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Repertoire To Fast-Track Your Growth As A Singer

Maggie guides singers to find their true voice using her unique Sing Your (Self) To Freedom Formula, crafted from years of experience. Studying under renowned mentors in both England and the United States, Maggie imparts invaluable techniques learned from instructors who've shaped famous artists like Michael Bublé and Josh Groban.

Executive Contributor Maggie Gelin

In this article, based on the latest episode from the Singing Insiders Podcast, you’ll discover how to choose the right repertoire to help you grow as a singer.

female vocalist standing next to microphone stand during performance

Picking the right songs can help you push your boundaries and improve your vocal technique while keeping singing fun and enjoyable. Let’s dive into the steps you can take to find the right songs to support your vocal development.

Mistakes beginners might make

Many beginner singers believe their voice is only suited for one genre. For example, they might think, “I’m a jazz singer,” or “My voice is better for pop.” While it’s true that you may naturally be drawn to certain styles, exploring different genres can help you discover new vocal colors and techniques that expand your abilities.

Another common mistake is not adjusting the key of a song. Singers often abandon songs they love because the pitch feels too high or too low for them. What many don’t realize is that you can easily adjust the key to better suit your voice. This allows you to sing comfortably while still challenging yourself with the material.

Step into the trained singer mindset

A trained singer knows how to pick songs that will push their vocal boundaries and help them grow. In the world of a trained singer:

  • You know which songs to use for practice.

  • You have a list of songs that challenge you and another list for comfort and fun.

  • You understand the balance between using songs for training versus performance.

Having a diverse repertoire will help you stay motivated while ensuring you’re consistently improving as a singer.

Step 1: Listen to songs you love

The first step in building your repertoire is simple; listen to songs that you love. Singing songs that resonate with you keeps the joy in singing. There’s no point in learning a song you don’t enjoy, so choose songs that speak to you.

Step 2: Make a list of songs

Once you’ve found songs you love, create a list of songs you want to sing. Write down the title of each song and the reason why you want to learn it. This could be because you love the high notes, the storytelling, or perhaps the riffs in the song.

For example:

  • “Driver’s License” by Olivia Rodrigo – because you want to work on high notes.

  • “If I Were a Boy” by Beyoncé – because you want to learn riffs.

  • “Let It Be” by The Beatles – because the lyrics touch your soul.

Step 3: Align songs with your goals

Now that you have your list, look at your singing goals. What do you want to achieve as a singer? For instance:

  • If your goal is to perform confidently on stage, choose songs that help you practice storytelling and performance techniques.

  • If you want to hit powerful high notes, choose songs that activate your mix voice.

Match the reason you want to learn the song (from step 2) with your vocal goals. This will ensure that every song you practice brings you closer to your aspirations as a singer.

Step 4: Focus on vocal technique

Choose a song that aligns with your goals, and focus on one specific technique. For example, if your goal is to improve your diaphragmatic breathing, pick a song that challenges you to use that technique. Don’t overwhelm yourself by trying to work on everything at once (emotion, technique, performance, etc.). Focus on one thing per song.

As you build your repertoire with songs that focus on different techniques, you’ll push your boundaries and grow as a singer. This structured approach will keep you out of your comfort zone, allowing you to improve steadily.

Let’s get started

As you can see, training your voice in the RIGHT way is the only way to experience vocal freedom.

When you’re ready to learn the right vocal techniques and get specific exercises to help you along the way, then I invite you to join my free, upcoming training covering exactly that! Click here to join the free training!

This blog post is based on insights shared in the Singing Insiders Podcast.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and visit my website for more info!


Maggie Gelin, Vocal Coach

Maggie guides singers to find their true voice using her unique Sing Your (Self) To Freedom Formula, crafted from years of experience. Studying under renowned mentors in both England and the United States, Maggie imparts invaluable techniques learned from instructors who've shaped famous artists like Michael Bublé and Josh Groban. With a decade of coaching, she witnesses remarkable transformations in her students, guiding them past insecurities to sing with newfound freedom, proving that singing goes beyond a skill—it's a path to embracing life fully.

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