she did not believe she can control what’s hers. The energetic pattern was formed that caused the women in my wife’s family to lose and misplace things that were precious and in the end, lose their minds to Alzheimer’s disease.

Ancestral patterns really do affect the way we live in the present, especially when these patterns have been shoved to the side, ignored, or forgotten by our ancestors.

It’s important to note, however, that negative experiences are not the only things that create a pattern within our Ancestral or Auric Field. The Energetic Field simply takes in that which enters it. It simply learns and remembers big, significant energetic events that we experience in our lives. So, ancestral patterns could consist of loss or grief, but they can also consist of triumphs, joys, and fulfillment.

Of course, when it comes to positive ancestral patterns, we want to keep those around in our lineage. But how about low-vibrational ancestral patterns? How do we remove them, so that we can be free to live the life of our dreams without those energetic chains holding us back?

Breaking Ancestral Patterns

Like all energetic work and healing, we can train our minds to break ancestral patterns. But this is not something you should do haplessly. In fact, let me warn you against breaking any pattern without first acknowledging the field.

When someone breaks a pattern in their Ancestral Field, it creates a disturbance therein, which bleeds out into many aspects of our present lives.

This is because when we attempt to break certain ancestral patterns, the Ancestral Energetic Field goes haywire and will fight any and all threats or disturbances to its learned patterns.

When you are breaking an ancestral pattern without acknowledging all that your ancestors have been through is equivalent to sticking the middle finger in the direction of your lineage and saying “I’m going to do my own thing. I know better because I don’t want to repeat those patterns.”

Instead of breaking the pattern and turning your back on your ancestry, you need to recognize the lesson in the program that you are releasing. In my sessions with clients, I've noticed that until we acknowledge the ancestral field correctly, the field will not allow me to move on to the next level — clearing and releasing karma or trauma.

Your forefathers and mothers may have suffered fear, trauma, constraints, and loss as a result of living through wars, famines, poverty, or glaring societal divides.

By acknowledging this, you are respecting them and their life, letting them know that, while not knowing them in person, you do not take their experiences for granted.

Working in partnership with your ancestors

The very first step to properly release the ancestral patterns is to acknowledge the Ancestral Field, by reaching out to our ancestors and working together with them to end the generational cycles.

For example, if your grandparents and parents always worked in low-paid jobs and you are deciding to start your own business and be your own boss, you may go to them and say ‘I really respect that you have been providing for our family by keeping those jobs and toiling hard, but this doesn’t work for me anymore. So as much as I respect your struggles, as much as I respect your effort, I am choosing to go my own way but with your respect and with blessing.”

When you revere them in a heartfelt, and not in an instrumental way, you not only release the pattern but also gain important allies for your journey forward.

You can do this by simply sitting quietly to yourself, getting into a meditative state, or doing breathing exercises, and opening your heart and soul up to communicate with your ancestors. You may also choose to honour them in their own tradition – for example you can visit their grave and light a candle – if they were Catholic or pass a stone – if they were Jewish. Simply follow your heart and pay your respect in whatever way your heart leads you.

Akashic Records: when energetic blocks cannot be traced down your ancestry

Clearing ancestral patterns is easy enough when you find something energetically significant in your family lineage and follow the thread to discover a source of trauma or karma. However, there are times when the negative programmes repeating in your life do not stem from your ancestral line and you have absolutely no idea what triggered it. In this case, visiting the Akashic Records comes in handy.

The Akashic Records are a library of records of all the souls that ever existed on this plane, and all the experiences they had and the lives that they lived. Your Akashic Records will tell you all you need to know about your soul’s journey, mission, and origin. It can also show you the lives that your ancestors have lived, so that you can identify the traumas they experienced that caused a pattern in your lineage.

I regularly visit the Akashic Records with my clients in order to identify origins of mysterious negative programmes that hinder the flow of abundance to their life. Once I have identified them, I am able to extract these patterns from the field and rewire it by installing belief systems that serve their highest good. The Akashic Records are my passion which I will no doubt share in future articles. In the meantime, I invite you to watch a free video training on how you can access and work with the Akashic Records to transform your life.

Working beyond mindset and directly in the energy field is the quickest and most effective I know to leave undesirable patterns behind and liberate your creative energy. Removing one’s ancestral patterns is a very important step of this journey to full abundance. It is the first key to the many doors leading up to a life that the universe wants you to have, one that culminates in the fulfillment of your dreams, your purpose, as well as your soul mission here on Earth.

I regularly hold free classes to teach how you can partner up with your energy field to create a life you deserve. You can find out more about my upcoming events here.

For updates about my upcoming classes and events, visit

Finally, you can also connect with me on social media such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, TikTok or Instagram!


Aeron Lazar, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Aeron Lazar is a modern mystic, spiritual activator and a forefront mentor for awakened Starseeds and conscious entrepreneurs alike.

Empowered with the profound knowledge from the Akashic Realm and assisted by Beings of Light as Guides, Aeron works with invisible energy to enact deep, instant, tangible shifts in his clients’ lives.

As an author of many online consciousness development programmes, Aeron Lazar combines psychic abilities with a down-to-Earth approach when teaching his students how to access higher dimensions, read the Akashic Records and channel powerful frequencies from advanced civilisations of Light such as the Arcturians, the Pleiadians and the Sirians.

Aeron Lazar is also a host of the Architects of Destiny Podcast, dedicated to guiding and supporting leaders of the New Earth on their soul missions.

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